Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: vtkgdcmSerieViewer.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2005/08/30 15:13:10 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
+ Date: $Date: 2005/08/31 08:37:53 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.8 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
-// This example illustrates how the vtkGdcmReader vtk class can be
-// used in order to:
-// * produce a simple (vtk based) Dicom image STACK VIEWER.
-// * dump the stack considered as a volume in a vtkStructuredPoints
-// vtk file: the vtk gdcm wrappers can be seen as a simple way to convert
-// a stack of Dicom images into a native vtk volume.
+// This example illustrates how the vtkGdcmReader vtk class can
+// use the result of gdcm::SerieHelper constructor and check
+// the various Setters :
+// SerieHelper::SetOrderToReverse,
+// SerieHelper::SetUserLessThanFunction
+// SerieHelper::SetLoadMode
+// vtkGdcmReader::SetUserFunction
+// vtkGdcmReader::SetCoherentFileList
// Usage:
// * the Directory name that contains the Dicom images constituting the stack
-// should be given as command line argument,
+// should be given as command line argument (keyword : dirname=),
// * you can navigate through the stack by hitting any character key,
// * the produced vtk file is named "foo.vtk" (in the invocation directory).
#include "gdcmDocument.h" // for NO_SHADOWSEQ
#include "gdcmSerieHelper.h"
#include "gdcmDebug.h"
+#include "gdcmValEntry.h"
#include "gdcmArgMgr.h" // for Argument Manager functions
+#include <string.h> // for strcmp
#ifndef vtkFloatingPointType
#define vtkFloatingPointType float
void userSuppliedMirrorFunction (uint8_t *im, gdcm::File *f);
void userSuppliedTopDownFunction(uint8_t *im, gdcm::File *f);
+bool userSuppliedLessThanFunction(gdcm::File *f, gdcm::File *f);
+bool userSuppliedLessThanFunction2(gdcm::File *f, gdcm::File *f);
+int orderNb;
+uint16_t *elemsToOrderOn;
// Callback for the interaction
" usage: vtkgdcmSerieViewer dirname=sourcedirectory ",
" [noshadowseq][noshadow][noseq] ",
" [reverse] [{[mirror]|[topdown]|[rotate]}] ",
- " [check][debug] ",
+ " [order=] [check][debug] ",
" sourcedirectory : name of the directory holding the images ",
" if it holds more than one serie, ",
" only the first one id displayed. ",
" reverse : user wants to sort the images reverse order ",
" mirror : user wants to 'mirror' the images | just some simple ",
" topdown : user wants to 'topdown' the images| examples of user ",
- " rotate : user wants NOT YET MADE | supplied functions ",
+ " rotate : NOT YET MADE (useless?) | supplied functions ",
" check : user wants to force more coherence checking ",
+ " order= : group1-elem1,group2-elem2,... (in hexa, no space) ",
+ " if we want to use them as a sort criterium ",
+ " Right now : ValEntries only -just an example- ",
+ " or ",
+ " order= : order=name if we want to sort on file name (why not ?) ",
" debug : user wants to run the program in 'debug mode' ",
int topdown = am->ArgMgrDefined("topdown");
int rotate = am->ArgMgrDefined("rotate");
- int check = am->ArgMgrDefined("check");
- if ( (int)mirror + (int)topdown + (int)rotate > 1)
+ if ( mirror && topdown )
- std::cout << "mirror *OR* topDown *OR* rotate !"
+ std::cout << "mirror *OR* topDown !"
<< std::endl;
delete am;
return 0;
+ if ( rotate )
+ {
+ std::cout << "'rotate' undealt with -> ignored !"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ int check = am->ArgMgrDefined("check");
+ // ArgMgrGetString *does* return a char *, and takes char * as params !
+ // what must I do to avoid warning on gcc?
+ bool bname = ( strcmp(am->ArgMgrGetString("order", "not found"),"name")==0 );
+ if (bname)
+ elemsToOrderOn = am->ArgMgrGetXInt16Enum("order", &orderNb);
if (am->ArgMgrDefined("debug"))
// ----------------------- End Arguments Manager ----------------------
- // ------------ to check Coherent File List as a parameter
gdcm::SerieHelper *sh = new gdcm::SerieHelper();
if (reverse)
std::cout << "Oops! No CoherentFileList found ?!?" << std::endl;
return 0;
+ if (bname)
+ sh->SetUserLessThanFunction(userSuppliedLessThanFunction2);
+ else if (orderNb != 0)
+ sh->SetUserLessThanFunction(userSuppliedLessThanFunction);
while (l)
nbFiles = l->size() ;
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// This is just a *very* simple example of user supplied 'LessThan' function
+// It's *not* part of gdcm.
+// Note : orderNb and elemsToOrderOn are here global variables.
+// Within a 'normal' function they would't be any orderNb and elemsToOrderOn var
+// User *knows* on what field(s) he wants to compare;
+// He just writes a decent function.
+// Here, we want to get info from the command line Argument Manager.
+// Warning : it's up to 'vtkgdcmSerieViewer' user to find a suitable data set !
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+bool userSuppliedLessThanFunction(gdcm::File *f1, gdcm::File *f2)
+ // for *this* user supplied function, I supposed only ValEntries are checked.
+ std::string s1, s2;
+ gdcm::ValEntry *e1,*e2;
+ for (int ri=0; ri<orderNb; ri++)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::hex << elemsToOrderOn[2*ri] << "|"
+ << elemsToOrderOn[2*ri+1]
+ << std::endl;
+ e1= f1->gdcm::Document::GetValEntry( elemsToOrderOn[2*ri],
+ elemsToOrderOn[2*ri+1]);
+ e2= f2->gdcm::Document::GetValEntry( elemsToOrderOn[2*ri],
+ elemsToOrderOn[2*ri+1]);
+ if(!e2 || !e2)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::hex << elemsToOrderOn[2*ri] << "|"
+ << elemsToOrderOn[2*ri+1]
+ << " not found" << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ s1 = e1->gdcm::ValEntry::GetValue();
+ s2 = e2->gdcm::ValEntry::GetValue();
+ std::cout << "[" << s1 << "] vs [" << s2 << "]" << std::endl;
+ if ( s1 < s2 )
+ return true;
+ else if (s1 == s2 )
+ continue;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false; // all fields equal
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// This is just an other *very* simple example of user supplied 'LessThan'
+// function
+// It's *not* part of gdcm.
+// Warning : it's up to 'vtkgdcmSerieViewer' user to find a suitable data set !
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+bool userSuppliedLessThanFunction2(gdcm::File *f1, gdcm::File *f2)
+ std::cout << "[" << f1->GetFileName() << "] vs ["
+ << f2->GetFileName() << "]" << std::endl;
+ return f1->GetFileName() < f2->GetFileName();