# Subdirs
--- /dev/null
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Name
+ # Inputs
+ # Output dirs
+ # Doc exclude
+ # Log file name
+ # Predefined symbols
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # DOT verification
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Create file and project
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Doxyfile.txt.in
+ )
+ # DEPENDS bbtk bbi
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+# messages compilation options
+OPTION ( BUILD_${PROJECT_NAME}_DOC "Build documentation for ${PROJECT_NAME}." OFF)
+ "Build ${PROJECT_NAME} packages documentation (bbi+dot)." ON)
+ "Build doxygen documentation (doxygen)." ON)
+ "Build ${PROJECT_NAME} Guides', PDF format (latex)." ON)
+ "Build ${PROJECT_NAME} Guides', HTML format (latex+tth)." ON)
+ "Build ${PROJECT_NAME} packages documentation (bbdoc+dot)." FORCE)
+ "Build doxygen documentation. (doxygen)" FORCE)
+ "Build ${PROJECT_NAME} Guides', PDF format (latex)." FORCE)
+ "Build ${PROJECT_NAME} Guides', HTML format (latex tth)." FORCE)
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+MESSAGE(STATUS "===============================================")
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Setting up deduced pathes:")
+# Black box docs relative path
+# Doxygen docs relative path
+# was buggy when packaging
+# consequences :
+# 1) generated packages are NOT relocatables
+# 2) they must be installed at the same prefix than bbtk
+# Create build directories if necessary
+# Today CMakeCreateFindPackage is copied in BBTK_CMAKE_DIR
+# When installed as a separate project will have to find it with FIND_PACKAGE
+SET(CMakeCreateFindPackage_DIR ${${PROJECT_NAME}_CMAKE_DIR})
+MESSAGE(STATUS "===============================================")
--- /dev/null
+ )
+ FOREACH(image ${IMAGES})
+ GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(filename "${image}" NAME)
+ ${image}
+ )
+ # IF (WIN32)
+# ${image}
+# ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${filename}
+# )
+ # MESSAGE(ERROR "${image} (${filename}) in : ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${BBTK_DOC_INSTALL_PATH}/${DOC_RELATIVE_INSTALL_PATH}/${filename}")
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ INCLUDE(../cmake/BBTKBuildDoxygenDoc.cmake)
+ SUBDIRS(bbtkDoxygen)
+# Web site
+ # Configure main page index.html for build tree
+ index.html.in
+ ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/index.html
+ )
+ # Install it
+ )
+ # Configure main page index-no-frame.html for build tree
+ index-no-frame.html.in
+ ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/index-no-frame.html
+ )
+ # Install it
+ FILES ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/index-no-frame.html
+ )
+ # Configure help_contents.html for build tree
+ help_contents.html.in
+ ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/help_contents.html
+ )
+ # Install it
+ FILES ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/help_contents.html
+ )
+ # Recurse it bbtkWebSite dir
+ SUBDIRS(template_WebSite)
--- /dev/null
+* config.tex : input file for all latex guides (user's, package dev's ...)
+* help_contents.html.in : home page of bbStudio help
+* index.html.in : home page of online doc (frame)
+* index-no-frame.html.in : home page of online doc (without frame)
--- /dev/null
+After builing ALL :
+cd in the build tree
+cd share/doc
+rsync -rtvO . tux:/var/www/html/software/creatools/bbtk/v0_9_0/ --perms --chmod=Dg+s,ug+w
--- /dev/null
+MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================")
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Configuring bbtk doxygen doc")
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CodingStyle.html
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CodingStyle.html
+ )
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/DoxyMainPage.txt.in
+ )
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kernel/src
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/kernel/appli
+ )
+ "BBTK"
+ "${INPUT}"
+ "bbtk"
+ )
+MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================")
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
+ content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><title>bbtk Developpers</title></head>
+<h1>bbtk coding style (and other religious/agnostic beliefs)</h1>
+<hr size="1"><address style=""></address>
+<pre>* Introduction:
+ The following coding style intends to ease the work of developpers
+ themselves but also of users who will study, maintain, fix, and extend
+ the code. Any bread crumbs that you can drop in the way of explanatory
+ names and comments will go a long way towards helping other readers and
+ developers.
+ Keep in mind that to a large extent the structure of code directly
+ expresses its implementation.
+* Language:
+ - C++ (for the kernel) and Python (for the wrappers).
+ - all the names (variables, members, methods, functions) and comments
+ should be based on English. Documentation, guides, web site and other
+ informations should be in English.
+ Make sure you use correct (basic) English and complete, grammatically
+ correct sentences for comments and documentation.
+* General layout:
+ - Each line of code should take no more than 79 characters. Break the code
+ across multiple lines as necessary.
+ - Methods and functions should keep a reasonable number of lines when
+ possible (a typical editor displays 50 lines). Avoid code duplication.
+ Always prefer creating a new method or function to duplication.
+ A high indentation level generally suggests the need for a new
+ method or function.
+ - All the code should be properly indented. The appropriate indentation
+ level is TWO spaces for each level of indentation. DO NOT USE TABS.
+ Set up your editor to insert spaces. Using tabs may look good in your
+ editor but will wreak havoc in others, or in external tools (e.g. side
+ by side diffs).
+ - The declaration of variables within classes, methods, and functions
+ should be one declaration per line. Provide them with default values
+ and don't rely on compilers for default initialization.
+* Naming conventions:
+ - Generalities:
+ In general, names are constructed by using case change to indicate
+ separate words, as in ImageDataSize (standing for "image data size").
+ Underscores are not used. Variable names are choosen carefully with the
+ intention to convey the meaning behind the code. Names are generally
+ spelled out; use of abbreviations is discouraged.
+ [Note: abbreviation are allowable when in common use, and should be in
+ uppercase as in LUT or RGBA.]
+ While this does result in long names, it self-documents the code.
+ - Naming Files:
+ Files should have the same name as the class, with a "bbtk" prepended.
+ Header files are named .h, while implementation files are named either
+ .cxx or .txx, depending on whether they are implementations of templated
+ classes. For example, the class bbtk::BlackBox is declared and defined
+ in the files bbtkBlackBox.h and bbtkBlackBox.cxx.
+ - Naming Class Data Members, Methods, and Functions:
+ Class data members (aka Attributes) are named beginning with a lower case 'm'
+ (m as 'member'!) followed by capital letter as in mGroupPixel, in order not
+ be confused with methods names.
+ Global functions and class methods, either static or class members, are
+ named beginning with a capital letter, as in GetImageDataSize().
+ - Naming Local Variables:
+ Local variables begin in lowercase. There is more flexibility in the
+ naming of local variables although they still should convey some
+ semantics.
+ - Naming function parameters:
+ Function parameters begin in lowercase. There is more flexibility in the
+ naming of function parameters although they still should convey some
+ semantics.
+* Classes:
+ - Don't use the inline keyword when defining an inline function
+ within a class definition.
+ (Any method defined within a .h file is ipso facto considered as 'inline'.
+ Dont write useless stuff!)
+ - As stated in the "Naming conventions" section, class data members
+ named beginning with a lower case 'm' followed by capital letter
+ as in mGroupPixel.
+ But the parameter names of method should be named with a lowercase
+ letter (in order to distinguish at a glance data members, from parameters
+ and also to avoid potential collisions with data members):
+ void A::SetGroupPixel( int groupPixel )
+ {
+ mGroupPixel = groupPixel;
+ }
+ - Don't use trailing ';' in inline function definition.
