set creabinfolder=creaBin
call cvscheckout.bat %creasourcefolder%
call cmakemod.bat %creasourcefolder% %creabinfolder%
-call creaVariables.bat %creabinfolder%
+call creaVariables.bat %creabinfolder% %creasourcefolder%
call compilemod.bat %buildtype% %creabinfolder%
call ctestmod.bat %creabinfolder%
set creadll=%~dp0
Copy all the .bat files into one directoy where the tests are going to be run
execute All.bat
+Not forget to run your ssh key with putyAgent
All the creatools projects are downloaded from the CVS, compiled and the CTest for the dashboard is run.
+=============Install cmake =========================
+1) Install cmake outside the directory "Programs Files"
+To avoid the probleme of: Read only
+=============Test dashboard in local with: Windows, php, mysql
+Install EasyPhp outside of "Programs Files" directory
+avoid Read Only conflicts
+Download with svn CDASH
+y put it in www of your "<INSTALL_DIR>/EasyPHP" instalation
+2) modify php.ini confiuration
+In EasyPHP=5.3.3/conf_files
+ php.ini
+ uncomment :
+ extension=php_xsl.dll
+ extension=php_curl.dll
set currentdir=%~dp0
set currentdir=%currentdir:\=/%
+set dirInstall=%currentdir%/tmpCreaTools_INSTALL/%1%
mkdir %2
cd %2
cmake -G"Visual Studio 9 2008" -H%currentdir%%1 -B%currentdir%%2
cd ..
cd %2
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild %%a /p:Configuration=%1
-FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild %%a /p:Configuration=%1 INSTALL.vcproj
-FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild %%a /p:Configuration=%1 PACKAGE.vcproj
+FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild %%a INSTALL.vcproj
+FOR /R %%a IN (*.sln) DO msbuild %%a PACKAGE.vcproj
cd ..
ctest -D ContinuousMemCheck -D ContinuousSubmit
ctest -D ExperimentalStart -D ExperimentalUpdate -D ExperimentalConfigure -D ExperimentalBuild -D ExperimentalTest -D ExperimentalSubmit
ctest -D ExperimentalMemCheck -D ExperimentalSubmit
-ctest -D NightlyStart -D NightlyUpdate -D NightlyConfigure -D NightlyBuild -D NightlyTest -D NightlySubmit
+rem EED>> ctest -D NightlyStart -D NightlyUpdate -D NightlyConfigure -D NightlyBuild -D NightlyTest -D NightlySubmit
ctest -D NightlyMemCheck -D NightlySubmit
cd ..
\ No newline at end of file
-cvs -d checkout %1
\ No newline at end of file
+cvs -d checkout %1