#ifdef __APPLE__
- command = "source ~/.bashrc ; "+command;
+ command = "source ~/.bashrc_CreaTools ; "+command;
std::string pathfilenamepy = pathfilenamebbs;
pathfilenamepy.replace( pathfilenamepy.length()-3, 3 , "py");
- std::string cmdPy("source ~/.bashrc; bbs2 "+pathfilenamebbs+" "+pathfilenamepy);
+ std::string cmdPy("source ~/.bashrc_CreaTools; bbs2 "+pathfilenamebbs+" "+pathfilenamepy);
printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram cmd:%s\n", cmdPy.c_str() );
system( cmdPy.c_str() );
} // ExportFormat 1 or 2 All and Python
std::string pathfilenamejs = pathfilenamebbs;
pathfilenamejs.replace( pathfilenamejs.length()-3, 3 , "js");
- std::string cmdjs("source ~/.bashrc; bbs2 "+pathfilenamebbs+" "+pathfilenamejs);
+ std::string cmdjs("source ~/.bashrc_CreaTools; bbs2 "+pathfilenamebbs+" "+pathfilenamejs);
printf("EED wxGUIEditorGraphicBBS::OnSaveActualDiagram cmd:%s\n", cmdjs.c_str() );
system( cmdjs.c_str() );
} // ExportFormat 1 or 3 All and JavaScript