+ use :
+ void A::SetGroupPixel( int groupPixel ){mGroupPixel = groupPixel;}
+ void A::SetGroupPixel( int groupPixel ){mGroupPixel = groupPixel;};
+ - Do not repeat the 'virtual' keyword when overriding virtual base methods
+ in declaration of subclasses:
+ class A
+ {
+ virtual void foo(...);
+ };
+ class B : public bbtk::A
+ {
+ void foo(...); // and NOT: virtual void foo(...);
+ };
+ (when the keyword 'virtual' is used at the parent level, it's propagated
+ for all the child classes)
+ - In declaration of subclasses, always preprend the class name with 'bbtk::'
+ in order not to confuse Umbrello ( OpenSource UML diagram generator)
+ class A
+ {
+ ...
+ };
+ class B : public bbtk::A // and NOT: class B: public A
+ {
+ ...
+ };
+ - The public, protected, private declarations should be at the
+ same indent level as the class. Use :
+ class A
+ {
+ public:
+ void bar(...);
+ protected:
+ void foo(...);
+ private:
+ void pff(...);
+ };
+ - The Data members should be declared at the end of the class declaration :
+ class A
+ {
+ public:
+ void bar(...);
+ protected:
+ void foo(...);
+ private:
+ void pff(...);
+ // --- Data members
+ public:
+ int mPublicCounter;
+ protected:
+ int mProtectedCounter;
+ private:
+ int mPrivateCounter;
+ };
+ - Method and functions devoided of arguments should not use the void
+ notation. Use :
+ SomeType Header::GetPixelData()
+ and not
+ SomeType Header::GetPixelData(void)
+* Use of braces:
+ - Braces must be used to delimit the scope of an if, for, while, switch, or
+ other control structure. Braces are placed on a line by themselves, and
+ at the same indentation level as the control structure to which they
+ belong:
+ for (i=0; * i<3; i++)
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ and NOT :
+ for (i=0; * i<3; i++) {
+ ...
+ }
+ or when using an if:
+ if ( condition )
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ else if ( other condition )
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ....
+ }
+ and NOT :
+ if ( condition ) {
+ ...
+ } else if ( other condition ) {
+ ...
+ } else {
+ ....
+ }
+ You can choose to use braces on a line with a code block when
+ the block consists of a single line:
+ if ( condition ) { foo=1; }
+ else if ( condition2 ) { foo=3; }
+ else { return; }
+ or
+ for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {x[i]=0.0;}
+ Methods and functions should follow the same usage of braces:
+ void File::ParsePixelData()
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+* Special layout:
+ - Avoid code mixed with comments on a single line. Instead, prepend the
+ logical blocks of code with the concerned comments.
+ - Use parentheses around conditions e.g. with an if statement:
+ if ( someLocalVariable == 2 ) { ... }
+ - Add spaces around parentheses, or braces. Use
+ if ( someLocalVariable == 2 ) { mClassMember += 1; }
+ and not
+ if (someLocalVariable == 2) {mClassMember += 1;}
+ - Add spaces around each side of the assignement operator, and
+ around binary operators used in boolean expression. Use
+ someLocalVariable = mClassMember * 2;
+ if ( someLocalVariable == 2 || mClassMember == 2 ) ...
+ and not
+ someLocalVariable=mClassMember*2;
+ if ( someLocalVariable==2||mClassMember==2 ) ...
+* Miscelaneous:
+ - Don't use underscores. Don't use tabs. Don't use control characters
+ like ^M. Anyhow, cvs is configured to reject such commits.
+ - Comments should be in C++ style ("// ...", two slashes, per line). Don't
+ use C style comments ("/* ... */").
+ - The last line of a file should terminate with "\n".
+ - Returned arguments of methods and functions should not be wrapped with
+ parentheses. Use
+ return iter->second;
+ but do not use
+ return ( iter->second );
+* Debugging and Verbose modes:
+ Never use std::cout. Instead use the bbtkMessage, bbtkDebugMessage, bbtkWarning or bbtkError macros and their variants. Example:
+ #include "bbtkMessageManager.h"
+ ...
+ {
+ bbtkDebugMessageInc("MyClass",9,"Local function name: entering.");
+ ...
+ bbtkDecTab("MyClass",9);
+ }
+ will send the message to std::cout when the Debug messages are compiled
+ and the Message Level for the category of messages "MyClass" is greater than 9.
+* Documentation:
+ The Doxygen open-source system is used to generate on-line documentation.
+ Doxygen requires the embedding of simple comments in the code which is in
+ turn extracted and formatted into documentation. See :
+ http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
+ for more information about Doxygen.
+ - Documenting a class:
+ Classes should be documented using the class and brief doxygen commands,
+ followed by the detailed class description:
+ /**
+ * \class Header
+ * \brief Header acts as container of Dicom elements of an image.
+ *
+ * Detailed description of the class is provided here
+ * ...
+ */
+ The key here is that the comment starts with /**, each subsequent line has
+ an aligned *, and the comment block terminates with a */.
+ - Documenting class members and inline methods:
+ All the members and the inline methods should be documented within
+ the class declaration ( .h file) as shown in the following example:
+ class Header
+ {
+ /// True when parsing was successfull. False otherwise.
+ bool mReadable = false;
+ /// \brief The number of lines of the image as interpreted from
+ /// the various elements encountered at header parsing.
+ int mNumberOfLines = -1;
+ /// Predicate implemented as accessor around \ref mReadable.
+ bool IsReadable() { return mReadable; }
+ };
+ - Documenting a Method:
+ Methods should be documented using the following comment block style
+ as shown in the following example:
+ /**
+ * \brief Within the Dicom Elements (parsed with the public and private
+ * dictionaries), look for the element value representation of
+ * a given tag.
+ * @param group Group number of the searched tag.
+ * @param elem Element number of the searched tag.
+ * @return Corresponding element value representation when it exists,
+ * and the string "bbtk::Unfound" otherwise.
+ */
+ std::string Document::GetEntryByNumber(guint16 group, guint16 elem)
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+* External includes and C style:
+ - Only the C++ standard library and the STL includes should be used.
+ When including don't use the .h extension (use #include <iostream>
+ instead of #include <iostream.h>).
+ Note: include the stl header AFTER the bbtk ones (otherwise pragma
+ warnings won't work).
+ - Don't use the C standard library. Don't include stdio.h, ctype.h...
+ Don't use printf(), sprinf(), FILE*...
+ - Don't use the NULL notation (neither as macro, nor as const int NULL=0).
+ A pointer that doesn't refer to an object should simply be defined as
+ DataPointer *myDataPointer = 0;
+* Basic types:
+ - Assume T is a given type. When declaring or defining with the
+ "pointer to T" notation, the * character must be adjacent to
+ the variable and not the type. That is use
+ T *foo = 0;
+ and not
+ T* foo = 0;
+ nor
+ T * foo = 0;
+ - Assume T is a given type. When declaring or defining with the
+ "reference to T" notation, the & character must be adjacent to
+ the variable and not the type. That is use :
+ T &foo = 0;
+ and not
+ T& foo = 0;
+ (Doxygen will not have any longer to correct)
+ - Always define a typedef for a new type and be consistent in usage.
+ Use :
+ typedef Header *HeaderPointer;
+ HeaderPointer myHeaderPointer;
+ - One notorious counter example for non using C style inclusion concerns
+ exact-width integers (since there seem to be no equivalent for C++).
