]> Creatis software - gdcm.git/log
20 years agoBUG: Fix mem leak
malaterre [Thu, 28 Oct 2004 18:13:36 +0000 (18:13 +0000)]
BUG: Fix mem leak

20 years agoENH: Minor cleanup, mostly cosmetic
malaterre [Thu, 28 Oct 2004 03:10:56 +0000 (03:10 +0000)]
ENH: Minor cleanup, mostly cosmetic

20 years agoBUG: the fonction was broken but pass all tests...
malaterre [Wed, 27 Oct 2004 23:03:07 +0000 (23:03 +0000)]
BUG: the fonction was broken but pass all tests...

20 years agoENH: Minor cleanup
malaterre [Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:58:06 +0000 (22:58 +0000)]
ENH: Minor cleanup

20 years agoENH: Minor cleanup, mostly remove comments
malaterre [Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:47:19 +0000 (22:47 +0000)]
ENH: Minor cleanup, mostly remove comments

20 years agoENH: Remove any possible leaks with the dictionary. Now there is no /new/ anymore...
malaterre [Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:31:12 +0000 (22:31 +0000)]
ENH: Remove any possible leaks with the dictionary. Now there is no /new/ anymore, everything is by reference

20 years agoENH: Exact same fix as gdcmTS
malaterre [Wed, 27 Oct 2004 21:28:56 +0000 (21:28 +0000)]
ENH: Exact same fix as gdcmTS

20 years agoENH: Minor cleanup in arg passing to be const ref, instead of bycopy
malaterre [Wed, 27 Oct 2004 01:32:15 +0000 (01:32 +0000)]
ENH: Minor cleanup in arg passing to be const ref, instead of bycopy

20 years agoENH: Add patch from JPR, to support RLE and RGB from d. clunie testing suite
malaterre [Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:07:16 +0000 (17:07 +0000)]
ENH: Add patch from JPR, to support RLE and RGB from d. clunie testing suite

20 years agoSTYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid...
malaterre [Mon, 25 Oct 2004 04:47:41 +0000 (04:47 +0000)]
STYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid people starting modifying stuff (since this is a ref). remove virtual as style specify sub class shouldn't reuse the keyword (4)

20 years agoSTYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid...
malaterre [Mon, 25 Oct 2004 04:08:19 +0000 (04:08 +0000)]
STYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid people starting modifying stuff (since this is a ref). remove virtual as style specify sub class shouldn't reuse the keyword (3)

20 years agoSTYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid...
malaterre [Mon, 25 Oct 2004 03:35:19 +0000 (03:35 +0000)]
STYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid people starting modifying stuff (since this is a ref). remove virtual as style specify sub class shouldn't reuse the keyword (2)

20 years agoSTYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid...
malaterre [Mon, 25 Oct 2004 03:03:44 +0000 (03:03 +0000)]
STYLE: ivars should start with a capital letter. Accessors should be const to avoid people starting modifying stuff (since this is a ref). remove virtual as style specify sub class shouldn't reuse the keyword

20 years agoENH: minor cleanup patch, use TagName instead of std:string for clarification. Don...
malaterre [Sun, 24 Oct 2004 03:33:40 +0000 (03:33 +0000)]
ENH: minor cleanup patch, use TagName instead of std:string for clarification. Don't use capital letter for VR

20 years ago * Doc/Dicom2004_Part5.pdf added (thanks to JPR).
frog [Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:56:44 +0000 (13:56 +0000)]
  * Doc/Dicom2004_Part5.pdf added (thanks to JPR).
  * Dicts/dicomTS2004.dic, dicomV3VM2004.dic, groupNameAbbreviations2004.dic
    new 2004 dictionaries added (thanks to JPR).
  * FIX dashboard warning RLEFrame::NumberFragments is now of type unsigned int
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (15) for gdcmPixelConvert
    - RLEFrame::NumberFragments is now of type unsigned int
    - gdcmFile::GetImageData(), GetImageDataIntoVector(), GetImageDataRaw()
      are now all based on PixelConverter. ::GetImageDataIntoVectorRaw()
      no longer exists.

