]> Creatis software - clitk.git/commitdiff
boolean operator between 2 images (take into account overlapping region)
authordsarrut <dsarrut>
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 06:00:50 +0000 (06:00 +0000)
committerdsarrut <dsarrut>
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 06:00:50 +0000 (06:00 +0000)
itk/clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.h [new file with mode: 0644]
itk/clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.txx [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/itk/clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.h b/itk/clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f81b440
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+  Program:   vv                     http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv
+  Authors belong to: 
+  - University of LYON              http://www.universite-lyon.fr/
+  - Léon Bérard cancer center       http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr
+  - CREATIS CNRS laboratory         http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
+  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+  PURPOSE.  See the copyright notices for more information.
+  It is distributed under dual licence
+  - BSD        See included LICENSE.txt file
+  - CeCILL-B   http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
+  ======================================================================-====*/
+#include "itkInPlaceImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h"
+namespace clitk {
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /*
+    Perform boolan operation between two mask images. Like itkAnd and
+    others, but take care of:
+    - origin of the images (spacing must be equal)
+    - in place or not output
+    - Binary or Label images as inputs. Label i BG only ; Binary is FG only
+    - NO THREAD -> I dont know how (yet) to manage two different inputRegionForThread 
+  */
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2=TInputImage1, class TOutputImage=TInputImage1>
+  class ITK_EXPORT BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter: 
+    public itk::InPlaceImageFilter<TInputImage1, TOutputImage> {
+  public:
+    /** Standard class typedefs. */
+    typedef BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter                     Self;
+    typedef itk::InPlaceImageFilter<TInputImage1,TOutputImage>  Superclass;
+    typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>                             Pointer;
+    typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self>                       ConstPointer;
+    /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
+    itkNewMacro(Self);
+    /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
+    itkTypeMacro(BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter, InPlaceImageFilter);
+    /** Some convenient typedefs. */
+    typedef TInputImage1                           Input1ImageType;
+    typedef typename Input1ImageType::ConstPointer Input1ImageConstPointer;
+    typedef typename Input1ImageType::Pointer      Input1ImagePointer;
+    typedef typename Input1ImageType::RegionType   Input1ImageRegionType; 
+    typedef typename Input1ImageType::PixelType    Input1ImagePixelType; 
+    typedef TInputImage2                           Input2ImageType;
+    typedef typename Input2ImageType::ConstPointer Input2ImageConstPointer;
+    typedef typename Input2ImageType::Pointer      Input2ImagePointer;
+    typedef typename Input2ImageType::RegionType   Input2ImageRegionType; 
+    typedef typename Input2ImageType::PixelType    Input2ImagePixelType; 
+    typedef TOutputImage                           OutputImageType;
+    typedef typename OutputImageType::Pointer      OutputImagePointer;
+    typedef typename OutputImageType::RegionType   OutputImageRegionType;
+    typedef typename OutputImageType::PixelType    OutputImagePixelType;
+    /** Connect one of the operands for pixel-wise addition */
+    void SetInput1( const TInputImage1 * image1);
+    /** Connect one of the operands for pixel-wise addition */
+    void SetInput2( const TInputImage2 * image2);
+    // Set type of operation
+    typedef enum {
+      And = 0, 
+      AndNot = 1
+    } OperationTypeEnumeration;
+    itkGetMacro(OperationType, OperationTypeEnumeration);
+    itkSetMacro(OperationType, OperationTypeEnumeration);
+    // LabelImage information (BG and FG)
+    void SetBackgroundValue1(Input1ImagePixelType p);
+    void SetBackgroundValue2(Input2ImagePixelType p);
+    void SetBackgroundValue(OutputImagePixelType p);
+    void SetForegroundValue(OutputImagePixelType p);
+    /** ImageDimension constants */
+    itkStaticConstMacro(InputImage1Dimension, unsigned int, TInputImage1::ImageDimension);
+    itkStaticConstMacro(InputImage2Dimension, unsigned int, TInputImage2::ImageDimension);
+    itkStaticConstMacro(OutputImageDimension, unsigned int, TOutputImage::ImageDimension);
+  protected:
+    BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter();
+    virtual ~BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter() {}
+    virtual void GenerateOutputInformation();
+    virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+    virtual void GenerateData();
+    virtual void ReleaseInputs() { } // Do not release date to keep input in memory and continue ...    