+ When using exact-width integers use the typedef names defined by
+ the Basic ISO C99: 7.18 Integer types i.e.
+ int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t (signed integers)
+ and
+ uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t (unsigned integers).
+ Conversion table is then:
+ unsigned char -> uint8_t;
+ unsigned short -> uint16_t;
+ unsigned int -> uint32_t;
+ unsigned long -> uint32_t;
+ unsigned long long -> uint64_t;
+ (signed) char -> int8_t;
+ short -> int16_t;
+ int -> int32_t;
+ long -> int32_t;
+ long long -> int64_t;
+ Hence do not use declarations like "unsigned int".
+ With g++, accessing those typedef is achieved by the following
+ #include < stdint.h >
+<hr size="1"><address style=""></address>
--- /dev/null
+ * \mainpage bbtk documentation
+"A black box is any system in which only the input and output characteristics are of interest - without regard to its internal mechanism or structure" (from <A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_box_%28disambiguation%29" > wikipedia </A>)
+<A href="../CodingStyle.html"> Coding Style </A>
+ */
--- /dev/null
+# Doxyfile 1.5.5
+# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
+# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project
+# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored
+# The format is:
+# TAG = value [value, ...]
+# For lists items can also be appended using:
+# TAG += value [value, ...]
+# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (" ")
+# Project related configuration options
+# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file
+# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all
+# text before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the
+# iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See
+# http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv for the list of possible encodings.
+# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded
+# by quotes) that should identify the project.
+# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number.
+# This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or
+# if some version control system is used.
+# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute)
+# base path where the generated documentation will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered, it will be relative to the location
+# where doxygen was started. If left blank the current directory will be used.
+# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create
+# 4096 sub-directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output
+# format and will distribute the generated files over these directories.
+# Enabling this option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of
+# source files, where putting all generated files in the same directory would
+# otherwise cause performance problems for the file system.
+# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all
+# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
+# information to generate all constant output in the proper language.
+# The default language is English, other supported languages are:
+# Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese-Traditional,
+# Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek,
+# Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English messages),
+# Korean, Korean-en, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Macedonian, Persian, Polish,
+# Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish,
+# and Ukrainian.
+# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# include brief member descriptions after the members that are listed in
+# the file and class documentation (similar to JavaDoc).
+# Set to NO to disable this.
+# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will prepend
+# the brief description of a member or function before the detailed description.
+# Note: if both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the
+# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
+# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator
+# that is used to form the text in various listings. Each string
+# in this list, if found as the leading text of the brief description, will be
+# stripped from the text and the result after processing the whole list, is
+# used as the annotated text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is.
+# If left blank, the following values are used ("$name" is automatically
+# replaced with the name of the entity): "The $name class" "The $name widget"
+# "The $name file" "is" "provides" "specifies" "contains"
+# "represents" "a" "an" "the"
+# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then
+# Doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief
+# description.
+# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all
+# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those
+# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment
+# operators of the base classes will not be shown.
+# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then Doxygen will prepend the full
+# path before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set
+# to NO the shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used.
+# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then the STRIP_FROM_PATH tag
+# can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. Stripping is
+# only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand part of
+# the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list.
+# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the
+# path to strip.
+# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of
+# the path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells
+# the reader which header file to include in order to use a class.
+# If left blank only the name of the header file containing the class
+# definition is used. Otherwise one should specify the include paths that
+# are normally passed to the compiler using the -I flag.
+# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter
+# (but less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems
+# doesn't support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
+# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen
+# will interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a JavaDoc-style
+# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the JavaDoc
+# comments will behave just like regular Qt-style comments
+# (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief description.)
+# If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen will
+# interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style
+# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the comments
+# will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus requiring
+# an explicit \brief command for a brief description.)
+# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make Doxygen
+# treat a multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or ///
+# comments) as a brief description. This used to be the default behaviour.
+# The new default is to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed
+# description. Set this tag to YES if you prefer the old behaviour instead.
+# If the DETAILS_AT_TOP tag is set to YES then Doxygen
+# will output the detailed description near the top, like JavaDoc.
+# If set to NO, the detailed description appears after the member
+# documentation.
+# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then an undocumented
+# member inherits the documentation from any documented member that it
+# re-implements.
+# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce
+# a new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will
+# be part of the file/class/namespace that contains it.
+# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab.
+# Doxygen uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
+# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that acts
+# as commands in the documentation. An alias has the form "name=value".
+# For example adding "sideeffect=\par Side Effects:\n" will allow you to
+# put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the documentation, which
+# will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading "Side Effects:".
+# You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert newlines.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C
+# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C.
+# For instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list
+# of all members will be omitted, etc.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java
+# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for
+# Java. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, qualified
+# scopes will look different, etc.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran
+# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for
+# Fortran.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL
+# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for
+# VHDL.
+# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want
+# to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should
+# set this tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and
+# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string); v.s.
+# func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration
+# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate.
+# If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to
+# enable parsing support.
+# Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip sources only.
+# Doxygen will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public
+# instead of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present.
+# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC
+# tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first
+# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default
+# all members of a group must be documented explicitly.
+# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES (the default) to allow class member groups of
+# the same type (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a
+# subgroup of that type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to
+# NO to prevent subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using
+# the \nosubgrouping command.
+# When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or enum
+# is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So
+# typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct
+# with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file,
+# namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically
+# be useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound
+# types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name.
+# Build related configuration options
+# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in
+# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available.
+# Private class members and static file members will be hidden unless
+# the EXTRACT_PRIVATE and EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES
+# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class
+# will be included in the documentation.
+# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file
+# will be included in the documentation.
+# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs)
+# defined locally in source files will be included in the documentation.
+# If set to NO only classes defined in header files are included.
+# This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. When set to YES local
+# methods, which are defined in the implementation section but not in
+# the interface are included in the documentation.
+# If set to NO (the default) only methods in the interface are included.
+# If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be
+# extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called
+# 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base
+# name of the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default
+# anonymous namespace are hidden.
+# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
+# undocumented members of documented classes, files or namespaces.
+# If set to NO (the default) these members will be included in the
+# various overviews, but no documentation section is generated.
+# This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
+# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
+# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy.
+# If set to NO (the default) these classes will be included in the various
+# overviews. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
+# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
+# friend (class|struct|union) declarations.
+# If set to NO (the default) these declarations will be included in the
+# documentation.
+# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide any
+# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function.
+# If set to NO (the default) these blocks will be appended to the
+# function's detailed documentation block.
+# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation
+# that is typed after a \internal command is included. If the tag is set
+# to NO (the default) then the documentation will be excluded.
+# Set it to YES to include the internal documentation.
+# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then Doxygen will only generate
+# file names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also
+# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ
+# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows
+# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO.
+# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO (the default) then Doxygen
+# will show members with their full class and namespace scopes in the
+# documentation. If set to YES the scope will be hidden.
+# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen
+# will put a list of the files that are included by a file in the documentation
+# of that file.
+# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES (the default) then a tag [inline]
+# is inserted in the documentation for inline members.
+# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then doxygen
+# will sort the (detailed) documentation of file and class members
+# alphabetically by member name. If set to NO the members will appear in
+# declaration order.
+# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
+# brief documentation of file, namespace and class members alphabetically
+# by member name. If set to NO (the default) the members will appear in
+# declaration order.
+# If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
+# hierarchy of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO (the default)
+# the group names will appear in their defined order.
+# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be
+# sorted by fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to
+# NO (the default), the class list will be sorted only by class name,
+# not including the namespace part.
+# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES.
+# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the
+# alphabetical list.
+# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
+# disable (NO) the todo list. This list is created by putting \todo
+# commands in the documentation.
+# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
+# disable (NO) the test list. This list is created by putting \test
+# commands in the documentation.
+# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
+# disable (NO) the bug list. This list is created by putting \bug
+# commands in the documentation.
+# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
+# disable (NO) the deprecated list. This list is created by putting
+# \deprecated commands in the documentation.
+# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional
+# documentation sections, marked by \if sectionname ... \endif.
+# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines
+# the initial value of a variable or define consists of for it to appear in
+# the documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified
+# here it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely.
+# The appearance of the initializer of individual variables and defines in the
+# documentation can be controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer
+# command in the documentation regardless of this setting.
+# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated
+# at the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the
+# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
+# If the sources in your project are distributed over multiple directories
+# then setting the SHOW_DIRECTORIES tag to YES will show the directory hierarchy
+# in the documentation. The default is NO.
+# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that
+# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from
+# the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via
+# popen()) the command <command> <input-file>, where <command> is the value of
+# the FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an input file
+# provided by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output
+# is used as the file version. See the manual for examples.
+# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated
+# by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
+# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are
+# generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank
+# NO is used.
+# If WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED is set to YES, then doxygen will generate warnings
+# for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will
+# automatically be disabled.
+# If WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for
+# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some
+# parameters in a documented function, or documenting parameters that
+# don't exist or using markup commands wrongly.
+# This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be abled to get warnings for
+# functions that are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters
+# or return value. If set to NO (the default) doxygen will only warn about
+# wrong or incomplete parameter documentation, but not about the absence of
+# documentation.
+# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that
+# doxygen can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text
+# tags, which will be replaced by the file and line number from which the
+# warning originated and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain
+# $version, which will be replaced by the version of the file (if it could
+# be obtained via FILE_VERSION_FILTER)
+WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
+# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning
+# and error messages should be written. If left blank the output is written
+# to stderr.
+# configuration options related to the input files
+# The INPUT tag can be used to specify the files and/or directories that contain
+# documented source files. You may enter file names like "myfile.cpp" or
+# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
+# with spaces.
+# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
+# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is
+# also the default input encoding. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv built
+# into libc) for the transcoding. See http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv for
+# the list of possible encodings.
+# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
+# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
+# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left
+# blank the following patterns are tested:
+# *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh *.hxx
+# *.hpp *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs *.php *.php3 *.inc *.m *.mm *.py *.f90
+ *.cxx \
+ *.txx
+# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories
+# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO.
+# If left blank NO is used.
+# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should
+# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a
+# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag.
+# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used select whether or not files or
+# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix filesystem feature) are excluded
+# from the input.
+# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
+# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude
+# certain files from those directories. Note that the wildcards are matched
+# against the file with absolute path, so to exclude all test directories
+# for example use the pattern */test/*
+# The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names
+# (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the
+# output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the
+# wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass,
+# AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test
+# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
+# directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see
+# the \include command).
+# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
+# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
+# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left
+# blank all files are included.
+# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be
+# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude
+# commands irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag.
+# Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
+# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
+# directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see
+# the \image command).
+# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should
+# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program
+# by executing (via popen()) the command <filter> <input-file>, where <filter>
+# is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an
+# input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter program writes
+# to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag will be
+# ignored.
+# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern
+# basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the
+# filter if there is a match. The filters are a list of the form:
+# pattern=filter (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further
+# info on how filters are used. If FILTER_PATTERNS is empty, INPUT_FILTER
+# is applied to all files.
+# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using
+# INPUT_FILTER) will be used to filter the input files when producing source
+# files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES).
+# configuration options related to source browsing
+# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will
+# be generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources.
+# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure also
+# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body
+# of functions and classes directly in the documentation.
+# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES (the default) will instruct
+# doxygen to hide any special comment blocks from generated source code
+# fragments. Normal C and C++ comments will always remain visible.
+# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES (the default)
+# then for each documented function all documented
+# functions referencing it will be listed.
+# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES (the default)
+# then for each documented function all documented entities
+# called/used by that function will be listed.
+# If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES (the default)
+# and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES, then the hyperlinks from
+# link to the source code. Otherwise they will link to the documentstion.
+# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code
+# will point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen
+# built-in source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source
+# tagging system (see http://www.gnu.org/software/global/global.html). You
+# will need version 4.8.6 or higher.
+# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen
+# will generate a verbatim copy of the header file for each class for
+# which an include is specified. Set to NO to disable this.
+# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index
+# of all compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project
+# contains a lot of classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
+# If the alphabetical index is enabled (see ALPHABETICAL_INDEX) then
+# the COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns
+# in which this list will be split (can be a number in the range [1..20])
+# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all
+# classes will be put under the same header in the alphabetical index.
+# The IGNORE_PREFIX tag can be used to specify one or more prefixes that
+# should be ignored while generating the index headers.
+# configuration options related to the HTML output
+# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# generate HTML output.
+# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
+# put in front of it. If left blank `html' will be used as the default path.
+# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for
+# each generated HTML page (for example: .htm,.php,.asp). If it is left blank
+# doxygen will generate files with .html extension.
+# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML header for
+# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
+# standard header.
+# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML footer for
+# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
+# standard footer.
+# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading
+# style sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to
+# fine-tune the look of the HTML output. If the tag is left blank doxygen
+# will generate a default style sheet. Note that doxygen will try to copy
+# the style sheet file to the HTML output directory, so don't put your own
+# stylesheet in the HTML output directory as well, or it will be erased!
+# If the HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, the members of classes,
+# files or namespaces will be aligned in HTML using tables. If set to
+# NO a bullet list will be used.
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files
+# will be generated that can be used as input for tools like the
+# Microsoft HTML help workshop to generate a compiled HTML help file (.chm)
+# of the generated HTML documentation.
+# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files
+# will be generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3
+# integrated development environment, introduced with OSX 10.5 (Leopard).
+# To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a Makefile in the
+# HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in that
+# directory and running "make install" will install the docset in
+# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find
+# it at startup.
+# When GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, this tag determines the name of the
+# feed. A documentation feed provides an umbrella under which multiple
+# documentation sets from a single provider (such as a company or product suite)
+# can be grouped.
+DOCSET_FEEDNAME = "Doxygen generated docs"
+# When GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, this tag specifies a string that
+# should uniquely identify the documentation set bundle. This should be a
+# reverse domain-name style string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen
+# will append .docset to the name.
+DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID = org.doxygen.Project
+# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML
+# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the
+# page has loaded. For this to work a browser that supports
+# JavaScript and DHTML is required (for instance Mozilla 1.0+, Firefox
+# Netscape 6.0+, Internet explorer 5.0+, Konqueror, or Safari).
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_FILE tag can
+# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm file. You
+# can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be
+# written to the html output directory.
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the HHC_LOCATION tag can
+# be used to specify the location (absolute path including file name) of
+# the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty doxygen will try to run
+# the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp.
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the GENERATE_CHI flag
+# controls if a separate .chi index file is generated (YES) or that
+# it should be included in the master .chm file (NO).