20 years agoENH: Initial work in gathering all transfer syntax accessors. clearly IsDecompressed...
malaterre [Fri, 22 Oct 2004 04:13:24 +0000 (04:13 +0000)]
ENH: Initial work in gathering all transfer syntax accessors. clearly IsDecompressed/IsJPEG2000/IsJPEGLossless/IsRLELossless shouldn't be all ivars, but only one transfersyntax (class) ivar with equivalent method on the class.

20 years agoENH: Removed all FILE* ref and replace by ifstream/ofstream. For now I use a temp...
malaterre [Fri, 22 Oct 2004 03:05:39 +0000 (03:05 +0000)]
ENH: Removed all FILE* ref and replace by ifstream/ofstream. For now I use a temp solution with the two files jdatadst.cxx and jdatasrc.cxx, this need to be discussed (plus I didn't like having a 2000 lines patch not commited)

20 years ago * src/gdcmDocument.cxx: wrong type on return fixed (thanks dashboard)
frog [Wed, 20 Oct 2004 22:31:51 +0000 (22:31 +0000)]
  * src/gdcmDocument.cxx: wrong type on return fixed (thanks dashboard)
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (14) for gdcmPixelConvert
    - PixelConvert::GetLutRGBA(FILE*) is now GetLutRGBA() (no fp needed)
    - PixelConvert::BuildRGBImage()(FILE*) is now BuildRGBImage() (no fp needed)
    - File::GetImageDataIntoVector() doesn't need unnecessary OpenFile() and
      CloseFile() anymore.
    - File::GetImageDataRaw() doesn't call GetImageDataIntoVectorRaw()
      anymore and hence avoids storing a copy of PixelConvert::Decompressed
      into File::Pixel_Data.

20 years ago Ooops...
frog [Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:31:44 +0000 (14:31 +0000)]

20 years ago * src/gdcmDocument.cxx ftell() return properly stored in a long (i.e.
frog [Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:30:38 +0000 (14:30 +0000)]
  * src/gdcmDocument.cxx ftell() return properly stored in a long (i.e.
    no longer depends on's programmers PMS = Preposterous Mood Swings ;).
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (13) for gdcmPixelConvert
    Substituted File::ParsePixelData() with PixelConvert::Print() new
    - src/gdcmParsePixels.cxx removed (only contained File::ParsePixelData())
    - src/gdcmRLEFrame.cxx, gdcmJPEGFragment.cxx added. Added a ::Print()
      method to those classes.
    - src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h]:
      -- Added a ::Print() method.
      -- PixelConverter is now a reference instead of a member.
      -- gdcmPython/gdcm.i: added "using namespace gdcm" in order for
         gdcm_wrap.cxx to "understand" File::GetPixelConverter()

20 years ago2004-10-18 Eric Boix <Eric.Boix@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
frog [Mon, 18 Oct 2004 12:49:19 +0000 (12:49 +0000)]
2004-10-18 Eric Boix <Eric.Boix@creatis.insa-lyon.fr>
  * Doc/CMakeLists.txt, doxygen.config.in: when dot is present the
    collaboration diagram and inheritance diagram should be generated with
  * Doc/Website/Sidebar.html: Dashboard is now also in the sidebar.
  * gdcmPython/gdcm.i: gdcmRLEFramesInfo.h gdcmJPEGFragmentsInfo.h are
    pointlessly wrapped (see
    http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/pipermail/dcmlib/2004-October/000692.html )
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (12) for gdcmPixelConvert (sugar is my friend stage)
    - Header::GetLUTRGBA() moved to PixelConvert::GetLutRGBA()
    - vtk/vtkGdcmReader.cxx: adapted to displacment of Header::GetLUTRGBA()
    - Document::RLEInfo and JPEGInfo are now pointer members (Swig thing)
    - src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h] and gdcmPixelConvert.[cxx|h]:
      -- File::Initialise: PixelConverter setup moved away to
      -- File::GetImageDataIntoVector(): Lut R + Lut G + Lut B color table
         interpretation moved away to PixelConverter::BuildRGBImage()

