new LayoutSplit main
set main.Proportion 80
new Viewer2D viewer2D
- new Slider slider
+ new Slider slider
# WE NEED a MultipleInputs Box to connect BOTH
# slider.BoxChange AND the input BoxExecute
new MultipleInputs refresh
- connect viewer2D.Widget main.Widget1
- connect slider.Widget main.Widget2
- connect slider.Out viewer2D.Slice
+ connect viewer2D.Widget main.Widget1
+ connect slider.Widget main.Widget2
+ connect slider.Out viewer2D.Slice
connect slider.BoxChange refresh.In1
- connect refresh.Out viewer2D.BoxExecute
+ connect refresh.Out viewer2D.BoxExecute
#set main.Proportion 80
- input In viewer2D.In "Input image"
- input WinDialog main.WinDialog "Execute in dialog mode"
- input WinTitle main.WinTitle "Title of the window"
- input WinWidth main.WinWidth "Width of the window"
- input WinHeight main.WinHeight "Height of the window"
- input BoxExecute refresh.In2 "Execute the box"
- input Orientation viewer2D.Orientation "Slicing orientation : 0:yz / 1:xz / 2:xy"
- input Slice slider.In "Initial slice"
- input SliderSize slider.Max "Slider Size"
- input SliderTitle slider.Title "Slider Title"
- input SliderOrientation slider.Orientation "Slider Orientation (H/V)"
- input SliderReactiveOnTrack slider.ReactiveOnTrack "Reactive On track (default : 0)"
+ input In viewer2D.In "Input image"
+ input WinDialog main.WinDialog "Execute in dialog mode"
+ input WinTitle main.WinTitle "Title of the window"
+ input WinWidth main.WinWidth "Width of the window"
+ input WinHeight main.WinHeight "Height of the window"
+ input BoxExecute refresh.In2 "Execute the box"
+ input Orientation viewer2D.Orientation "Slicing orientation : 0:yz / 1:xz / 2:xy"
+ input Slice slider.In "Initial slice"
+ input SliderSize slider.Max "Slider Size"
+ input SliderTitle slider.Title "Slider Title"
+ input SliderOrientation slider.Orientation "Slider Orientation (H/V)"
+ input SliderReactiveOnTrack slider.ReactiveOnTrack "Reactive On track (default : 0)"
output Widget main.Widget "Widget"
exec main