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the BINARY_TOC flag
+# controls whether a binary table of contents is generated (YES) or a
+# normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file.
+# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members
+# to the contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view.
+# The DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index at
+# top of each HTML page. The value NO (the default) enables the index and
+# the value YES disables it.
+# This tag can be used to set the number of enum values (range [1..20])
+# that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation.
+# If the GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is set to YES, a side panel will be
+# generated containing a tree-like index structure (just like the one that
+# is generated for HTML Help). For this to work a browser that supports
+# JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required (for instance Mozilla 1.0+,
+# Netscape 6.0+, Internet explorer 5.0+, or Konqueror). Windows users are
+# probably better off using the HTML help feature.
+# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be
+# used to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree
+# is shown.
+# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
+# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# generate Latex output.
+# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
+# put in front of it. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default path.
+# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be
+# invoked. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default command name.
+# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to
+# generate index for LaTeX. If left blank `makeindex' will be used as the
+# default command name.
+# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact
+# LaTeX documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to
+# save some trees in general.
+# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used
+# by the printer. Possible values are: a4, a4wide, letter, legal and
+# executive. If left blank a4wide will be used.
+PAPER_TYPE = a4wide
+# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be to specify one or more names of LaTeX
+# packages that should be included in the LaTeX output.
+# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for
+# the generated latex document. The header should contain everything until
+# the first chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
+# standard header. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing!
+# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated
+# is prepared for conversion to pdf (using ps2pdf). The pdf file will
+# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references
+# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using a pdf viewer.
+# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, pdflatex will be used instead of
+# plain latex in the generated Makefile. Set this option to YES to get a
+# higher quality PDF documentation.
+# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \\batchmode.
+# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep
+# running if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help.
+# This option is also used when generating formulas in HTML.
+# If LATEX_HIDE_INDICES is set to YES then doxygen will not
+# include the index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.)
+# in the output.
+# configuration options related to the RTF output
+# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate RTF output
+# The RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look very pretty with
+# other RTF readers or editors.
+# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
+# put in front of it. If left blank `rtf' will be used as the default path.
+# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact
+# RTF documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to
+# save some trees in general.
+# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated
+# will contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will
+# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references.
+# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using WORD or other
+# programs which support those fields.
+# Note: wordpad (write) and others do not support links.
+# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's
+# config file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide
+# replacements, missing definitions are set to their default value.
+# Set optional variables used in the generation of an rtf document.
+# Syntax is similar to doxygen's config file.
+# configuration options related to the man page output
+# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# generate man pages
+# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
+# put in front of it. If left blank `man' will be used as the default path.
+# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to
+# the generated man pages (default is the subroutine's section .3)
+# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and Doxygen generates man output,
+# then it will generate one additional man file for each entity
+# documented in the real man page(s). These additional files
+# only source the real man page, but without them the man command
+# would be unable to find the correct page. The default is NO.
+# configuration options related to the XML output
+# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES Doxygen will
+# generate an XML file that captures the structure of
+# the code including all documentation.
+# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
+# put in front of it. If left blank `xml' will be used as the default path.
+# The XML_SCHEMA tag can be used to specify an XML schema,
+# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the
+# syntax of the XML files.
+# The XML_DTD tag can be used to specify an XML DTD,
+# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the
+# syntax of the XML files.
+# If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES Doxygen will
+# dump the program listings (including syntax highlighting
+# and cross-referencing information) to the XML output. Note that
+# enabling this will significantly increase the size of the XML output.
+# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES Doxygen will
+# generate an AutoGen Definitions (see autogen.sf.net) file
+# that captures the structure of the code including all
+# documentation. Note that this feature is still experimental
+# and incomplete at the moment.
+# configuration options related to the Perl module output
+# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES Doxygen will
+# generate a Perl module file that captures the structure of
+# the code including all documentation. Note that this
+# feature is still experimental and incomplete at the
+# moment.
+# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate
+# the necessary Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able
+# to generate PDF and DVI output from the Perl module output.
+# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be
+# nicely formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. This is useful
+# if you want to understand what is going on. On the other hand, if this
+# tag is set to NO the size of the Perl module output will be much smaller
+# and Perl will parse it just the same.
+# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file
+# are prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX.
+# This is useful so different doxyrules.make files included by the same
+# Makefile don't overwrite each other's variables.
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
+# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# evaluate all C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include
+# files.
+# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES Doxygen will expand all macro
+# names in the source code. If set to NO (the default) only conditional
+# compilation will be performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled
+# way by setting EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES.
+# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES
+# then the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the
+# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES (the default) the includes files
+# in the INCLUDE_PATH (see below) will be search if a #include is found.
+# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by
+# the preprocessor.
+# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard
+# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the
+# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will
+# be used.
+# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that
+# are defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of
+# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name
+# or name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the = are
+# omitted =1 is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being
+# undefined via #undef or recursively expanded use the := operator
+# instead of the = operator.
+# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then
+# this tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded.
+# The macro definition that is found in the sources will be used.
+# Use the PREDEFINED tag if you want to use a different macro definition.
+# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES (the default) then
+# doxygen's preprocessor will remove all function-like macros that are alone
+# on a line, have an all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such
+# function macros are typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse
+# the parser if not removed.
+# Configuration::additions related to external references
+# The TAGFILES option can be used to specify one or more tagfiles.
+# Optionally an initial location of the external documentation
+# can be added for each tagfile. The format of a tag file without
+# this location is as follows:
+# TAGFILES = file1 file2 ...
+# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows:
+# TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ...
+# where "loc1" and "loc2" can be relative or absolute paths or
+# URLs. If a location is present for each tag, the installdox tool
+# does not have to be run to correct the links.
+# Note that each tag file must have a unique name
+# (where the name does NOT include the path)
+# If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen
+# is run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here.
+# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create
+# a tag file that is based on the input files it reads.
+# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external classes will be listed
+# in the class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes
+# will be listed.
+# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed
+# in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will
+# be listed.
+# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
+# interpreter (i.e. the result of `which perl').
+PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool
+# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# generate a inheritance diagram (in HTML, RTF and LaTeX) for classes with base
+# or super classes. Setting the tag to NO turns the diagrams off. Note that
+# this option is superseded by the HAVE_DOT option below. This is only a
+# fallback. It is recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more
+# powerful graphs.
+# You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc
+# command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see
+# http://www.mcternan.me.uk/mscgen/) to produce the chart and insert it in the
+# documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where
+# the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the
+# default search path.
+# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide
+# inheritance and usage relations if the target is undocumented
+# or is not a class.
+# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is
+# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz, a graph visualization
+# toolkit from AT&T and Lucent Bell Labs. The other options in this section
+# have no effect if this option is set to NO (the default)
+# If the CLASS_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
+# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and
+# indirect inheritance relations. Setting this tag to YES will force the
+# the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO.
+# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
+# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and
+# indirect implementation dependencies (inheritance, containment, and
+# class references variables) of the class with other documented classes.
+# If the GROUP_GRAPHS and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
+# will generate a graph for groups, showing the direct groups dependencies
+# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and
+# collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling
+# Language.
+# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will show the
+# relations between templates and their instances.
+# tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented
+# file showing the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with
+# other documented files.
+# HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each
+# documented header file showing the documented files that directly or
+# indirectly include this file.
+# If the CALL_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT options are set to YES then
+# doxygen will generate a call dependency graph for every global function
+# or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase
+# the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs
+# for selected functions only using the \callgraph command.
