From: Pierre Gueth <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 13:37:24 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: copied gatemergemanager from gate-creatis
X-Git-Tag: v1.4.0~164^2~21

copied gatemergemanager from gate-creatis

diff --git a/tests_dav/ b/tests_dav/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de9794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests_dav/
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+   GATE version name: gate_v...
+   Copyright (C): OpenGATE Collaboration
+This software is distributed under the terms
+of the GNU Lesser General  Public Licence (LGPL)
+See GATE/LICENSE.txt for further details
+#include <TROOT.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TChain.h>
+#include <TTree.h>
+#include <TBranch.h>
+#include <TIterator.h>
+#include <TObject.h>
+#include <TKey.h>
+#include <TH1.h>
+#include <TH2.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <glob.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "GateMergeManager.hh"
+using namespace std;
+void GateMergeManager::StartMerging(string splitfileName){
+  // get the files to merge
+  ReadSplitFile(splitfileName);
+  //do the merging
+  if (m_fastMerge==true) FastMergeRoot();
+  else MergeRoot();
+  //if we are here the merging has been successful
+  //we mark the directory as ready for cleanup
+  //string dir   = splitfileName.substr(0,splitfileName.rfind("/"));
+  //string ready = "touch "+dir+"/ready_for_delete";
+  //const int res=system(ready.c_str());
+  //if(res) cout<<"Strange?? Can't mark "<<dir<<" as done!"<<endl;
+// to process the splitfile
+void GateMergeManager::ReadSplitFile(string splitfileName){
+  ifstream splitfile;
+  if(!splitfile){
+     cout<<"Can't open split file: "<<splitfileName<<endl;
+     exit(0);
+  };
+  //avoid multiple calls
+  if(m_vRootFileNames.size()>0) return;
+  stringstream ssnfiles;
+  char cline[512];
+  while(splitfile){               //we allow for rubbish before "Number of files:"
+     splitfile.getline(cline,512);
+     if(!strncmp(cline,"Number of files:",16)){
+         ssnfiles.str(cline+16);
+         ssnfiles>>m_Nfiles;      // the number of files to merge
+         break;
+     }
+  }
+  // now we look for the file names
+  int iRoot=0;
+  while(splitfile){
+     splitfile.getline(cline,512);
+     // check for root
+     // input files
+     if(!strncmp(cline,"Root filename:",14)){
+        m_vRootFileNames.push_back(strtok(cline+15," "));
+        m_vRootFileNames[iRoot]+=".root";
+        if(m_verboseLevel>2) cout<<"Root input file name: "<<m_vRootFileNames[iRoot]<<endl;
+        iRoot++;
+     }
+     // output file
+     else if(!strncmp(cline,"Original Root filename:",23)){
+        m_RootTargetName=strtok(cline+23," ");
+        m_RootTargetName+=".root";
+        if(m_outDir!=""){// output directory option used
+           //replace path with outDir
+           size_t pos=m_RootTargetName.rfind('/',m_RootTargetName.length());
+           if(pos==string::npos) pos=-1;
+           m_RootTargetName=m_outDir+m_RootTargetName.substr(pos+1);
+        }
+        if(m_verboseLevel>2) cout<<"Root output file name: "<<m_RootTargetName<<endl;
+     }
+  }
+  // check if number of root files correct
+  if(iRoot && iRoot!=m_Nfiles) {
+       cout<<"Inconsistent number of root file entries in split file!"<<endl;
+       exit(0);
+  }
+void GateMergeManager::FastMergeRoot()
+   //check target name
+   if(m_RootTargetName=="") {
