Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmDocument.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2006/07/06 12:38:06 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.352 $
+ Date: $Date: 2006/07/10 09:41:46 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.353 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
SwapCode = 1234;
Filetype = ExplicitVR;
+ CurrentOffsetPosition = 0;
// Load will set it to true if sucessfull
Group0002Parsed = false;
IsDocumentAlreadyLoaded = false;
IsDocumentModified = true;
LoadMode = LD_ALL; // default : load everything, later
// Protected
+ * \brief Reads a given length of bytes
+ * (in order to avoid to many CPU time consuming fread-s)
+ * @param l length to read
+ */
+void Document::ReadBegBuffer(size_t l)
+ throw( FormatError )
+ Fp->read (BegBuffer, (size_t)l);
+ if ( Fp->fail() )
+ {
+ throw FormatError( "Document::ReadBegBuffer()", " file error." );
+ }
+ if ( Fp->eof() )
+ {
+ throw FormatError( "Document::ReadBegBuffer()", "EOF." );
+ }
+ PtrBegBuffer = BegBuffer;
+ CurrentOffsetPosition+=l;
* \brief Reads a supposed to be 16 Bits integer
* (swaps it depending on processor endianness)
return g;
+ * \brief Gets from BegBuffer a supposed to be 16 Bits integer
+ * (swaps it depending on processor endianness)
+ * @return read value
+ */
+uint16_t Document::GetInt16()
+ uint16_t g = *((uint16_t*)PtrBegBuffer);
+ g = SwapShort(g);
+ PtrBegBuffer+=2;
+ return g;
* \brief Reads a supposed to be 32 Bits integer
* (swaps it depending on processor endianness)
return g;
+ * \brief Gets from BegBuffer a supposed to be 32 Bits integer
+ * (swaps it depending on processor endianness)
+ * @return read value
+ */
+uint32_t Document::GetInt32()
+ uint32_t g = *((uint32_t*)PtrBegBuffer);
+ g = SwapLong(g);
+ PtrBegBuffer+=4;
+ return g;
* \brief Re-computes the length of the Dicom group 0002.
// "7.1.2 Data element structure with explicit vr", p 27) must be
// skipped before proceeding on reading the length on 4 bytes.
- Fp->seekg( 2L, std::ios::cur); // Once per OW,OB,SQ DocEntry
- uint32_t length32 = ReadInt32();
+ //Fp->seekg( 2L, std::ios::cur); // Once per OW,OB,SQ DocEntry
+ uint32_t length32 = ReadInt32(); // Once per OW,OB,SQ DocEntry
+ CurrentOffsetPosition+=4;
if ( (vr == "OB" || vr == "OW") && length32 == 0xffffffff )
uint32_t lengthOB;
// Length is encoded on 2 bytes.
- length16 = ReadInt16();
+ //length16 = ReadInt16();
+ length16 = GetInt16();
// 0xffff means that we deal with 'No Length' Sequence
// or 'No Length' SQItem
if ( length16 == 0xffff)
// even if Transfer Syntax is 'Implicit VR ...'
// --> Except for 'Implicit VR Big Endian Transfer Syntax GE Private'
// where Group 0x0002 is *also* encoded in Implicit VR !
- FixDocEntryFoundLength( entry, ReadInt32() );
+ FixDocEntryFoundLength( entry, GetInt32() /*ReadInt32()*/ );
throw( FormatUnexpected )
// See PS 3.5-2001, section A.4 p. 49 on encapsulation of encoded pixel data.
long positionOnEntry = Fp->tellg(); // Only for OB,OW DataElements
bool foundSequenceDelimiter = false;
uint16_t group;
uint16_t elem;
- group = ReadInt16();
- elem = ReadInt16();
+ //group = ReadInt16(); // Once per fragment (if any) of OB,OW DataElements
+ //elem = ReadInt16(); // Once per fragment (if any) of OB,OW DataElements
+ ReadBegBuffer(4); // Once per fragment (if any) of OB,OW DataElements
catch ( FormatError )
throw FormatError("Unexpected end of file encountered during ",
+ group = GetInt16();
+ elem = GetInt16();
// We have to decount the group and element we just read
totalLength += 4;
if ( group != 0xfffe || ( ( elem != 0xe0dd ) && ( elem != 0xe000 ) ) )
foundSequenceDelimiter = true;
- uint32_t itemLength = ReadInt32();
+ uint32_t itemLength = ReadInt32(); // Once per fragment (if any) of OB,OW DataElements
// We add 4 bytes since we just read the ItemLength with ReadInt32
totalLength += itemLength + 4;
- Fp->seekg( positionOnEntry, std::ios::beg); // Only for OB,OW DataElements
+ Fp->seekg( positionOnEntry, std::ios::beg); // Only once for OB,OW DataElements
return totalLength;
if ( CurrentGroup == 0xfffe )
- long positionOnEntry;
- if( Debug::GetWarningFlag() )
- positionOnEntry = Fp->tellg(); // Only in Warning Mode
+ //long positionOnEntry;
+ //if( Debug::GetWarningFlag() )
+ // positionOnEntry = Fp->tellg(); // Only in Warning Mode
// Warning: we believe this is explicit VR (Value Representation) because
// we used a heuristic that found "UL" in the first tag and/or
// if it happens not to be the case.
VRKey vr;
- Fp->read(&(vr[0]),(size_t)2);
- if ( !CheckDocEntryVR(vr) )
+ //Fp->read(&(vr[0]),(size_t)2);
+ vr[0] = *PtrBegBuffer++;
+ vr[1] = *PtrBegBuffer++;
+ //if ( !CheckDocEntryVR(vr) ) // avoid useless function call
+ if ( !Global::GetVR()->IsValidVR(vr) )
// std::cout << "================================================================Unknown VR"
gdcmWarningMacro( "Unknown VR " << std::hex << "0x("
<< (unsigned int)vr[0] << "|" << (unsigned int)vr[1]
<< ")"
- << " at offset : 0x(" << positionOnEntry<< ") for group " << CurrentGroup
+ << " at offset : 0x(" << CurrentOffsetPosition-4<< ") for group " << CurrentGroup
//Fp->seekg(positionOnEntry, std::ios::beg); //JPRx
- Fp->seekg((long)-2, std::ios::cur);// only for unrecognized VR (?!?)
+ //Fp->seekg((long)-2, std::ios::cur);// only for unrecognized VR (?!?)
//see :MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceExplicitVR.dcm
+ PtrBegBuffer-=2;
return vr;
// (i.e. after the file preamble and the "DICM" string).
Fp->seekg ( 132L, std::ios::beg); // Once per Document
+ CurrentOffsetPosition = 132;
return true;
} // ------------------------------- End of DicomV3 ----------------
gdcmWarningMacro( "Not a Kosher DICOM Version3 file (no preamble)");
Fp->seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // Once per ACR-NEMA Document
+ CurrentOffsetPosition = 0;
// Let's check 'No Preamble Dicom File' :
// Should start with group 0x0002
// and be Explicit Value Representation
- CurrentGroup = ReadInt16();
- CurrentElem = ReadInt16();
+ ReadBegBuffer(8); // Avoid to many time consuming freads
+ //CurrentGroup = ReadInt16();
+ //CurrentElem = ReadInt16();
catch ( FormatError )
// header parsing has to be considered as finished.
return 0;
+ CurrentGroup = GetInt16();
+ CurrentElem = GetInt16();
// In 'true DICOM' files Group 0002 is always little endian
if ( HasDCMPreamble )