+# If the CALLER_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then
+# doxygen will generate a caller dependency graph for every global function
+# or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase
+# the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable caller
+# graphs for selected functions only using the \callergraph command.
+# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
+# will graphical hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one.
+# then doxygen will show the dependencies a directory has on other directories
+# in a graphical way. The dependency relations are determined by the #include
+# relations between the files in the directories.
+# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images
+# generated by dot. Possible values are png, jpg, or gif
+# If left blank png will be used.
+# The tag DOT_PATH can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be
+# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path.
+# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the
+# \dotfile command).
+# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of
+# nodes that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph
+# becomes larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is
+# visualized by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the
+# number of direct children of the root node in a graph is already larger than
+# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note
+# that the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH.
+# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the
+# graphs generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable
+# from the root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes
+# that lay further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this
+# option to 1 or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large
+# code bases. Also note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by
+# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction.
+# Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent
+# background. This is enabled by default, which results in a transparent
+# background. Warning: Depending on the platform used, enabling this option
+# may lead to badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of a graph (i.e. they
+# become hard to read).
+# Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES allow dot to generate multiple output
+# files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This
+# makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10)
+# support this, this feature is disabled by default.
+# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# generate a legend page explaining the meaning of the various boxes and
+# arrows in the dot generated graphs.
+# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
+# remove the intermediate dot files that are used to generate
+# the various graphs.
+# Configuration::additions related to the search engine
+# The SEARCHENGINE tag specifies whether or not a search engine should be
+# used. If set to NO the values of all tags below this one will be ignored.
--- /dev/null
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+\def\todo{\scriptsize\fbox{\bf TODO !!}\normalsize}
+\def\BBTK{{\xspace}The {\bf Black Box Toolkit} }
+\def\bbtk{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbtk}$ }
+\def\bbi{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbi}$ }
+\def\bbStudio{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbStudio}$ }
+\def\bbfy{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbfy}$ }
+\def\bbdoc{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbdoc}$ }
+\def\bbCreatePackage{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbCreatePackage}$ }
+\def\bbPackageBrowser{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbPackageBrowser}$ }
+\def\bbCreateBlackBox{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbCreateBlackBox}$ }
+\def\bbs{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbs}$ }
+\def\bbc{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbc}$ }
+\def\bbRegeneratePackageDoc{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbRegeneratePackageDoc}$ }
+\def\bbRegenerateBoxesLists{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbRegenerateBoxesLists}$ }
+\def\bbPlugPackage{{\xspace}$\texttt{bbPlugPackage}$ }
+\def\bb{{\xspace}$\texttt{bb}$ }
+\def\cmake{{\xspace}$\texttt{cmake}$ }
+\def\C{{\xspace}$\texttt{C}$ }
+\def\CPP{{\xspace}$\texttt{C++}$ }
+\def\xml{{\xspace}$\texttt{xml}$ }
+\def\itk{{\xspace}$\texttt{itk}$ }
+\def\vtk{{\xspace}$\texttt{vtk}$ }
+\def\gdcm{{\xspace}$\texttt{gdcm}$ }
+\def\gsmis{{\xspace}$\texttt{gsmis}$ }
+\def\wx{{\xspace}$\texttt{wxWidgets}$ }
+\def\lin{{\xspace}\textit{Linux} }
+\def\win{{\xspace}\textit{Windows} }
+% the same macros with no space at the end
+\def\BBTKns{{\xspace}The {\bf Black Box Toolkit}}
+\def\bbtkGuide [#1]{
+{\Large \BBTK}
+{\Huge #1}
+\bbtk version \bbtkVersion \hspace{2mm}(\bbtkVersionDate)
+Generated on : \today
+Eduardo D\'avila, Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux
+CREATIS-LRMN, Centre de Recherche en Imagerie M\'edicale \\
+CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U620, INSA Lyon, Universit\'e Claude-Bernard Lyon 1
+% ==========================================
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+%%% TeX-master: "bbtkUsersGuide"
+%%% End:
+%% env
+\textbf{File #1}
+%\hspace{0.2cm}\arabic{Ctrfile}\hfill \textbf{#1}
+\hfill\textbf{End of file}
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <title>Help Contents - bbtk @BBTK_VERSION@ </title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<H1>Help Contents</H1>
+<a href="bbdoc/index-category.html#demo" target="information">Demos</a><br>
+<a href="bbdoc/index-category.html#example" target="information">Examples</a>
+<a href="bbtkUsersGuide/bbtkUsersGuide.html" target="information">User's Guide</a><br>
+<a href="bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide/bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide.html" target="information">Package Developer's Guide</a><br>
+<a href="doxygen/bbtk/main.html" target="information">bbtk library doxygen doc</a><br>
+<a target="information" href="bbdoc/index-alpha.html">Alphabetical list</a><br>
+<a target="information" href="bbdoc/index-package.html">List by package</a><br>
+<a target="information" href="bbdoc/index-category.html">List by category</a><br>
+<a target="information" href="bbdoc/index-adaptors.html">List of adaptors</a><br>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=bbtkWebSite/menu.html" />
+<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />
+<p><a href="bbtkWebSite/menu.html">Redirection</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+<title>User Project</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<frameset cols="100,499" rows="*">
+ <frame src="bbtkWebSite/menu.html">
+ <frame name="information" src="bbtkWebSite/home.html">
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
--- /dev/null
+MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================")
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Configuring User html doc")
+# Configure & install images
+# Configure html pages for build tree and install
+FILE(GLOB HTML_PAGES "." "*.html")
+ GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(filename "${page}" NAME)
+ ${page}
+ ${BBTK_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/template_WebSite/${filename}
+ )
+ # Install
+ FILES ${BBTK_DOC_BUILD_PATH}/template_WebSite/${filename}
+ )
+# Regenerate package doc / boxes lists
+# Must be made manually as:
+# 1) Is useless for installers (it is to be run after install)
+# 2) Can be done manually for a build tree (e.g. in bbStudio)
+SET(INDEX_OUTPUT index-alpha.html)
+IF (WIN32)
+ set Path=${DLL_PATH} && cd ${BBTK_BIN_PATH} && bbRegeneratePackageDoc -a -q && bbRegenerateBoxesLists -q
+ )
+ cd ${BBTK_BIN_PATH} && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} && ./bbRegeneratePackageDoc -a -q && ./bbRegenerateBoxesLists -q
+ DEPENDS ${BBTK_PACKAGES_DEPS} bbRegeneratePackageDoc bbRegenerateBoxesLists
+ )
+ bbdoc ALL
+ )
+MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================")
--- /dev/null
+* menu.html : the menu used by ../index.html.in and ../index-no-frame
+* home.html : the home page used by ../index.html.in and ../index-no-frame
+* install.html : install instructions
+* download.html : download instructions (obsolete)
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>Home</title>
+<div style="text-align: center;">
+<big><span style="font-weight: bold;">
+The Black Box Toolkit Documentation<br>
+<div style="text-align: left;">Follow <a
+ href="./install.html">this link</a> if you need to build bbtk from
+Read the <a href="../bbtkUsersGuide/bbtkUsersGuide.html">users' guide</a> if you
+want to learn how to use bbtk development environnement (bbStudio) and
+how to write black box scripts.<br>
+Read the <a
+ href="../bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide/bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide.html">package
+developers' guide</a> to learn how to create your own black boxes and
+Developers might also be interested in <a
+ href="../doxygen/bbtk/main.html">doxygen documentation</a> of the
+source code of bbtk library.<br>
+The boxes lists contain the boxes of bbtk <a
+ href="../bbdoc/index-package.html">core packages</a> (std,wx,vtk...)