+      cout<<"No root output file name given in split file"<<endl;
+      exit(0);
+   }
+   // number of files to merge
+   int nfiles=m_vRootFileNames.size();
+   if(nfiles<1){
+      cout<<"No files to merge!"<<endl;
+      exit(0);
+   }
+   //we try to recover the last_event_ID in all root files
+   filearr=new TFile*[nfiles];
+   for(int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) {
+      filearr[i] = TFile::Open(m_vRootFileNames[i].c_str(),"OLD");
+      if(filearr[i]==NULL){
+         cout<<"Not a readable file "<<m_vRootFileNames[i]<<" - exit!"<<endl;   
+         exit(0);
+      }
+   }  
+   m_lastEvents.resize(nfiles+1);
+   m_lastEvents[0]=0;
+   bool flgLstEvntID(false);
+   // latest_event_ID histogram
+   flgLstEvntID=true;
+   TH1* h=NULL;
+   for(int i=0;i<nfiles;i++){
+     h = (TH1*)filearr[i]->Get("latest_event_ID");
+     m_lastEvents[i+1]=int(h->GetMean());
+     }
+   if(!flgLstEvntID) {
+      cout<<"FastMerge: No latest_event_ID histogram - exit!"<<endl;
+      exit(0);
+   }
+ /*for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++)
+  {
+   cout<<"Last ID is: "<<m_lastEvents[i+1]<<" File " <<i+1<<endl;
+  }*/
+   //find all trees
+   vector<string> treeNames;
+   TFile* node = TFile::Open(m_vRootFileNames[0].c_str(),"OLD");
+   TIter nextkey(node->GetListOfKeys());
+   TKey *key=0;
+   while ((key = (TKey*)nextkey()))
+   {
+     node->cd();
+     TObject* obj = (TObject*)key->ReadObj();
+     if(  obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TTree"))
+     {
+       //no doubles
+       bool singleName=true;
+       for(unsigned int i=0;i<treeNames.size();i++)
+       {
+         if(treeNames[i].compare(obj->GetName())==0)
+         {
+           singleName=false;
+           break;
+         }
+       }
+       if(singleName) treeNames.push_back(obj->GetName());
+     }
+   }
+   //take care of all trees
+   for(unsigned int i=0;i<treeNames.size();i++) 
+   {
+     if(!MergeTree(treeNames[i])) if(m_verboseLevel>1) cout<<"Problem with merging "<<treeNames[i]<<endl; 
+   }
+void GateMergeManager::MergeRoot(){
+   //check target name
+   if(m_RootTargetName=="") {
+      cout<<"No root output file name given in split file"<<endl;
+      exit(0);
+   }
+   // number of files to merge
+   int nfiles=m_vRootFileNames.size();
+   // the root output file
+   if(m_forced) {
+      m_RootTarget = TFile::Open(m_RootTargetName.c_str(),"RECREATE");
+   } else {
+      m_RootTarget = TFile::Open(m_RootTargetName.c_str(),"NEW");
+      if(!m_RootTarget){
+          cout<<"The root ouput file already exists! Try -f to overwrite and erase the file."<<endl;
+          exit(0);
+      }
+   }
+   if(nfiles<1){
+      cout<<"No files to merge!"<<endl;
+      exit(0);
+   }
+   TFile* filearr[nfiles];
+   for(int i=1;i<nfiles;i++) {
+      filearr[i] = TFile::Open(m_vRootFileNames[i].c_str(),"OLD");
+      if(filearr[i]==NULL){
+         cout<<"Not a readable file "<<m_vRootFileNames[i]<<" - exit!"<<endl;   
+         exit(0);
+      }
+   }
+// first we copy all histos (only top directory) 
+// and look for the latestEventID
+// and find out which  trees/ntuples  exist
+   m_lastEvents.resize(nfiles+1);
+       m_lastEvents[0]=0;
+   bool flgLstEvntID(false);
+   if(m_verboseLevel>0) {
+      cout<<"Combining: ";
+      for(int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) cout<<m_vRootFileNames[i]<<" ";
+      cout<<"-> "<<m_RootTarget->GetName()<<endl;
+   }
+   vector<string> treeNames;
+   TFile* node = TFile::Open(m_vRootFileNames[0].c_str(),"OLD");
