_sceneManager->createGBlackBox(x,y,packageName, boxType);
saveTempandUpdate("drop box");
- }
-/*EED Borrame
- >>>>>> TryToOpenScriptApplication
- Package::Pointer k;
- std::map< std::string, BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer> mapDesc;
- BlackBoxDescriptor::Pointer descriptor;
- k = _bbtkfactory->GetPackage(packageName);
- mapDesc = k->GetDescriptorMap();
- descriptor = mapDesc[boxType];
- if (descriptor->IsTypeOfScript_Application()==true)
- {
- OpenScript(descriptor->GetScriptFileName(),boxType);
- >>>>> OpenScript
- printf("EED wxGEditorTabPanel::OnDropText packageName=%s boxType=%s APPLI ScriptFileName=%s\n", packageName.c_str() , boxType.c_str() , descriptor->GetScriptFileName().c_str() );
- std::string fileName = boxType+".bbg";
- std::string filePathNameBBS = descriptor->GetScriptFileName();
- std::string filePathNameBBG = filePathNameBBS;
- filePathNameBBG[ filePathNameBBG.length()-1 ] = 'g';
- wxMessageDialog windowMessage1(NULL,_T("The system is going to open a bbg or bbs for you. Be careful if you save this file."), _T("Alert !"), wxOK);
- windowMessage1.ShowModal();
- if ( Utilities::FileExists( filePathNameBBG ) )
- {
- _panelsManager->OpenDiagram( filePathNameBBG , fileName );
- } else {
- if ( Utilities::FileExists( filePathNameBBS ) )
- {
- _panelsManager->OpenBBS( filePathNameBBS , fileName );
- } else {
- wxMessageDialog windowMessage1(NULL,_T("..ERROR.. loading script bbg/bbs."), _T("Alert !"), wxOK);
- windowMessage1.ShowModal();
- }
- }
- <<<<<
- }
- <<<<<<<
-// EED Borrame
-// else {
-// _sceneManager->createGBlackBox(x,y,packageName, boxType);
-// saveTempandUpdate("drop box");
-// }
- */
+ }
return true;