20 years agoENH: hum I guess this one slept through my cleaning
malaterre [Mon, 18 Oct 2004 02:35:35 +0000 (02:35 +0000)]
ENH: hum I guess this one slept through my cleaning

20 years agoENH: Try to reuse result from a map query, eventhough this is optimised we should...
malaterre [Mon, 18 Oct 2004 02:31:58 +0000 (02:31 +0000)]
ENH: Try to reuse result from a map query, eventhough this is optimised we should reuse result when possible

20 years agoENH: A few minor cosmetic cleanups, mostly some const correctness on gdcmDict* classe...
malaterre [Mon, 18 Oct 2004 02:17:06 +0000 (02:17 +0000)]
ENH: A few minor cosmetic cleanups, mostly some const correctness on gdcmDict* classes, also remove a printf in jpeg parsing

20 years agoENH: Remove GDCM_EXPORT keyword from gdcm::DirList
malaterre [Sat, 16 Oct 2004 14:34:11 +0000 (14:34 +0000)]
ENH: Remove GDCM_EXPORT keyword from gdcm::DirList

20 years agoCOMP: ijg compiles now with '-pedantic -Werror' this way this is more VC6 compliant
malaterre [Fri, 15 Oct 2004 16:25:45 +0000 (16:25 +0000)]
COMP: ijg compiles now with '-pedantic -Werror' this way this is more VC6 compliant

20 years agoENH: Remove debug
malaterre [Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:44:42 +0000 (15:44 +0000)]
ENH: Remove debug

20 years agoENH: as frog mention there were images that could be read, but still blacklisted
malaterre [Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:36:15 +0000 (15:36 +0000)]
ENH: as frog mention there were images that could be read, but still blacklisted

20 years ago * src/gdcmDebug.cxx last ditch attempt to get warning/error messages
frog [Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:43:27 +0000 (10:43 +0000)]
  * src/gdcmDebug.cxx last ditch attempt to get warning/error messages
    displayed on Win32 when a brutal abort() occurs (because of uncatched
    exception). See TODO new entry of this commit for more on this.
  * TODO added new entry.
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (12) for gdcmPixelConvert (nicotine is my friend stage)
    src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h] and gdcmPixelConvert.[cxx|h]:
    - HandleColor is no longer called from gdcmFile.cxx
    - gdcmPixelConvert.cxx clean up on method arguments and internal
      variable names for semantical coherence.

20 years agoENH: * Finished lossless transition, not only do we now read all lossless jpeg
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:35:01 +0000 (22:35 +0000)]
ENH: * Finished lossless transition, not only do we now read all lossless jpeg
  images, without the need of the Cornwell lib, but we do read them properly now
  * To reduce code (well to avoid code duplication), I defined a common place
  for jpeg read/write: gdcmJpeg.cxx. Now gdcmJpeg[8,12 16] include this file and
  redefine symbols. This is not prefect but this the best solution I found for a
  compilation time jpeg option.

20 years agoENH: Afterall change my mind we need a common place: gdcmJpeg to define the reading...
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:16:33 +0000 (22:16 +0000)]
ENH: Afterall change my mind we need a common place: gdcmJpeg to define the reading of jpeg file, then gdcmJpeg[8,12,16] are just a kludge because of this compile time option in ijg

20 years agoCOMP: Fix compilation
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 14:32:28 +0000 (14:32 +0000)]
COMP: Fix compilation

20 years agoCOMP: Fix Win32 compilation
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 05:33:14 +0000 (05:33 +0000)]
COMP: Fix Win32 compilation

20 years agoENH: update
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 05:31:15 +0000 (05:31 +0000)]
ENH: update

20 years agoENH: update gdcm to have the dcmtk copyright since we use their bugfixes
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 05:28:47 +0000 (05:28 +0000)]
ENH: update gdcm to have the dcmtk copyright since we use their bugfixes

20 years agoENH: update comments for ijg patching
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 05:15:44 +0000 (05:15 +0000)]
ENH: update comments for ijg patching

20 years agoENH: ok making too many mistakes time to go to bed
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:58:57 +0000 (04:58 +0000)]
ENH: ok making too many mistakes time to go to bed

