--- /dev/null
+1) switch as root
+2) sh menu.sh
+You will be prompted to say what you want to do :
+" Configure : 0"
+" Install Third Party Libraries : 1"
+" Compile the CreaTools : 2"
+" Install the CreaTools : 3"
+" Uninstall the CreaTools : 4"
+3) Choose 'Configure' (0)
+You will be prompted to give yiur preferences :
+"Operating System : Fedora/Ubuntu/MacOS (mandatory!)"
+"Name of the Generation Directory (default is /tmp/myGenerationDir)"
+"Boolean For Doc Generation : YES/NO (default is NO)"
+"Where do you want to get source files from : CVS/HTML (default is HTML)"
+-> if you choosed CVS
+"CVS User Name (mandatory!)"
+"LINUX/MacOS User Name (mandatory!)"
+"Build type : Release/Debug (default is Release)"
+"Gdcm version : GDCM1/GDCM2 (default is GDCM1)"
+4) If 'Third Party Libraries' are not yet installed,
+choose 'Install Third Party Libraries' (1)
+5) Close the window and open a new one.
+ switch as root again
+ sh menu.sh
+6) Choose 'Compile the CreaTools' (2)
+7) Choose 'Install the CreaTools' (3)
+8) Close the window and open a new one.
+ You can work, now.
echo " Configure : 0"
echo " Install Third Party Libraries : 1"
-echo " Compile the CreaTools : 2"
-echo " Install the CreaTools : 3"
+echo " Compile the CreaTools : 2"
+echo " Install the CreaTools : 3"
+echo " Uninstall the CreaTools : 4"
echo " Exit : 9"
while [ "$confirm" != "YES" ]
- while [[ "$OperatingSystem" != "Linux" && \
+ while [[ "$OperatingSystem" != "Fedora" && \
"$OperatingSystem" != "Ubuntu" && \
"$OperatingSystem" != "MacOS" ]]
- echo "Operating System : Linux/Ubuntu/MacOS (mandatory!)"
+ echo "Operating System : Fedora/Ubuntu/MacOS (mandatory!)"
read OperatingSystem
echo "you said : [" $OperatingSystem "]"
read installPrefix
if [ "$installPrefix" = "" ]
- installPrefix="/tmp/myGenerationDir/creatools_install"
+ installPrefix="$generationdir/creatools_install"
echo "you said : [" $installPrefix "]"
read confirm
+ # GROS SOUCIS : Ou creer le fichier CreaTools-configure.sh?
+ # dans $generationdir/creatools_bin ?
+ # -> il n'est pas encore cree !
+ # dans ./Linux/scripts?
+ # -> ?
touch $configureFile
echo "#!/bin/sh" >> $configureFile
echo "OperatingSystem=$OperatingSystem" >> $configureFile
echo "generationdir=$generationdir" >> $configureFile
-echo "installPrefix= $installPrefix" >> $configureFile
+echo "installPrefix=$installPrefix" >> $configureFile
echo "docgeneration=$docgeneration" >> $configureFile
echo "sourcesFrom=$sourcesFrom" >> $configureFile
echo "cvsUserName=$cvsUserName" >> $configureFile
- echo "========================== $i Not Yet made"
+ echo "========================== $i "
+ sh scripts/ThirdParty-install.sh
- echo "========================== $i Not Yet made"
+ echo "========================== $i"
+ sh scripts/CreaTools-compile.sh
- echo "========================= $i Not Yet made"
+ echo "========================= $i"
+ sh scripts/CreaTools-install.sh
+ 4)
+ echo "========================= $i"
+ sh scripts/CreaTools-uninstall.sh
+ ;;
echo exit
- echo "Your answer must be in {0, 1, 2, 3, 9} (was $i)"
+ echo "Your answer must be in {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9} (was $i)"
--- /dev/null
+# Set all local variables
+source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-names.sh
+echo "------"
+echo $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+echo --generationdir--
+echo $generationdir
+echo --docgeneration--
+echo $docgeneration
+echo --installPrefix--
+echo $installPrefix
+echo --buildType--
+echo $buildType
+echo --gdcmVersion--
+echo $gdcmVersion
+echo --sourcesFrom--
+echo $sourcesFrom
+echo --scriptDir--
+echo $scriptDir
+echo --start_point--
+echo $start_point
+echo "------"
+# Remove! JPRx
+# start_point=2
+mkdir $generationdir
+mkdir $generationdir/creatools_source
+mkdir $generationdir/creatools_bin
+cd $generationdir
+# --------------------------------
+# start_point = 0 : remove everything that was created before
+if [ $start_point -le 0 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ rm -rf creatools_bin
+ mkdir $generationdir/creatools_bin
+ rm -rf creatools_source
+ mkdir $generationdir/creatools_source
+# ----------------------------------
+# start_point = 1 : Load all sources
+if [ $start_point -le 1 ]
+ if [ true = true ]
+ #if [ true = false ]
+ then
+ if [ $sourcesFrom = CVS ]
+ then
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creasource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $bbtksource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creamaracassource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creabrukersource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creaimagesource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creacontourssource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ sh $scriptDir/cvscheckout.sh $creatoolssource $generationdir $cvsUserName