+    Input1ImagePixelType mBackgroundValue1;
+    Input2ImagePixelType mBackgroundValue2;
+    OutputImagePixelType mBackgroundValue;
+    OutputImagePixelType mForegroundValue;
+    Input1ImageRegionType input1Region;
+    Input2ImageRegionType input2Region;
+    OutputImageRegionType outputRegion;
+    OperationTypeEnumeration m_OperationType;
+    template<class Iter1, class Iter2> void LoopAndNot(Iter1 it1, Iter1 it2, Iter2 ot);
+    template<class Iter1, class Iter2> void LoopAnd(Iter1 it1, Iter1 it2, Iter2 ot);
+  private:
+    BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+    void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+  }; // end class
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+} // end namespace clitk
+#include "clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.txx"
diff --git a/itk/clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.txx b/itk/clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.txx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..254085b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+  Program:   vv                     http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/vv
+  Authors belong to: 
+  - University of LYON              http://www.universite-lyon.fr/
+  - Léon Bérard cancer center       http://oncora1.lyon.fnclcc.fr
+  - CREATIS CNRS laboratory         http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr
+  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+  PURPOSE.  See the copyright notices for more information.
+  It is distributed under dual licence
+  - BSD        See included LICENSE.txt file
+  - CeCILL-B   http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
+  ======================================================================-====*/
+#include "clitkCommon.h"
+#include "clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.h"
+#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
+namespace clitk {
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter():itk::InPlaceImageFilter<TInputImage1, TOutputImage>() {
+    this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs( 2 );
+    this->InPlaceOn();    
+    mBackgroundValue1 = 0;
+    mBackgroundValue2 = 0;
+    mBackgroundValue  = 0;
+    mForegroundValue = 1;
+    m_OperationType = AndNot;
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::
+  SetInput1(const TInputImage1 * image1) {
+    // Process object is not const-correct so the const casting is required.
+    this->SetNthInput(0, const_cast<TInputImage1 *>( image1 ));
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::  
+  SetBackgroundValue1(Input1ImagePixelType p) {
+    mBackgroundValue1 = p;
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::  
+  SetBackgroundValue2(Input2ImagePixelType p) {
+    mBackgroundValue2 = p;
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::  
+  SetBackgroundValue(OutputImagePixelType p) {
+    mBackgroundValue = p;
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::  
+  SetForegroundValue(OutputImagePixelType p) {
+    mForegroundValue = p;
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::
+  SetInput2(const TInputImage2 * image2) {
+    // Process object is not const-correct so the const casting is required.
+    this->SetNthInput(1, const_cast<TInputImage1 *>( image2 ));
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::
+  GenerateOutputInformation() { 
+    // Get input pointers
+    Input1ImagePointer input1 = dynamic_cast<TInputImage1*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
+    Input2ImagePointer input2 = dynamic_cast<TInputImage2*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(1));
+    // Check spacing
+    static const unsigned int Dim = Input1ImageType::ImageDimension;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<Dim; i++) {
+      if (input1->GetSpacing()[i] != input2->GetSpacing()[i]) {
+        itkExceptionMacro(<< "Input 1&2 must have the same spacing. " << std::endl
+                          << "\t input1 =  " << input1->GetSpacing() << std::endl
+                          << "\t input2 =  " << input2->GetSpacing() << std::endl);
+      }
+      // if (input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i] != input2->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i]) {
+//         itkExceptionMacro(<< "Input 1&2 must have the same size. " << std::endl
+//                           << "\t input1 =  " << input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize() << std::endl
+//                           << "\t input2 =  " << input2->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize() << std::endl);
+//       }
+    }
+    // Perform default implementation
+    Superclass::GenerateOutputInformation();
+    // Get output pointer
+    OutputImagePointer outputImage = this->GetOutput(0);
+    // If InPlace, do not create output