20 years agoENH: ooops forgot the cmakelists file
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:51:57 +0000 (04:51 +0000)]
ENH: ooops forgot the cmakelists file

20 years agoENH: update cmakelist for 16bits + some tweaks
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:48:17 +0000 (04:48 +0000)]
ENH: update cmakelist for 16bits + some tweaks

20 years ago:ENH: Adding the 16bits ijg jpeg lib. This is only the lossless part since there...
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:38:53 +0000 (04:38 +0000)]
:ENH: Adding the 16bits ijg jpeg lib. This is only the lossless part since there is no 16bits DCT algorithm

20 years agoCOMP: Painfully (re)fix all the warnings when compiled with -W -Wall
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 04:21:45 +0000 (04:21 +0000)]
COMP: Painfully (re)fix all the warnings when compiled with -W -Wall

20 years agoENH: update jpeg lib with ls patch and 2 bugfix patch
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 03:47:46 +0000 (03:47 +0000)]
ENH: update jpeg lib with ls patch and 2 bugfix patch

20 years agoENH: Doh! I made a mistake when commiting only one single file, what should you expec...
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 02:57:49 +0000 (02:57 +0000)]
ENH: Doh! I made a mistake when commiting only one single file, what should you expect when I commit 87 files...

20 years agoENH: update cmakelists accordingly to new ijg architecture
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 02:50:57 +0000 (02:50 +0000)]
ENH: update cmakelists accordingly to new ijg architecture

20 years agoENH: Update the jpeg library. This patch is the result of the ijg lib + ls-patch...
malaterre [Thu, 14 Oct 2004 02:45:31 +0000 (02:45 +0000)]
ENH: Update the jpeg library. This patch is the result of the ijg lib + ls-patch freely available on the web under a BSD like license (aka Standford implementation) + 2 home-made patchs (one based on dcmtk bug-fixes and one from previous ijg bug-fixes in gdcm)
- Also removed all tabs using sed -i 's/\t/  /g' *.c *.h

20 years ago Let's be clearly/cleanly dirty ;)
frog [Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:56:07 +0000 (14:56 +0000)]
Let's be clearly/cleanly dirty ;)

20 years ago * Doc/Website/MailingList.html added (Sidebar.html changed accordingly).
frog [Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:15:28 +0000 (14:15 +0000)]
  * Doc/Website/MailingList.html added (Sidebar.html changed accordingly).
  * gdcmPython/gdcm.i: fix for compilation of wrappers (Note: %include order
    matters, as stated in warning note at begining of %include section).
  * src/gdcmDicomDir*.[cxx|h]: coding style
  * src/gdcmDocument.h: doxygen \ref seems uncompatible with \todo.
  * src/gdcmJpeg8.cxx: doxygen fix.
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (12) for gdcmPixelConvert (seing the ligth stage)
    src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h] and gdcmPixelConvert.[cxx|h]: color handling moved
    from File:: to PixelConvert::.

20 years agoCOMP: Fix some compilations warnings
malaterre [Wed, 13 Oct 2004 04:05:04 +0000 (04:05 +0000)]
COMP: Fix some compilations warnings

20 years agoCOMP: Fix compilation on cygwin
malaterre [Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:37:09 +0000 (17:37 +0000)]
COMP: Fix compilation on cygwin

20 years agoCOMP: warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
malaterre [Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:31:56 +0000 (17:31 +0000)]
COMP: warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?

20 years agoENH: update my recent changes, sorry for troubles
malaterre [Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:27:55 +0000 (14:27 +0000)]
ENH: update my recent changes, sorry for troubles

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (11) for gdcmPixelConvert (cafeine is my friend stage)
frog [Tue, 12 Oct 2004 09:59:44 +0000 (09:59 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (11) for gdcmPixelConvert (cafeine is my friend stage)
    src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h] and gdcmPixelConvert.[cxx|h]:
     - more code moved away from File:: to PixelConvert::
     - fat setup of PixelConverter set in place in File::Initialise.

