--- /dev/null
+description "Simple test of wx::RadioButton widgets"
+author "jean-pierre.roux@creatis.univ-lyon1.fr"
+category "exemple"
+load wx
+load std
+print "Simple check of RadioButton"
+new RadioButton rb
+// Note : missing positions are dealt with
+ set rb.Title "My Radio Fantastic RadioButton"
+ set rb.In0 "Zero/Cero/Cepher"
+ set rb.In1 "One/Uno/Wahed"
+ set rb.In2 "Two/Dos/Thayn"
+ set rb.In4 "Four/Quatro/Arbaa"
+ set rb.In5 "Five/Cinco/Khamsin"
+ set rb.In8 "Twelve/Ocho/Thamanya"
+ set rb.In 2
+print $rb.Out$\n
+new OutputText t
+ set t.Title "This is what you clicked"
+ set t.WinHeight 80
+ set t.WinWidth 500
+connect rb.Out t.In
+connect rb.BoxChange t.BoxExecute
+++ /dev/null
-load wx
-load std
-print "Ceci est un essai de RadioButton"
-new RadioButton rb
-set rb.Title "My Radio Button"
-set rb.In0 "This"
-set rb.In1 "Is"
-set rb.In2 "Not"
-set rb.In4 "A"
-set rb.In5 "Love"
-# Here we put "Song" in In9 : if it is selected, the output is '9'
-set rb.In9 "Song"
-set rb.In 2
-print $rb.Out$\n
-//new StaticText t
-//connect rb.Out t.In
-//connect rb.BoxChange t.BoxExecute