+   if(node==NULL){
+       cout<<"Not a readable file "<<m_vRootFileNames[0]<<" - exit!"<<endl;   
+       exit(0);
+   }
+        TIter nextkey(node->GetListOfKeys());
+        TKey *key=0;
+        while ((key = (TKey*)nextkey())) {
+          node->cd();
+          TObject* obj = (TObject*)key->ReadObj();
+          if(  obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1")){
+             m_RootTarget->cd();
+             TH1 *h1 = (TH1 *)obj->Clone();
+             if(strcmp(h1->GetName(),"latest_event_ID")){
+                     //any other histogram
+                     for(int i=1;i<nfiles;i++){
+                          TH1 *h2 = (TH1*)filearr[i]->Get( h1->GetName() );
+                          h1->Add( h2 ); 
+                     }
+                     h1->Write();
+             } else {
+                          // latest_event_ID histogram
+                          flgLstEvntID=true;
+                          m_lastEvents[1]=int(h1->GetMean());
+                          TH1* h=NULL;
+                          for(int i=1;i<nfiles;i++){
+                                  h = (TH1*)filearr[i]->Get("latest_event_ID");
+                                  m_lastEvents[i+1]=int(h->GetMean());
+                          }
+                          if(h!=NULL) h->Write(); // we keep the highest latest_event_ID to allow for successive merging
+                          else h1->Write();
+              }
+         }
+         if(  obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH2")){
+           m_RootTarget->cd();
+           TH2 *h1 = (TH2 *)obj->Clone();
+                        for(int i=1;i<nfiles;i++){
+                                TH2 *h2 = (TH2*)filearr[i]->Get( h1->GetName() );
+                                h1->Add( h2 ); 
+                        }
+                        h1->Write();
+                }
+         if(  obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TTree")){
+           //no doubles
+           bool singleName=true;
+           for(unsigned int i=0;i<treeNames.size();i++) {
+              if(treeNames[i].compare(obj->GetName())==0){
+                 singleName=false;
+                 break;
+              }
+           }
+           if(singleName) treeNames.push_back(obj->GetName());
+         }
+   }
+   if(!flgLstEvntID) {
+      cout<<"Merge: No latest_event_ID histogram - exit!"<<endl;
+      exit(0);
+   }
+   //now we take care of the trees
+   for(unsigned int i=0;i<treeNames.size();i++) 
+     if(!MergeTree(treeNames[i])) if(m_verboseLevel>1) cout<<"Problem with merging "<<treeNames[i]<<endl; 
+   // everything is done
+// cleanup after merging
+void GateMergeManager::StartCleaning(string splitfileName,bool test){
+  // get the files to erase
+  ReadSplitFile(splitfileName);
+  string dir=splitfileName.substr(0,splitfileName.rfind("/"));
+  // test for the mark: ready_for_delete 
+  string touched=dir+"/ready_for_delete";
+  ifstream ready;
+  if (!ready) {
+     cout<<"Cannot do the cleanup - directory "<<dir<<" not marked as ready!"<<endl;
+     if(!test) exit(0);
+  }
+  // print info
+  if(test)                    cout<<"I would like to erase:"<<endl;
+  if(!test&&m_verboseLevel>1) cout<<"Going to erase the following files:"<<endl;
+  if(m_verboseLevel>1||test){
+     cout<<" --> "<<dir<<endl;
+     // root
+     for(unsigned int i=0;i<m_vRootFileNames.size();i++){
+        cout<<" --> "<<m_vRootFileNames[i]<<endl;
+     }
+  }
+  // erase!