20 years agoENH: Adding 'gdcm' namespace. Be nice with me this was a ~13000 lines patch. Also...
malaterre [Tue, 12 Oct 2004 04:35:40 +0000 (04:35 +0000)]
ENH: Adding 'gdcm' namespace. Be nice with me this was a ~13000 lines patch. Also commit consequent modifications

20 years agoENH: Fix compilation on Win32
malaterre [Mon, 11 Oct 2004 03:47:50 +0000 (03:47 +0000)]
ENH: Fix compilation on Win32

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (10) for gdcmPixelConvert (Xanax is my friend stage)
frog [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 16:43:58 +0000 (16:43 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (10) for gdcmPixelConvert (Xanax is my friend stage)
    The JPEG fragments are now parsed at the same stage than the RLE
    information. All code related to JPEG is now in gdcmPixelConvert:
    - src/gdcmJPEGFragment.h and gdcmJPEGFragmentsInfo.[h|cxx] added
    - src/gdcmJpeg12.cxx, gdcmJpeg2000.cxx and gdcmJpeg8.cxx no longer
      export a gdcmFile:: method. Those are simply global functions
      (for the time being this is better than having them attach to
       either gdcmFile:: or gdcmPixelConvert::).
    - src/gdcmDocument.[cxx|h], gdcmDocument:: now parser the JPEG fragments
      and stores the result in a gdcmJPEGFragmentsInfo.
    - src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h] and gdcmPixelConvert.[cxx|h]: all JPEG related
      code (among other stuff) moved away from gdcmFile:; to

20 years agoENH: Fix a warning with gcc4: TestHash.cxx:20: warning: deprecated conversion from...
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 03:07:59 +0000 (03:07 +0000)]
ENH: Fix a warning with gcc4: TestHash.cxx:20: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to char*

20 years agoENH: Fix various warnings
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 03:03:10 +0000 (03:03 +0000)]
ENH: Fix various warnings

20 years agoENH: Move the old setup.py to its new home
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 02:45:55 +0000 (02:45 +0000)]
ENH: Move the old setup.py to its new home

20 years agoENH: Finally fix setup.py.in. both binary and install mode are working again
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 02:22:39 +0000 (02:22 +0000)]
ENH: Finally fix setup.py.in. both binary and install mode are working again

20 years agoENH: minor cleanup to use siwg's outdir instead of manually copying gdcm.py
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 01:07:36 +0000 (01:07 +0000)]
ENH: minor cleanup to use siwg's outdir instead of manually copying gdcm.py

20 years agoENH: Encapsulate global functions within gdcmUtil class as static functions. No diffe...
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 00:42:54 +0000 (00:42 +0000)]
ENH: Encapsulate global functions within gdcmUtil class as static functions. No difference at all, just slightly cleaner

20 years agoENH: Some fixes for gdcm installation
malaterre [Sun, 10 Oct 2004 00:08:41 +0000 (00:08 +0000)]
ENH: Some fixes for gdcm installation

20 years agoENH: Remove three more sprintf, the last ones
malaterre [Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:48:25 +0000 (03:48 +0000)]
ENH: Remove three more sprintf, the last ones

20 years agoENH: Remove three more sprintf ... well actually one is still duplicated for no reaso...
malaterre [Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:42:51 +0000 (03:42 +0000)]
ENH: Remove three more sprintf ... well actually one is still duplicated for no reason ...

20 years agoENH: Remove one more sprintf
malaterre [Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:36:56 +0000 (03:36 +0000)]
ENH: Remove one more sprintf

20 years agoENH: remove three more sprintf, but this is really ugly now
malaterre [Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:31:26 +0000 (03:31 +0000)]
ENH: remove three more sprintf, but this is really ugly now

20 years agoENH: Still remove some sprintf and rework internals
malaterre [Sat, 9 Oct 2004 03:21:55 +0000 (03:21 +0000)]
ENH: Still remove some sprintf and rework internals

20 years ago:ENH: carefully one at a time modify gdcm src. For now rewrite gdcmDictEntry. Modify...
malaterre [Sat, 9 Oct 2004 02:57:11 +0000 (02:57 +0000)]
:ENH: carefully one at a time modify gdcm src. For now rewrite gdcmDictEntry. Modify gdcmUtil to have a sprintf like method called Format. We should really do a gdcmUtil class to encapsulate all those globals fonctions.