+    // DD(this->GetInPlace());
+    if (this->GetInPlace() && this->CanRunInPlace()) {
+      OutputImagePointer inputAsOutput
+        = dynamic_cast<TOutputImage *>(const_cast<TInputImage1 *>(this->GetInput()));
+      inputAsOutput->SetRequestedRegion(outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+      inputAsOutput->SetBufferedRegion(outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());  
+      // inputAsOutput->SetRegions(outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+      this->GraftOutput( inputAsOutput );
+    }
+    else {
+      outputImage->SetRequestedRegion(outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+      outputImage->SetBufferedRegion(outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());  
+      outputImage->SetRegions(outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
+      outputImage->Allocate();
+      OutputImagePointer inputAsOutput
+        = dynamic_cast<TOutputImage *>(const_cast<TInputImage1 *>(this->GetInput()));
+      CopyValues<OutputImageType>(inputAsOutput, outputImage);
+    }
+    // Compute intersection bounding box (in physical coordinate) and regions (in pixel coordinate)
+    typedef itk::BoundingBox<unsigned long, Dim> BBType;
+    typename BBType::Pointer bbInput1 = BBType::New();    
+    ComputeBBFromImageRegion<Input1ImageType>(input1, input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion(), bbInput1);    
+    typename BBType::Pointer bbInput2 = BBType::New();    
+    ComputeBBFromImageRegion<Input2ImageType>(input2, input2->GetLargestPossibleRegion(), bbInput2);
+    typename BBType::Pointer bbOutput = BBType::New();    
+    ComputeBBFromImageRegion<OutputImageType>(outputImage, outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion(), bbOutput);
+    typename BBType::Pointer bb = BBType::New();    
+    ComputeBBIntersection<Dim>(bb, bbInput1, bbInput2);
+    ComputeBBIntersection<Dim>(bb, bb, bbOutput);
+    ComputeRegionFromBB<Input1ImageType>(input1, bb, input1Region);
+    ComputeRegionFromBB<Input2ImageType>(input2, bb, input2Region);
+    ComputeRegionFromBB<OutputImageType>(outputImage, bb, outputRegion);
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::
+  GenerateInputRequestedRegion() {
+    // Call default
+    itk::InPlaceImageFilter<TInputImage1, TOutputImage>::GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+    // Get input pointers and set requested region to common region
+    Input1ImagePointer input1 = dynamic_cast<TInputImage1*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
+    Input2ImagePointer input2 = dynamic_cast<TInputImage2*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(1));
+    input1->SetRequestedRegion(input1Region);
+    input2->SetRequestedRegion(input2Region);  
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage>
+  void 
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>::
+  GenerateData() {
+    // Get input pointers
+    Input1ImageConstPointer input1 = dynamic_cast<const TInputImage1*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
+    Input2ImageConstPointer input2 = dynamic_cast<const TInputImage2*>(itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(1));
+    // Get output pointer
+    OutputImagePointer output = this->GetOutput(0);
+    // Get Region iterators
+    itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<Input1ImageType> it1(input1, input1Region);
+    itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<Input2ImageType> it2(input2, input2Region);
+    itk::ImageRegionIterator<OutputImageType>      ot (output, outputRegion);
+    it1.GoToBegin();
+    it2.GoToBegin();
+    ot.GoToBegin();
+    switch (m_OperationType) {
+    case AndNot: LoopAndNot(it1, it2, ot);  break;
+    case And: LoopAnd(it1, it2, ot);  break;
+    }
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define LOOP_BEGIN(FUNCTION_NAME)                                       \
+  template <class TInputImage1, class TInputImage2, class TOutputImage> \
+  template <class Iter1, class Iter2>                                   \
+  void                                                                  \
+  BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<TInputImage1, TInputImage2, TOutputImage>:: \
+  FUNCTION_NAME(Iter1 it1, Iter1 it2, Iter2 ot) {                       \
+  while (!ot.IsAtEnd()) {
+#define LOOP_END ++it1; ++it2; ++ot; }}
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  LOOP_BEGIN(LoopAndNot)
+  if ((it1.Get() != mBackgroundValue1) && (it2.Get() == mBackgroundValue2)) { ot.Set(mForegroundValue); }
+  else { ot.Set(mBackgroundValue); }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  LOOP_BEGIN(LoopAnd)
+  if ((it1.Get() != mBackgroundValue1) && (it2.Get() != mBackgroundValue2)) { ot.Set(mForegroundValue); }
+  else { ot.Set(mBackgroundValue); }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+}//end clitk