+ fi
+ if [ $sourcesFrom = HTML ]
+ then
+ cd $generationdir/creatools_source
+ wwwtargz=http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/creaTools/nightly/
+ wget $wwwtargz/crea.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/bbtk.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaMaracasVisu.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaEnvironment.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaBruker.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaImageIO.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaContours.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaRigidRegistration.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/bbtkGEditor.tgz
+ wget $wwwtargz/creaTools.tgz
+ tar xvzf crea.tgz
+ tar xvzf bbtk.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaMaracasVisu.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaEnvironment.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaBruker.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaImageIO.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaContours.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaRigidRegistration.tgz
+ tar xvzf bbtkGEditor.tgz
+ tar xvzf creaTools.tgz
+ rm -f *.tgz
+ fi
+ fi
+cd $scriptDir
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 2 : CREA
+if [ $start_point -le 2 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creasource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaVariables.sh $creasource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creasource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $creasource $generationdir
+ creadll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 3 : BBTK
+if [ $start_point -le 3 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $bbtksource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/bbtkVariables.sh $bbtksource $generationdir $docgeneration $gdcmVersion
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $bbtksource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $bbtksource $generationdir
+ bbtkdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/bbtkBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 4 : creaMaracasVisu
+if [ $start_point -le 4 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaMaracasVisu
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creamaracassource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaMaracasVariables.sh $creamaracassource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creamaracassource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $creamaracassource $generationdir
+ creamaracasdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creamaracasBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 5 : creaEnvironment
+if [ $start_point -le 5 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaEnvironment
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaenvironmentVariables.sh $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir
+ creaenvironmentdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaenvironmentBin
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$creaenvironmentdll:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 6 : creaBruker
+if [ $start_point -le 6 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaBruker
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creabrukersource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaBrukerVariables.sh $creabrukersource $generationdir $docgeneration $gdcmVersion
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creabrukersource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $creabrukersource $generationdir
+ creabrukerdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creabrukerBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 7 : creaImageIO
+if [ $start_point -le 7 ]
+ # the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaImageIO
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creaimagesource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaImageIOVariables.sh $creaimagesource $generationdir $docgeneration $gdcmVersion
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creaimagesource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $creaimagesource $generationdir
+ creaimagedll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creaimageBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 8 : creaContour
+if [ $start_point -le 8 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaContours
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creacontourssource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaContoursVariables.sh $creacontourssource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creacontourssource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $creacontourssource $generationdir
+# creacontourdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creacontoursBin
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$creacontoursdll:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 9 : creaRigidRegistration
+if [ $start_point -le 9 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaRigidRegistrationVariables.sh $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir
+# crearigidregistrationdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/crearigidregistrationBin
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$crearigidregistrationdll:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 10 : bbtkGEditor
+if [ $start_point -le 10 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# bbtkGEditor
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/bbtkGEditorVariables.sh $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir
+ sh $scriptDir/ctestmod.sh $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir
+# bbtkgeditordll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/bbtkgeditorBin
+# -------------------------
+# start_point = 11 : creaTools
+if [ $start_point -le 11 ]
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+#if [ true = false ]
+if [ true = true ]
+# creaTools
+ sh $scriptDir/cmakemod.sh $creatoolssource $generationdir $installPrefix $buildType
+ sh $scriptDir/creaToolsVariables.sh $creatoolssource $generationdir $docgeneration
+ sh $scriptDir/compilemod.sh $buildType $creatoolssource $generationdir
+# sh ctestmod.sh $creatoolsbinary $generationdir
+# creatoolsdll=$generationdir/creatools_bin/creatoolsBin
+# shutdown /s
+# exit /b
--- /dev/null
+if [ $UID = 0 ]
+ # Set all local variables
+ source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+ source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-install.sh
+ cd $scriptDir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creasource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $bbtksource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creamaracassource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creaenvironmentsource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creabrukersource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creaimagesource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creacontourssource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $crearigidregistrationssource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $bbtkgeditorsource $generationdir
+ sh installmod.sh $buildType $creatoolssource $generationdir
+ touch $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ rm $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ touch $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ chmod 755 $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ echo export PATH='$'PATH:$installPrefix/bin >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$installPrefix/lib/creatools >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$installPrefix/lib64/creatools >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ # - remove line 'sh $installPrefix/creatools_install/share/creatools_base_libraries_config.sh' if any
+ sed -i -e '/.*creatools_base_library_config.*/ d' /etc/bashrc
+ # modify /etc/bashrc (we cannot modify .bashrc, since we witched as root)
+ # - add line 'sh $installPrefix/creatools_install/share/creatools_base_libraries_config.sh'
+ echo source $installPrefix/share/creatools_base_library_config.sh >> /etc/bashrc
+ echo
+ echo "..ERROR.."
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo "REMEMBER !"
+ echo ""
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo
+ echo
--- /dev/null
+if [ $UID = 0 ]
+ # Set all local variables
+ source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+ cd $installPrefix
+ cd bin
+ # Maybe too much brute! (What if anything else starts with 'bb' or 'crea'?)
+ #rm -f bb*
+ #rm -f crea*
+ # WARNING : this list must be updated when new package is added
+rm -f bbc
+rm -f bbCreateBlackBox
+rm -f bbCreatePackage
+rm -f bbEditor
+rm -f bbfy
+rm -f bbi
+rm -f bbPackageBrowser
+rm -f bbPlugPackage
+rm -f bbPostInstallPackage
+rm -f bbRegenerateBoxesLists
+rm -f bbRegeneratePackageDoc
+rm -f bbs2cpp
+rm -f bbStudio
+rm -f bbtk-install-gnome
+rm -f bbtk-uninstall.sh
+rm -f creaContourApp
+rm -f creaGimmickApp
+rm -f creaImageIOApp
+rm -f creaNewProject
+rm -f creaNewProject.sh
+ cd ../include
+ # Maybe too much brute! (What if anything else starts with 'bb' or 'crea'?)
