Program: gdcm
Module: $RCSfile: gdcmPixelWriteConvert.cxx,v $
Language: C++
- Date: $Date: 2007/08/28 16:47:48 $
- Version: $Revision: 1.19 $
+ Date: $Date: 2007/08/29 08:10:14 $
+ Version: $Revision: 1.20 $
Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de
l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or
//std::cout << "Sample: " << samplesPerPixel << std::endl;
int bitsallocated = image->GetBitsAllocated();
int sign = image->IsSignedPixelData();
- unsigned int fragment_size = xsize*ysize*samplesPerPixel * (bitsallocated / 8);
+ unsigned int fragment_size = xsize*ysize*samplesPerPixel * (bitsallocated / 8);
//assert( fragment_size*zsize == size );
gdcmDebugMacro("fragment_size " << fragment_size << " zsize " << zsize << " size " << size);
assert( abs(fragment_size*zsize-size) <=1 );
JpegVector JpegFragmentSize;
+ gdcmDebugMacro("Call Encode..BasicOffsetTable " );
size_t bots; //basic offset table start
EncodeWithBasicOffsetTable(of, zsize, bots);
EncodeWithoutBasicOffsetTable(of, 1);
+ gdcmDebugMacro("Out of Encode..BasicOffsetTable " );
uint8_t *pImageData = data;
for(int i=0; i<zsize;i++)
- {
+ {
+ gdcmDebugMacro("Write fragment no " << i );
WriteDICOMItems(of, JpegFragmentSize);
size_t beg = of->tellp();
gdcm_write_JPEG2000_file(of, (char*)pImageData,size,
assert( abs(fragment_size*zsize-size) <=1 );
JpegVector JpegFragmentSize;
+ gdcmDebugMacro("Call Encode..BasicOffsetTable " );
size_t bots; //basic offset table start
EncodeWithBasicOffsetTable(of, zsize, bots);
EncodeWithoutBasicOffsetTable(of, 1);
+ gdcmDebugMacro("Out of Encode..BasicOffsetTable " );
uint8_t *pImageData = data;
for(int i=0; i<zsize;i++)
+ gdcmDebugMacro("Write fragment no " << i );
WriteDICOMItems(of, JpegFragmentSize);
- size_t beg = of->tellp();
+ size_t beg = of->tellp();
if( bitsallocated == 8 )
gdcm_write_JPEG_file8(of, (char*)pImageData,size,
image->GetXSize(), image->GetYSize(), image->GetZSize(), image->GetSamplesPerPixel(),
image->GetBitsAllocated(), 100);
+ else if (bitsallocated <= 32) // if we are lucky (?), it will compress as a 2 bytes stream
+ { // (Actually it doesn't !)
+ // Just to allow ctest not to abort on 32bits per pixel image RTDOSE.dcm
+ assert( bitsallocated >= 16 );
+ gdcmDebugMacro( "Warning : bitsallocated>16 not supported by JPEG !" );
+ gdcm_write_JPEG_file16(of, (char*)pImageData, size,
+ image->GetXSize(), image->GetYSize(), image->GetZSize(), image->GetSamplesPerPixel(),
+ image->GetBitsAllocated(), 100);
+ }
+ gdcmDebugMacro( "Major pb : bitsallocated =" << bitsallocated );
size_t end = of->tellp();
//JpegPair &jp = v[0];
//jp.second = 15328;
//userData, UserDataSize);
// CreateOneFrame(of, pImageData, fragment_size, xsize, ysize, zsize,
// samplesPerPixel, quality, JpegFragmentSize);
UpdateBasicOffsetTable(of, JpegFragmentSize, bots);
size_t of_size = of->str().size();
UserData = new uint8_t[of_size];
memcpy(UserData, of->str().c_str(), of_size);