0040 0270 SQ PRC Scheduled Step Attributes Sequence
0040 0275 SQ PRC Requested Attributes Sequence
0040 0280 ST PRC Comments on the Performed Procedure Step
+0040 0281 SQ PRC Performed Procedure Step Reason Code Sequence
0040 0293 SQ PRC Quantity Sequence
0040 0294 DS PRC Quantity
0040 0295 SQ PRC Measuring Units Sequence
0400 0310 OB ??? Certified Timestamp
0400 0500 SQ ??? Encrypted Attributes Sequence
0400 0510 UI ??? Encrypted Content Transfer Syntax UID
+0400 0520 OB ??? Encrypted Content
0400 0550 SQ ??? Modified Attributes Sequence
2000 0000 UL BFS Group Length
2000 0010 IS BFS Number of Copies
300a 00f6 DS RT Source to Block Tray Distance
300a 00f8 CS RT Block Type
300a 00fa CS RT Block Divergence
+300a 00fb CS RT Block Mounting Position
300a 00fc IS RT Block Number
300a 00fe LO RT Block Name
300a 0100 DS RT Block Thickness
300a 0108 SH RT Applicator ID
300a 0109 CS RT Applicator Type
300a 010a LO RT Applicator Description
-300a 010c DS RT Cumulative Dose Reference COefficient
+300a 010c DS RT Cumulative Dose Reference Coefficient
300a 010e DS RT Final Cumulative Meterset Weight
300a 0110 IS RT Number of Control Points
300a 0111 SQ RT Control Point Sequence
300a 02d2 DS RT Control Point Relative Position
300a 02d4 DS RT Control Point 3D Position
300a 02d6 DS RT Cumulative Time Weight
+300a 02e0 CS RT Compensator Divergence
+300a 02e1 CS RT Compensator Mounting Position
+300a 02e2 DS RT Source to Compensator Distance
300c 0000 UL RT Group Length
300c 0002 SQ RT Referenced RT Plan Sequence
300c 0004 SQ RT Referenced Beam Sequence