+  if(!test){
+     for(unsigned int i=0;i<m_vRootFileNames.size();i++){
+        const string rmfiles("rm -f "+m_vRootFileNames[i]);
+        const int res = system(rmfiles.c_str());
+        if(res) {
+               cout<<"Could not remove "<<m_vRootFileNames[i]<<endl;
+               cout<<"Please remove it manually!"<<endl;
+        }
+     }
+     const string rmfiles("rm -f "+dir+"/*");
+     system(rmfiles.c_str());
+     const string rmdir="rm -f -r "+dir;
+     const int res2 = system(rmdir.c_str());
+     if(res2) {
+            cout<<"Could not remove "<<dir<<endl;
+            cout<<"Please remove it manually!"<<endl;
+     }
+  }
+//find out what kind of tree we have and call the right merger
+bool GateMergeManager::MergeTree(string chainName){
+if (m_fastMerge==false)
+ {
+   TChain* chain = new TChain(chainName.c_str());
+   // number of files to merge
+   int nfiles=m_vRootFileNames.size();
+   for(int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) chain->Add(m_vRootFileNames[i].c_str());
+   int nentries=chain->GetEntries();
+   if(nentries<=0) {
+      if(m_verboseLevel>1) cout<<chain->GetName()<<" is empty!"<<endl;
+      return false;
+   }
+   if(chainName=="Gate") MergeGate(chain);
+   if(chain->FindBranch("eventID1")!=NULL) {
+     if(  (chain->FindBranch("runID")==NULL)
+        ||(chain->FindBranch("time1")==NULL) 
+        ||(chain->FindBranch("time2")==NULL) ) {
+        cout<<"Cannot find one of:  runID, time1, time2 in "<<chain->GetName()<<endl;
+        return false;
+     }
+     // coincidence
+     return MergeCoin(chain);
+   } else if(  (chain->FindBranch("runID")==NULL)||(chain->FindBranch("eventID")==NULL)
+                                                  ||(chain->FindBranch("time")==NULL) )
+            {
+             cout<<"Cannot find one of: runID, eventID, time in "<<chain->GetName()<<endl;
+             return false;
+            }
+           // Singles or Hits
+           return MergeSing(chain);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     if (chainName.find("Hits",0)!=string::npos) return FastMergeSing(chainName);
+     if (chainName.find("Singles",0)!=string::npos) return FastMergeSing(chainName);
+     if (chainName.find("Gate",0)!=string::npos) return FastMergeGate(chainName);
+     if (chainName.find("Coincidences",0)!=string::npos) return FastMergeCoin(chainName);
+   }
+   return 0;
+bool GateMergeManager::FastMergeGate(string name)
+//create the output file
+float   event   = 0;
+int offset      = 0;
+int currentfile = 0;
+float lastEvent =-1;
+//float maxtime   =-999999999;
+string clusterName=name+"_cluster";
+for(int j=0;j<m_Nfiles;j++)
+ {
+   filearr[j]->ReOpen("UPDATE");
+   TTree *oldTree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(name.c_str());
+   TBranch *branch  = oldTree->GetBranch("event");
+   branch->SetAddress(&event);
+   TBranch* newBranch=oldTree->Branch("eventcluster",&event,"event");
+   Int_t nentries=(Int_t)oldTree->GetEntries();
+   if (j==0) offset=0;
+   else offset+=m_lastEvents[currentfile];
+   currentfile++;
+   for(int i=0;i<nentries;i++)
+      {
+       branch->GetEvent(i);
+       if(lastEvent!=event)
+        {
+         lastEvent=event;
+         event+=offset;
+         newBranch->Fill();
+        } 
+       else
+        {
+         if((i==nentries-1) && (j==m_Nfiles-1))
+          {
+           event+=offset;
+           newBranch->Fill();
+          }
+         else if (i!=nentries-1) 
+              { 
+               branch->GetEvent(i);
+               event+=offset;
+               newBranch->Fill();
+               lastEvent=0;
+               offset=0;
+              }
+        }
+      }
+    oldTree->Write();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GateMergeManager::FastMergeSing(string name)
+int eventID = 0;
+int runID = 0; 
+int offset      = 0;
+int currentfile = 0;
+float lastRun =-1;
+string clusterName=name+"_cluster"; 
+for(int j=0;j<m_Nfiles;j++)
+ {
+   filearr[j]->ReOpen("UPDATE");