+ #rm -rf bb*
+ #rm -rf crea*
+ # WARNING : this list must be updated when new package is added
+rm -rf bbappli
+rm -rf bbcreaContours
+rm -rf bbcreaImageIO
+rm -rf bbcreaMaracasVisu
+rm -rf bbdemo
+rm -rf bbgdcmvtk
+rm -rf bbitk
+rm -rf bbitkvtk
+rm -rf bbPackRecalage
+rm -rf bbqt
+rm -rf bbstd
+rm -rf bbtk
+rm -rf bbtoolsbbtk
+rm -rf bbvtk
+rm -rf bbwx
+rm -rf bbwxvtk
+rm -rf crea
+rm -rf creaBruker
+rm -rf creaContours
+rm -rf creaEnvironment
+rm -rf creaImageIO
+rm -rf creaMaracasVisu
+ cd ../lib
+ # this one is riskless
+ rm -rf creatools
+ cd ../share
+ # this one is riskless
+ rm -rf bbtk creaImageIO creaNewProject creaContours creaMaracasVisu
+ rm -f creatools_base_library_config.sh
+ # revert /etc/bashrc to previous value
+ # - remove line 'sh $installPrefix/creatools_install/share/creatools_base_party_libraries_config.sh'
+ sed -i -e '/.*creatools_base_library_config.*/ d' /etc/bashrc
+ echo
+ echo "..ERROR.."
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo "REMEMBER !"
+ echo ""
+ echo "==================================================="
+ echo
+ echo
--- /dev/null
+source $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+echo "------"
+echo $PWD/scripts/CreaTools-configure.sh
+echo generationdir
+echo $generationdir
+echo docgeneration
+echo $docgeneration
+echo installPrefix
+echo $installPrefix
+echo buildType
+echo $buildType
+echo gdcmVersion
+echo $gdcmVersion
+echo sourcesFrom
+echo $sourcesFrom
+echo scriptDir
+echo $scriptDir
+echo start_point
+echo $start_point
+echo "------"
+mkdir $generationdir
+mkdir $sourcesDir
+mkdir $binDir
+rm $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+if [ true = true ]
+ case "$OperatingSystem" in
+ Fedora)
+ yum install cmake -y
+ yum install cmake-gui -y
+ yum install doxygen -y
+ yum install graphviz -y
+ yum install texlive -y
+ yum install latex2html -y
+ yum install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
+ yum install boost-devel -y
+ yum install sqlite-devel -y
+ yum install qt-devel -y
+ yum install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
+ ;;
+ Ubuntu)
+ apt-get --yes install build-essential # esta linea instala las librerias necesarias para compilar en ubuntu, g++ gcc etc etc etc.
+ apt-get --yes install cmake
+ apt-get --yes install cmake-gui
+ apt-get --yes install cmake-curses-gui
+ apt-get --yes install doxygen
+ apt-get --yes install graphviz
+ apt-get --yes install texlive
+ apt-get --yes install latex2html
+ apt-get --yes install libgtk2.0-dev #GTK
+ apt-get --yes install libwxgtk2.8-dev #Wx GTK
+ apt-get --yes install libwxbase2.8-dev #Wx solito
+ apt-get --yes install libboost-dev #Boost
+ apt-get --yes install libboost-all-dev #Boost
+ apt-get --yes install libqt4-dev #QT4
+ apt-get --yes install sqlite
+ apt-get --yes install libsqlite0-dev
+ apt-get --yes install libosmesa6-dev #Mesa6
+ apt-get --yes install uuid-dev # uuid para la instalacion de itk
+ apt-get --yes install libxaw7-dev # X11
+ ;;
+ MacOS)
+# QUESTION : is -y mandatory?
+ port install cmake -y
+ port install cmake-gui -y
+ port install doxygen -y
+ port install graphviz -y
+ port install texlive -y
+ port install latex2html -y
+ port install wxGTK-devel wxBase -y
+ port install boost-devel -y
+ port install sqlite-devel -y
+ port install qt-devel -y
+ port install mesa-libOSMesa-devel -y
+ ;;
+ *)
+ #echo " '$OperatingSystem' : Unknown (for us...) Operating Sytem "
+ echo " Allowed values are (right now) Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS "
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+# the following stupid test is used at debug time; Please don't remove!