+for current version.<br>
+All this documentation is also available from bbStudio.<br>
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+ http-equiv="content-type">
+ <title>BBTK @BBTK_VERSION@ Install</title>
+<div style="text-align: center;"><big>BBTK @BBTK_VERSION@
+(@BBTK_VERSION_DATE@) build instructions</big><br>
+<div style="text-align: left;">
+<ol id="mozToc">
+<!--mozToc h1 1 h2 2 h3 3 h4 4 h5 5 h6 6-->
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId820435">Linux</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId745245">Requirements</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId775505">Known working configurations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId410988">Install from sources</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId777026">Windows </a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId761363">Requirements</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId681503">Known working configurations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId618885">Steps </a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#mozTocId915759">CMake build options</a></li>
+<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"></div>
+<h1><a class="mozTocH2" name="mozTocId820435"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Linux</span></small></small></big></big></big></h1>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH3" name="mozTocId745245"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Requirements</span></small></small></big></big></big></h2>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">cmake >= 2.4.6</span></li>
+ <li>crea >= 0.2.0<br>
+ <span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></li>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">wxWidgets >=
+2.6.3</span><span style="font-weight: normal;"> </span></li>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">optional : <br>
+ </span></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">L<sub>a</sub>T<sub>e</sub>X
+to generate the pdf guides</span><br>
+ <span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></li>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">tth to generate the html
+ </span></li>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">itk to compile packages itk,
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">vtk to compile package vtk,
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">doxygen to build the sources
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">graphviz/dot to generate the
+packages doc with pipeline graphs<br>
+ </span></li>
+ <ul>
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH3" name="mozTocId775505"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Known working configurations</span></small></small></big></big></big></h2>
+<big><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"> <small>
+- gcc: <br>
+ 4.3.0 (Fedora Core 9)<br>
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+4.2.0 (OpenSuse 10.3)<br style="font-weight: normal;">
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-33)<br>
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"> </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"> 4.1.2
+20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)<br>
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"> </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+- cmake: </span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 2.4-patch 6</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">
+- wxGTK-devel: </span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"> </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"> </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"> </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+- InsightToolkit:</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 3.4</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 3.2</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 2.8.1-5</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+- vtk:</span></small></small></big></big><small><br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</small><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">
+ 5.0.3-1</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big><br>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH3" name="mozTocId410988"></a><big><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Install from sources<span
+ style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span></big></h2>
+<span style="font-weight: normal;"> Uncompress the
+archive or checkout the source from the cvs repository<br>
+ In the parent folder of the bbtk sources type :<br>
+ > mkdir bbtkbin; cd bbtkbin<br>
+ > ccmake ../bbtk<br>
+ <span style="font-style: italic;">Check the desired
+options. See </span><a style="font-style: italic;"
+ href="#mozTocId915759">CMake build options</a><span
+ style="font-style: italic;"> for a description. <br>
+</span></span><span style="font-weight: normal;"><span
+ style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);">==>
+IMPORTANT NOTE </span>:</span><br>
+</span><span style="font-weight: normal;"><span
+ style="font-style: italic;"></span><span style="font-style: italic;">
+Type 'c' <span style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);">many
+times</span> until no area is flagged with a '*' and three times more
+then type 'g', to generate.</span><br>
+ > make<br>
+ > sudo make install<br>
+ Enjoy !<br>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH3" name="mozTocId410988"></a><big><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Uninstall<br>
+ You can run <span style="font-style: italic;">bbtk-uninstall.sh</span>
+as root.<br>
+<span style="font-weight: bold;"> WARNING : </span><br
+ style="font-weight: bold;">
+ This is a brute force **UNSAFE**
+uninstaller which removes all files and folders starting with 'bb' in :<br>
+ INSTALL-PREFIX/include<br>
+ INSTALL-PREFIX/share/bbtk<br>
+ However it lists the files found and prompts you
+before proceeding...<br>
+<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">
+<h1><a class="mozTocH2" name="mozTocId777026"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Windows </span></small></small></big></big></big></h1>
+<big><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH3" name="mozTocId761363"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Requirements</span></small></small></big></big></big></h2>
+ <li><big><span style="font-weight: normal;"><small>.net V7</small> <small>to
+compile the kernel and the packages</small></span></big><br>
+ <big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">CMake
+2.4 patch 6</span></small></small></big></big><big
+ style="font-weight: normal;"><big><big><small><small><small> to
+generate the project file for .net</small></small></small></big></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">wxWidgets-2.8.5
+build graphical interface boxes</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+<h3><big><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big>Optional</h3>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">VTK
+5.0.3 source to build vtk boxes </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">InsightToolkit-3.4.0
+to build itk boxes</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">Miktex
+(TeX compiler
+and TeX-Pdf
+translation tool) to build documentations</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">TTH (TeX
+to HTML translation
+tool) to build html documentations</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">Doxygen
+to build the
+code documentations</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">Graphviz
+to generate the
+graphs in doxygen doc and black box pipelines graphs</span></small></small></big></big>
+ <br>
+ </li>
+<big><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH2" name="mozTocId681503"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Known working configurations</span></small></small></big></big></big></h2>
+<ul style="font-weight: bold;">
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">.net V7<br>
+ </span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">cmake</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">2.4
+patch 6</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">wxWidgets</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">2.8.5</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">InsightToolkit</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big style="font-weight: normal;"><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">3.4.0</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">vtk</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">5.0.3</span></small></small></big></big><small><span
+ style="font-weight: bold;">
+ </span></small><br>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<big><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big>
+<h2><a class="mozTocH2" name="mozTocId618885"></a><big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Steps<br>
+<big><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></big>
+<big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">Uncompress
+the sources in <span style="font-style: italic;">yourSourceDirectory</span>
+or checkout the source from the cvs </span></small></small></big></big><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">Create
+the build folder </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-style: italic;">yourSourceDirectory</span>\bin</span></small></small></big></big><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></li>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;">Drag and drop the file </span><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-style: italic;">yourSourceDirectory</span></span></small></small></big></big><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">\CMakeLists.txt on the CMakeSetup icon</span><big
+ style="font-weight: bold;"><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big style="font-weight: bold;"><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">Check the desired
+options for the build. See </span><a style="font-weight: normal;"
+ href="install.html#mozTocId915759">CMake build options</a><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"> for a description</span></li>
+ <li><span style="font-weight: normal;"><br>
+ </span></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"><span
+ style="font-weight: bold;">To build with WxWidgets</span> : the .ddl
+must be accessible; either their names are in system PATH variable,
+either copy
+them in the current bin directory (bin/Debug or bin/Release, depending
+whether you compiled in Debug or Release mode) </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"><span
+ style="font-weight: bold;">To build with VTK</span> : </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">the .ddl must be accessible; either their
+names are in system PATH variable, either copy
+them in the current bin directory (bin/Debug or bin/Release, depending
+whether you compiled in Debug or Release mode)</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;"><span
+ style="font-weight: bold;">To
+build with ITK</span> : </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">the .ddl must be accessible; either their
+names are in system PATH variable, either copy
+them in the current bin directory (bin/Debug or bin/Release, depending
+whether you compiled in Debug or Release mode)</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">Open
+the solution created by cmake : </span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-style: italic;">ourSourceDirectory</span>\bin</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;">\BBTK.sln and build
+the entire solution.</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">If