20 years agoENH: minor style issue
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 17:24:54 +0000 (17:24 +0000)]
ENH: minor style issue
- gdcmFile: Move 12bits into separate ifelse to be able to fail properly

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (9) for gdcmPixelConvert
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 17:02:52 +0000 (17:02 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (9) for gdcmPixelConvert
    - src/gdcmFile.[cxx|h} gdcmPixelConvert.[cxx|h], SwapZone(),
      ConvertReorderEndianity(), ConvertDecmpres12BitsTo16Bits() moved
      away from gdcmFile:: to gdcmPixelConvert::.

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (8) for gdcmPixelConvert (end of RLE nigthmare)
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 16:27:19 +0000 (16:27 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (8) for gdcmPixelConvert (end of RLE nigthmare)
    - src/gdcmRLE.cxx removed
    - src/gdcmPixelConvert.cxx all RLE code is now in PixelConvert::
    - src/CMakeLists.txt gdcmFile.[cxx|h] changed accordingly
    - src/gdcmRLEFrame*.h gdcmPixelConvert is now a friend class.

20 years agoAdd error handling in jpeg code
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 16:03:36 +0000 (16:03 +0000)]
Add error handling in jpeg code

20 years agoENH: properly template TODO list and add some tweaks
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 15:48:33 +0000 (15:48 +0000)]
ENH: properly template TODO list and add some tweaks

20 years agoENH: update my tasks
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 15:27:05 +0000 (15:27 +0000)]
ENH: update my tasks

20 years agotodo : kwsys
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 15:13:39 +0000 (15:13 +0000)]
todo : kwsys

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (7) for gdcmPixelConvert (lost at sea)
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:56:48 +0000 (08:56 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (7) for gdcmPixelConvert (lost at sea)
    - src/gdcmFile.h gdcmPixelConvert.cxx gdcmPixelConvert.h gdcmRLE.cxx:
      clean up of RLE related code.

20 years ago Typos on refs to docs.
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:42:11 +0000 (08:42 +0000)]
Typos on refs to docs.

20 years ago src/gdcmCommon.h now declares int8_t for non stdint.h plateforms.
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:41:04 +0000 (08:41 +0000)]
   src/gdcmCommon.h now declares int8_t for non stdint.h plateforms.

20 years ago Typos on references.
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:38:54 +0000 (08:38 +0000)]
Typos on references.

20 years ago Dash board entry point added.
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 07:43:08 +0000 (07:43 +0000)]
Dash board entry point added.

20 years ago note on stl header .
frog [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 07:23:05 +0000 (07:23 +0000)]
note on stl header .

20 years agoENH: Minor cleanup, still removing stdio.h and co ...
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 04:52:55 +0000 (04:52 +0000)]
ENH:  Minor cleanup, still removing stdio.h and co ...

20 years agoENH: If possible move the stl include after the gdcm ones, to avoid vc warnings
malaterre [Fri, 8 Oct 2004 04:43:37 +0000 (04:43 +0000)]
ENH: If possible move the stl include after the gdcm ones, to avoid vc warnings
deprecated eatwhite I wasn't able to find the ref in any c++ refs, only microsoft implement it, thus fallback to a more standart c++ approach. This is mainly to get rid of any 'c' like include header
- and some minor cleanups

20 years agoENH: Hopefully these were the last remaining warnings
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 21:38:12 +0000 (21:38 +0000)]
ENH: Hopefully these were the last remaining warnings

20 years agoENH: Seriously removed warnings
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 21:05:39 +0000 (21:05 +0000)]
ENH: Seriously removed warnings

20 years agoENH: slowly removing warnings
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 21:01:10 +0000 (21:01 +0000)]
ENH: slowly removing warnings

20 years agoENH: Please include stl header AFTER gdcm ones, otherwise pragma warnings won't work
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 18:09:11 +0000 (18:09 +0000)]
ENH: Please include stl header AFTER gdcm ones, otherwise pragma warnings won't work

20 years agoBUG: doh, remove empty file
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 17:21:42 +0000 (17:21 +0000)]
BUG: doh, remove empty file