+if [ true = true ]
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/VTK*
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/vtk*
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/InsightToolkit*
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/gdcm*
+ rm -rf $sourcesDir/tth*
+ cd $sourcesDir
+ wget http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/vtk-5.6.1.tar.gz
+ wget http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/gdcm_08_Dic_2009.tar.gz
+ wget http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_ThirdParty_Libraries/source/InsightToolkit-3.20.0.tar.gz
+ wget http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/software/public/creatools/crea_Developer_Tools/All_Versions/tth/tth_linux/tth
+ tar -xvzf vtk-5.6.1.tar.gz
+ tar -xvzf gdcm_08_Dic_2009.tar.gz
+ tar -xvzf InsightToolkit-3.20.0.tar.gz
+if [ $buildType = "Debug" ]
+if [ true = true ]
+ libname=VTK
+ dirInstall=$binDir/$libname-Bin
+ dirInstallVTK=$dirInstall
+ VTK_DIR=$installPrefix/lib/vtk-5.6/
+ cd $dirInstall
+ cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ ##cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ cmake -D USE_DEBUG_LIB:BOOL=$buildType -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installPrefix CMakeCache.txt
+ make -j 2
+ make install
+ cd ..
+if [ true = true ]
+ libname=gdcm
+ dirInstall=$binDir/$libname-Bin
+ GDCM_DIR=$installPrefix/lib/gdcm/
+ mkdir $dirInstall
+ cd $dirInstall
+ cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ ##cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ cmake -D USE_DEBUG_LIB:BOOL=$buildType -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installPrefix CMakeCache.txt
+ cmake -D VTK_DIR:PATH=$dirInstallVTK CMakeCache.txt
+ cmake -D GDCM_VTK:BOOL=ON -D GDCM_NAME_SPACE:STRING=gdcm13 CMakeCache.txt
+ make -j 2
+ make install
+ cd ..
+if [ true = true ]
+ libname=InsightToolkit-3.20.0
+ dirInstall=$binDir/$libname-Bin
+ ITK_DIR=$installPrefix/lib/InsightToolkit/
+ mkdir $dirInstall
+ cd $dirInstall
+ cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ ##cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -H$sourcesDir/$libname -B$dirInstall/
+ cmake -D USE_DEBUG_LIB:BOOL=$buildType -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installPrefix CMakeCache.txt
+ cmake CMakeCache.txt
+ make -j 2
+ make install
+ cd ..
+if [ true = true ]
+ cd $sourcesDir
+ cp tth $installPrefix/bin
+#deal with create creatools_third_party_libraries_config.sh
+touch $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+chmod 755 $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export PATH='$'PATH:$installPrefix/bin >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export VTK_DIR=$installPrefix/lib/vtk-5.6 >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export ITK_DIR=$installPrefix/lib/InsightToolkit >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export GDCM_DIR=$installPrefix/lib/gdcm >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export TTH=$installPrefix/bin/tth >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GDCM_DIR >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ITK_DIR >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$'LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$VTK_DIR >> $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh
+# modify .bashrc
+# - remove line 'sh $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh' if any (with accurate value for ???)
+sed -i -e '/.*creatools_third_party_library_config.*/ d' /etc/bashrc
+# - add line 'sh $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh' (with accurate value for ???)
+echo source $installPrefix/share/creatools_third_party_library_config.sh >> /etc/bashrc
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : creaBruker
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+cd $binfolder
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BBTK_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/bbtkBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaMaracasVisu_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaMaracasVisuBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_bbtkGEditor_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_DOXYGEN_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : bbtk
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+# $4 : GDCM1 / GDCM2
+cd $binfolder
+# use GDCM1 as default !
+if [ $4 = GDCM2 ]
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D --BUILD_ALL:BOOL=ON CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+echo " "
+echo " "
+echo " "
+echo " "
+echo " ========================================================================== $1 ======================================================== "
+echo " "
+echo " "
+echo " "
+echo " "
+echo " ======="
+echo $1
+echo $2
+echo $3
+echo $4
+echo " ======="
+if [ $buildType = "Debug" ]
+echo dirInstall
+echo $dirInstall
+mkdir $dirInstall
+cd $dirInstall
+echo -H$currentdir/creatools_source/$1
+echo -B$dirInstall/
+## cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -H$currentdir/creatools_source/$1 -B$dirInstall/
+cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -H$currentdir/creatools_source/$1 -B$dirInstall/
+# the following line is the right one!