+   TTree *oldTree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(name.c_str());
+   TBranch *branch  = oldTree->GetBranch("eventID");
+   branch->SetAddress(&eventID);
+   TBranch *branch2  = oldTree->GetBranch("runID");
+   branch2->SetAddress(&runID);
+   TBranch* newBranch=oldTree->Branch("eventIDcluster",&eventID,"eventID/I");
+   Int_t nentries=(Int_t)oldTree->GetEntries();
+   if (j==0) offset=0;
+   else offset+=m_lastEvents[currentfile];
+   currentfile++;
+   for(int i=0;i<nentries;i++)
+     {
+      branch->GetEvent(i);
+      if(lastRun!=runID)
+        {
+         lastRun=runID;
+         offset=0;
+        }
+      eventID+=offset;
+      newBranch->Fill();
+    }
+  oldTree->Write();
+  }
+  return true;
+bool GateMergeManager::FastMergeCoin(string name)
+//create the output file
+int eventID1 = 0;
+int eventID2 = 0;
+int runID = 0;
+int offset      = 0;
+int currentfile = 0;
+float lastRun =-1;
+string clusterName=name+"_cluster";
+cout<<"starting coincidence merging..."<<endl;
+for(int j=0;j<m_Nfiles;j++)
+ {
+cout<<"working on file..."<<j<<endl;
+   filearr[j]->ReOpen("UPDATE");
+   TTree *oldTree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(name.c_str());
+   TBranch *branch1  = oldTree->GetBranch("eventID1");
+   branch1->SetAddress(&eventID1);
+   TBranch *branch2  = oldTree->GetBranch("eventID2");
+   branch2->SetAddress(&eventID2);
+   TBranch *branch3  = oldTree->GetBranch("runID");
+   branch3->SetAddress(&runID);
+   TBranch* newBranch1=oldTree->Branch("eventID1cluster",&eventID1,"eventID1/I");
+   TBranch* newBranch2=oldTree->Branch("eventID2cluster",&eventID2,"eventID2/I");
+   Int_t nentries=(Int_t)oldTree->GetEntries();
+   if (j==0) offset=0;
+   else offset+=m_lastEvents[currentfile];
+   cout<<"the offset in this file is: "<<offset<<endl;
+   currentfile++;
+   for(int i=0;i<nentries;i++){
+       branch1->GetEvent(i);
+       branch2->GetEvent(i);
+       branch3->GetEvent(i);
+       if(lastRun!=runID) 
+        {
+         lastRun=runID;
+         offset=0; 
+        }
+       eventID1+=offset;
+       eventID2+=offset;
+       newBranch1->Fill();
+       newBranch2->Fill();
+    }
+    oldTree->Write();
+ }
+    return true;
+// Gate tree merger
+bool GateMergeManager::MergeGate(TChain* chainG) {
+   int nentries=chainG->GetEntries();   
+   float   event   = 0;
+   chainG->SetBranchAddress("event",&event);
+   Float_t iontime = 0;
+   chainG->SetBranchAddress("iontime",&iontime);
+   //create the new tree
+   //Allow for large files and do not write every bit separately
+   m_RootTarget->cd();
+   TTree * newTree = chainG->CloneTree(0);
+   newTree->SetAutoSave(2000000000);
+   if(m_maxRoot!=0) newTree->SetMaxTreeSize(m_maxRoot);
+   else newTree->SetMaxTreeSize(17179869184LL);
+   // changing the compression level everywhere
+   TBranch *br;
+   TIter next(newTree->GetListOfBranches());
+   while ((br=(TBranch*)next())) br->SetCompressionLevel(m_CompLevel);
+   // the main part: modify the eventID
+   int offset      = 0;
+   int currentTree = 0;
+   float lastEvent =-1;
+   float maxtime   =-999999999;
+   for(int i=0;i<nentries;i++){
+       if (chainG->GetEntry(i) <= 0) break; //end of chain
+       if(chainG->GetTreeNumber()>currentTree) {
+           currentTree++;
+           offset+=m_lastEvents[currentTree];
+           // check for overlaping time intervalls between different files
+           // (not within the same file i.e. no time order assumed)
+           if(iontime<maxtime)
+              if(m_verboseLevel>0) 
+                 cout<<"Warning - overlapping Gate iontime ("
+                     <<iontime<<") in file: "<<m_vRootFileNames[currentTree].c_str()<<endl;
+       }
+       // run end is marked by repeating event
+       if(lastEvent!=event) {
+           lastEvent=event;
+//           if (fpclassify(iontime)!=FP_NAN && fpclassify(iontime)!=FP_INFINITE) {
+           if(finite(iontime)){
+             if(maxtime<iontime) maxtime=iontime;
+             // the offset to get a unique event numbering
+             event+=offset;
