function handle_exit
rm mem_use 2>>/dev/null
- killall -s SIGCONT make
- killall make
- killall cc1plus
+ #kill -s SIGCONT ${make_pid} $(get_descendance ${make_pid})
+ #sleep 1
+ kill -9 $(get_descendance ${make_pid})
+ kill -9 ${make_pid}
echo "Terminated, exiting..."
+ sleep 1
+function get_descendance
+ children=$(ps --ppid $1 -o pid --no-headers)
+ local desc=""
+ for c in $children
+ do
+ desc="${desc} ${c} $(get_descendance $c)"
+ done
+ echo $desc
trap handle_exit SIGINT
available_mem=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | grep -o [0-9]*)
if [ -a "memory_exhausted_lock" ]
#watch memory use to avoid crashes
while ps $make_pid >>/dev/null
- if [ x"$(ps aux | grep cc1plus | grep -v grep | wc -l)" != x0 ]
+ descendance=$(get_descendance ${make_pid})
+ #echo ${make_pid} $descendance
+ ps -o vsize --no-headers ${make_pid} ${descendance} > mem_use
+ used_mem=$(awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;} {sum+=$1;} END {print sum;}' mem_use)
+ if (( "$used_mem"> ($available_mem - 300) ))
- ps ax -o vsize,comm | grep cc1plus | grep -o "\<[0-9]*\>" > mem_use
- used_mem=$(awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;} {sum+=$1;} END {print sum;}' mem_use)
- if (( "$used_mem"> ($available_mem - 300) ))
- then
- touch memory_exhausted_lock
- echo "Stopping due to exagerated memory use ( $used_mem )"
- handle_exit
- elif (( "$used_mem"> ($available_mem/2) ))
- then
- if [ x$high_mem != xtrue ]
- then
- echo "Warning, high memory use, not spawning any more compilation jobs... ( $used_mem )"
- killall -s SIGSTOP make
- killall -s SIGCONT cc1plus
- high_mem="true"
- date_mem=$(date +%s)
- fi
- echo mem $used_mem / $available_mem
- elif [ x$high_mem = xtrue ] && (( $(date +%s) > ( $date_mem + 5 ) ))
+ touch memory_exhausted_lock
+ echo "Stopping due to exagerated memory use ( $used_mem )"
+ handle_exit
+ elif (( "$used_mem"> ($available_mem/2) ))
+ then
+ if [ x$high_mem != xtrue ]
- echo "Memory use back to normal"
- high_mem=""
- killall -s SIGCONT make
+ echo "Warning, high memory use, not spawning any more compilation jobs... ( $used_mem )"
+ #Stop all make commands
+ for pid in ${make_pid} ${descendance}
+ do
+ (ps --no-headers -o command ${pid} | grep make &>/dev/null) && kill -s SIGSTOP ${pid}
+ done
+ high_mem="true"
+ date_mem=$(date +%s)
- rm mem_use
+ echo mem $used_mem / $available_mem
+ elif [ x$high_mem = xtrue ] && (( $(date +%s) > ( $date_mem + 5 ) ))
+ then
+ echo "Memory use back to normal"
+ high_mem=""
+ #Restart all make commands
+ for pid in ${make_pid} ${descendance}
+ do
+ (ps --no-headers -o command ${pid} | grep make &>/dev/null) && kill -s SIGCONT ${pid}
+ done
+ rm mem_use
sleep 1
rm memory_exhausted_lock 2>>/dev/null
+echo Waiting for remaining jobs...
echo Done!