+you get dll error messages close the message(s) and after it's
+done, rebuild the complete solution.</span></small></small></big></big><big><big><small><small><span
+ style="font-weight: normal;"></span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li><big><big><small><small><span style="font-weight: normal;">If
+you get package intallation messages for missing and required
+files like <span style="font-style: italic;">fileName.sty</span>,
+install them all.</span></small></small></big></big></li>
+ <li style="font-weight: normal;">The packages correspond to
+on-line complements that the MikTex program
+needs to build the BBTK documentation.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+Enjoy !<br>
+<div style="text-align: left;">
+<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"></div>
+<div style="text-align: left;">
+<h1><a class="mozTocH1" name="mozTocId915759"></a>CMake build options</h1>
+<span style="font-weight: normal;">The options in grey only appear if
+the last non grey option is set to
+ON (e.g. itk_IMAGE_DIM_2 and the following ones in grey only appear if
+The variables in dark grey and italics are NOT options but are
+automatically set by cmake according to the options selected. In
+particular the variables 'USE_<span style="font-style: italic;">something</span>'
+indicate the dependencies on external libraries or utilities.<br
+ style="font-weight: normal;">
+</span><span style="font-weight: normal;">Advanced options are not
+here... </span><br>
+<table style="width: 1274px; height: 1762px;" border="1" cellpadding="2"
+ cellspacing="2">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Option</span><br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Explaination</span><br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Default</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>--BUILD_ALL<br>
+ </td>
+ <td>Set to ON to build all the components of the toolkit<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BBTK_COMPILE_DEBUG_MESSAGES</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Compile debug messages in bbtk ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BBTK_COMPILE_ERROR_MESSAGES</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Compile error messages in bbtk ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BBTK_COMPILE_MESSAGES</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Compile normal messages in bbtk ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BBTK_COMPILE_WARNING_MESSAGES</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Compile warning messages in bbtk
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BBTK_USE_SHIPPED_BOOST<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Use the boost C++ library
+provided with bbtk ?<br>
+If not set you need to have boost installed <br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BBTK_USE_WXWIDGETS<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build with the wxWidgets library
+? <br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ </td>
+ <td> Build bbtk applications : development studio (bbStudio),
+(bbi), xml to C++ code (bbfy), etc. ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build executables for all bbs applications of all packages ?<br>
+If set will compile all bbs of folder appli of all packages, using bbc<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_DOC<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build bbtk documentations ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">BUILD_BBTK_DOC_DOXYGEN<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">Build
+doxygen documentation for bbtk kernel?<br>
+Requires doxygen<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">BUILD_BBTK_DOC_GUIDES_HTML<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">Build
+html versions of the guides ?<br>
+Requires latex, pdftex, tth<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">BUILD_BBTK_DOC_GUIDES_PDF<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">Build
+pdf versions of the guides ?<br>
+Requires latex, pdftex<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">BUILD_BBTK_DOC_PACKAGE<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">Build
+packages html documentations ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_demo<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'demo' ?<br>
+Requires : itk, vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_itk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build the package 'itk' ?<br>
+Requires : itk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;"> BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_itkvtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'itkvtk ?<br>
+Requires : itk, vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_std<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'std' ?</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_toolsbbtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'toolsbbtk' ?</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_vtk <br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'vtk' ?<br>
+Requires : vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_wx<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'wx' ?<br>
+Requires : wxWidgets<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_wxvtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'wxvtk' ?<br>
+Requires : wxWidgets, vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of dimension 2 ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of dimension 3 ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+itk_IMAGE_DIM_4 </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of dimension 4 ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type char ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type double ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type float ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type int ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type short ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type unsigned char ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type unsigned int ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">Compile
+itk images of type unsigned short ?<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">ON<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_demo</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'demo' ?<br>
+Requires : <span style="font-weight: bold;">ALL</span> the other
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_itkvtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build the package 'itkvtk' ?<br>
+Requires : itk, vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_std<br>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build the package 'std ? </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_toolsbbtk</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Build the package 'toolsbbtk' ?</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build the package 'vtk' ?<br>
+Requires : vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build the package 'wx' ?<br>
+Requires : wxWidgets<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>BUILD_BBTK_PACKAGE_wxvtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td>Build the package 'wxvtk' ?<br>
+Requires : wxWidgets, vtk<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">OFF<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ </td>
+ <td>Set to "Debug" or "Release" <br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ </td>
+ <td> Set the install folder<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">/usr/local<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Single output directory for
+building all the executables<br>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">Single output directory for
+building all the libraries</td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: top;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_BOOST<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when boost C++ library is needed with the choices made<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_DOXYGEN<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when doxygen is needed with the choices made</td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_ITK<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when ITK library is needed with the choices made</td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_LATEX<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when LaTeX is needed with the choices made</td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_TTH<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when tth is needed with the choices made</td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_VTK<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when VTK library is needed with the choices made</td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">USE_WXWIDGETS<br>
+ </td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">Automatically
+set to ON when wxWidgets library is needed with the choices made</td>
+ <td
+ style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-style: italic;">-<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
--- /dev/null
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+ <title>The Black Box Toolkit @BBTK_VERSION@</title>
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+<body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
+<small> <font size="3"><small>
+<a target="information" href="home.html">Home</a><br>
+<a href="./install.html" target="information">Build instructions</a></small></font></small><br>
+<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">Guides and documentation
+<small> <font size="3"><small><a
+ href="../bbtkUsersGuide/bbtkUsersGuide.html" target="information">User's
+Guide</a> (<font size="2"><small><small><a
+ href="../bbtkUsersGuide/bbtkUsersGuide.pdf" target="information">pdf</a></small></small></font>)
+<small><font size="3"><small> <a
+ href="../bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide/bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide.html"
+ target="information">Package Developer's Guide</a> (<font size="2"><small><small><a
+ href="../bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide/bbtkPackageDevelopersGuide.pdf"
+ target="information">pdf</a></small></small></font>)
+<small><font size="3"><small> <small><font size="3"><small><a
+ href="../bbtkDevelopersGuide/bbtkDevelopersGuide.html"
+ target="information">Developer's Guide</a> (<font size="2"><small><small><a
+ href="../bbtkDevelopersGuide/bbtkDevelopersGuide.pdf"
+ target="information">pdf</a></small></small></font>)</small></font></small><br>
+</small></font></small><small><font size="3"><small> <a
+ href="../doxygen/bbtk/main.html" target="information">bbtk library
+doxygen documentation</a></small></font></small>
+<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">Boxes<big><br>
+</big><font size="2">
+<small><big><a target="information" href="../bbdoc/index-alpha.html">Alphabetical
+<a target="information" href="../bbdoc/index-package.html">List by
+<a target="information" href="../bbdoc/index-category.html">List by
+<a target="information" href="../bbdoc/index-adaptors.html">List of
+<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">
+<blockquote><big> </big></blockquote>
MESSAGE ( STATUS "=======================================")
MESSAGE ( STATUS "Looking for boost C++ library... - found in ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}")
+ IF(WIN32)
+ libboost_signals-vc71-mt-1_37
+ libboost_filesystem-vc71-mt-1_37
+ boost_date_time-vc71-mt-1_37
+ )
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "boost C++ library not found - Set Boost_INCLUDE_DIR to the directory containing boost headers")