+             newTree->Fill();
+           } else {
+             cout<<"Warning - inf or NaN in Gate tree for iontime! "<<m_vRootFileNames[currentTree].c_str()<<endl;
+             //we are lost anyhow
+             maxtime   =-999999999;
+           }
+        } else {
+           // run end 
+           if(chainG->GetEntry(i+1) <= 0)  {              //chain end fill the double event 
+              event+=offset;
+              newTree->Fill();
+           } else if(chainG->GetTreeNumber()==currentTree             //no new file or
+                    ||(chainG->GetTreeNumber()>currentTree
+                       &&m_lastEvents[chainG->GetTreeNumber()]==0) ) { //new file with no offset fill double event
+              chainG->GetEntry(i);
+              event+=offset;
+              newTree->Fill();
+              lastEvent=0;// we may have triple 1 (1 event run)
+              offset=0;
+           }
+        }
+      }
+      newTree->Write();
+      delete newTree;
+      return true;
+// Singles and Hits tree merger
+bool GateMergeManager::MergeSing(TChain* chainS){
+   int nentriesS=chainS->GetEntries();
+   int eventID = 0;
+   int runID   = 0;
+   double time = 0;
+   chainS->SetBranchAddress("eventID",&eventID);
+   chainS->SetBranchAddress("runID",&runID);
+   chainS->SetBranchAddress("time",&time);
+   m_RootTarget->cd();
+   TTree * newSing = chainS->CloneTree(0);
+   newSing->SetAutoSave(2000000000);
+   if(m_maxRoot!=0) newSing->SetMaxTreeSize(m_maxRoot);
+   else newSing->SetMaxTreeSize(17179869184LL);
+   // changing CompLevel everywhere
+   TBranch *br;
+   TIter next(newSing->GetListOfBranches());
+   while ((br=(TBranch*)next())) br->SetCompressionLevel(m_CompLevel);
+   //the main part: changing eventID
+   int offset      = 0;
+   int currentTree = 0;
+   float lastRun   = 0;
+   float maxtime   =-999999999;
+   for(int i=0;i<nentriesS;i++){
+         if(chainS->GetEntry(i) <= 0) break; //end of chain
+         if(chainS->GetTreeNumber()>currentTree) {
+           currentTree++;
+            offset+=m_lastEvents[currentTree];
+           // check for overlaping time intervalls between different files
+           // (not within the same file i.e. no time order assumed)
+           if(time<maxtime) 
+               if(m_verboseLevel>0) 
+                  cout<<"Warning - overlapping Singles time ("
+                      <<time<<") in file: "<<m_vRootFileNames[currentTree].c_str()<<endl;
+         }
+         // the offset to get a unique event numbering
+         if(lastRun!=runID) {
+            // run end 
+            lastRun=runID;
+            offset=0;     //new run in file we must not change the eventID anymore
+         }
+         eventID+=offset;
+         newSing->Fill();
+         if(maxtime<time)maxtime=time;
+    }
+    newSing->Write();
+    delete newSing;
+    return true;
+// Coincidences tree merger
+bool GateMergeManager::MergeCoin(TChain* chainC){
+   int nentriesC=chainC->GetEntries();
+    int eventID1 = 0;
+    chainC->SetBranchAddress("eventID1",&eventID1);
+    double time1 = 0;
+    chainC->SetBranchAddress("time1",&time1);
+    int eventID2 = 0;
+    chainC->SetBranchAddress("eventID2",&eventID2);
+    double time2 = 0;
+    chainC->SetBranchAddress("time2",&time2);
+    int runID    = 0;
+    chainC->SetBranchAddress("runID",&runID);
+    m_RootTarget->cd();
+    TTree * newCoin = chainC->CloneTree(0);
+    newCoin->SetAutoSave(2000000000);
+    if(m_maxRoot!=0) newCoin->SetMaxTreeSize(m_maxRoot);
+    else newCoin->SetMaxTreeSize(17179869184LL);
+    // changing CompLevel everywhere
+    TBranch *br;
+    TIter next(newCoin->GetListOfBranches());
+    while ((br=(TBranch*)next())) br->SetCompressionLevel(m_CompLevel);
+    int offset      = 0;
+    int currentTree = 0;
+    float lastRun   = 0;
+    float maxtime   =-999999999;
+    for(int i=0;i<nentriesC;i++){
+       if(chainC->GetEntry(i) <= 0) break; //end of chain
+       if(chainC->GetTreeNumber()>currentTree) {
+         currentTree++;