+#cmake -D INCLUDE_CTEST:BOOL=ON CMakeCache.txt
+# This one : only for misinstalled vtk:
+# modify VTK_DIR:PATH=, acording to your own computer
+##cmake -D INCLUDE_CTEST:BOOL=ON -D BBTK_USE_WXWIDGETS:BOOL=ON -D VTK_DIR:PATH=$VTKdir -D crea_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/creaBin -D BBTK_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/bbtkBin -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$installPrefix CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : useless for Linux (Release/Debug)
+# $2 : name of source ex : crea
+# $3 : generationdir ex : /tmp/myGenerationDir
+cd $3/creatools_bin/$2Bin
+echo "--------------------------------------in compilemod-- $2 ------------"
+echo $1
+echo $2
+echo $3
+make -j 2
+# We don't install immediately!
+#sudo make install
+#cd ../..
+echo "--------------------------------------out compilemod--------------"
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : creaBruker
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+# $4 : GDCM1 / GDCM2
+cd $binfolder
+# use GDCM1 as default !
+if [ $4 = "GDCM2" ]
+#cmake -D BUILD_ALL:BOOL=OFF CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_creaBruker_DOC:BOOL=$3 -D USE_GDCM2:BOOL=$boolgdcm2 -D USE_GDCM:BOOL=$boolgdcm1 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_DOXYGEN_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : creaBruker
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+cd $binfolder
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BBTK_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/bbtkBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BBTK_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/bbtkBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaEnvironment_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaEnvironmentBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaMaracasVisu_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaMaracasVisuBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaImageIO_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaImageIOBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_creaContours:BOOL=ON CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaContours_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_creaContours_DOXYGEN_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : 'creaImageIO'
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+# $4 : GDCM1 / GDCM2
+cd $binfolder
+# use GDCM1 as default !
+if [ $4 = "GDCM2" ]
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BBTK_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/bbtkBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaBruker_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/creaBrukerBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_creaImageIO:BOOL=ON CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_creaImageIO_DOC:BOOL=$3 -D USE_GDCM2:BOOL=$boolgdcm2 -D USE_GDCM:BOOL=$boolgdcm1 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_creaImageIO_DOXYGEN_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : bbtk
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+cd $binfolder
+cmake -D BBTK_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/bbtkBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_creaMaracasVisu:BOOL=ON CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D creaMaracasVisu_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_creaMaracasVisu_DOXYGEN_DOC:BOOL=$3 CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : creaBruker
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+cd $binfolder
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$currentdir$2 -D BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_PackRecalage:BOOL=ON -D BUILD_creaRigidRegistration_DOC:BOOL=$3 -D crea_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : 'creaTools'
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+cd $binfolder
+cmake -D CREATOOLS_SOURCE_PATH:PATH=$currentdir/creatools_bin/ CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : bbtk
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc) --> Not used
+cd $binfolder
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : 'creaEnvironment'
+# $2 : generationdir
+# $3 : ON/OFF (generate doc)
+cd $binfolder
+cmake -D crea_DIR:PATH=$2/creatools_bin/creaBin CMakeCache.txt
+cmake CMakeCache.txt
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+cd $2/creatools_bin/$1Bin
+/usr/bin/ctest -D ExperimentalConfigure -D ExperimentalBuild
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+cd $2/creatools_source
+cvs -d :ext:$3@cvs.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:/cvs/creatis checkout $1
+cd ..
--- /dev/null
+# $1 : useless for Linux (Release/Debug)
+# $2 : name of source ex : crea
+# $3 : generationdir ex : /tmp/myGenerationDir
+cd $3/creatools_bin/$2Bin
+echo "------------------------------------------in installmod-- $2 ------------"
+echo $1
+echo $2
+echo $3
+# We install, now
+make install
+cd ../..