+         offset+=m_lastEvents[currentTree];
+         // check for overlaping time intervalls between different files
+         // (not within the same file i.e. no time order assumed)
+         if(time1<maxtime) 
+           if(m_verboseLevel>0)
+               cout<<"Warning - overlapping Coincidences time1 ("
+                   <<time1<<") in file: "<<m_vRootFileNames[currentTree].c_str()<<endl;
+         if(time2<maxtime) 
+           if(m_verboseLevel>0)
+               cout<<"Warning - overlapping Coincidences time2 ("
+                   <<time2<<") in file: "<<m_vRootFileNames[currentTree].c_str()<<endl;
+       }
+       // the offset to get a unique event numbering
+       if(lastRun!=runID) {
+          // run end
+          lastRun=runID;
+          offset=0; //new run in file we must not change the eventID anymore
+       }
+       eventID1+=offset;
+       eventID2+=offset;
+       newCoin->Fill();
+       if(maxtime<time1)maxtime=time1;
+       if(maxtime<time2)maxtime=time2;
+    }
+    newCoin->Write();
+    delete newCoin;
+    return true;
diff --git a/tests_dav/GateMergeManager.hh b/tests_dav/GateMergeManager.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7fb095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests_dav/GateMergeManager.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+   GATE version name: gate_v...
+   Copyright (C): OpenGATE Collaboration
+This software is distributed under the terms
+of the GNU Lesser General  Public Licence (LGPL)
+See GATE/LICENSE.txt for further details
+#ifndef GateMergeManager_h
+#define GateMergeManager_h 1
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TChain.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+using namespace std;
+class GateMergeManager
+  GateMergeManager(bool fastMerge,int verboseLevel,bool forced,Long64_t maxRoot,string outDir){
+     m_verboseLevel = verboseLevel;
+     m_forced       =       forced;
+     m_maxRoot      =      maxRoot;
+     m_outDir       =       outDir;
+     m_CompLevel    =            1;
+     m_fastMerge    =    fastMerge;
+     //check if a .Gate directory can be found
+     if (!getenv("GC_DOT_GATE_DIR")) {
+        cout<<"Environment variable GC_DOT_GATE_DIR not set !"<<endl;
+        exit(1);
+     }
+     m_dir=getenv("GC_DOT_GATE_DIR");
+     if (m_dir.substr(m_dir.length()-1,m_dir.length())=="/") m_dir=m_dir+".Gate/";
+     else m_dir=m_dir+"/.Gate/";
+     ifstream dirstream(m_dir.c_str());
+     if (!dirstream) {
+        cout<<"Failed to open .Gate directory"<<endl;
+        exit(1);
+     }
+     dirstream.close();
+  };
+  ~GateMergeManager()
+  {
+   if (filearr) delete filearr;
+  }
+  void StartMerging(string splitfileName);
+  void ReadSplitFile(string splitfileName);
+  bool MergeTree(string name);
+  bool MergeGate(TChain* chain);
+  bool MergeSing(TChain* chain);
+  bool MergeCoin(TChain* chain);
+  // the cleanup after succesful merging
+  void StartCleaning(string splitfileName,bool test);
+  // the merging methods
+  void MergeRoot();
+  void FastMergeRoot(); 
+  bool FastMergeGate(string name);
+  bool FastMergeSing(string name);
+  bool FastMergeCoin(string name); 
+  bool           m_forced;             // if to overwrite existing files
+  int      m_verboseLevel;  
+  TFile**         filearr;
+  Long64_t      m_maxRoot;             // maximum size of root output file
+  int         m_CompLevel;             // compression level for root output
+  string            m_dir;             // .Gate directory path 
+  string         m_outDir;             // where to save the output files
+  int            m_Nfiles;             // number of files to mergw
+  vector<int> m_lastEvents;            // latestevent from al files
+  vector<string> m_vRootFileNames;     // names of root files to merge
+  TFile*         m_RootTarget;         // root output file
+  string         m_RootTargetName;     // name of target i.e. root output file
+  bool           m_fastMerge;          // fast merge option, corrects the eventIDs locally