20 years agoENH: TestHash.cxx add gdcm header to shut up stoopid warnings
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 16:55:15 +0000 (16:55 +0000)]
ENH: TestHash.cxx add gdcm header to shut up stoopid warnings
- gdcmCommon.h some typoes
- gdcmDirList some style

20 years agoENH: rename gdcmJpeg into gdcmJpeg8 for consistencY
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:16:54 +0000 (15:16 +0000)]
ENH: rename gdcmJpeg into gdcmJpeg8 for consistencY

20 years agoENH: Allow compilation with a not so famous compiler (gdcmDocument.cxx). Also put...
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 04:17:58 +0000 (04:17 +0000)]
ENH: Allow compilation with a not so famous compiler (gdcmDocument.cxx). Also put the prepro definition since they ar now needed

20 years agoENH: I am a moron. Fix compilation of gdcm in static mode, I had to add some new...
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 04:04:42 +0000 (04:04 +0000)]
ENH: I am a moron. Fix compilation of gdcm in static mode, I had to add some new mangle names, thus update the process to find them. Also add some warning fixes for a very well known compiler

20 years agoENH: Finally modify gdcm source to adapt to new jpeg lib, this is not perfect but...
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 03:18:02 +0000 (03:18 +0000)]
ENH: Finally modify gdcm source to adapt to new jpeg lib, this is not perfect but this avoid problems on some system where jpeg is already installed in standart path.

20 years agoENH: Apply remaining patch for the CMakeLists, and sublevel (8 & 12) ones
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 03:10:35 +0000 (03:10 +0000)]
ENH: Apply remaining patch for the CMakeLists, and sublevel (8 & 12) ones

20 years agoENH: Remove old build process for libijg8, basically libijg8 can now be found in...
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 03:04:30 +0000 (03:04 +0000)]
ENH: Remove old build process for libijg8, basically libijg8 can now be found in libijg with minor modifications

20 years agoENH: Remove old build process for libijg12 (meaning modified source files)
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 02:59:48 +0000 (02:59 +0000)]
ENH: Remove old build process for libijg12 (meaning modified source files)

20 years agoENH: Created a new local dir libijg (from libijg8), then went on the server copy...
malaterre [Thu, 7 Oct 2004 02:55:13 +0000 (02:55 +0000)]
ENH: Created a new local dir libijg (from libijg8), then went on the server copy all files to preserver revision -as a side effect it creates stuff in previous revision-. Added the modification we made to the official ijg, help to keep track of them. And finally rework the CMakeLists.txt file... and removed tabs

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (6) for gdcmPixelConvert (man, I need a paddle bad)
frog [Wed, 6 Oct 2004 22:31:31 +0000 (22:31 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (6) for gdcmPixelConvert (man, I need a paddle bad)
    - src/gdcmRLE.cxx: is now much simpler and avoids code replication
      with the retired Parse7FE0().
    - src/gdcmRLEFrame.h: type fix for properly computing OffSet[]
    - src/gdcmDocument.cxx: segments offset are now correct + clean up.

20 years ago * CLEANUP_ROUND (5) for gdcmPixelConvert (Upshit creek without a paddle)
frog [Wed, 6 Oct 2004 21:30:02 +0000 (21:30 +0000)]
  * CLEANUP_ROUND (5) for gdcmPixelConvert (Upshit creek without a paddle)
    - src/gdcmDocument.[cxx|h] Parse7Fe0 renamed to ComputeRLEInfo.
      This is because Parse7Fe0 used to parse the pixels to compute the
      length. This task was passed over to FindDocEntryLengthOB() a long
      time ago, EXCEPT I had forgotten the OW case...
      Hence Parse7Fe0 was no longer necessary. When renaming to ComputeRLEInfo
      we just recylce the code for parsing RLE fragments and computing

20 years ago - src/gdcmDocument.[cxx|h] ::ParseDES and ::ParseSQ no longer bother
frog [Wed, 6 Oct 2004 13:12:41 +0000 (13:12 +0000)]
- src/gdcmDocument.[cxx|h] ::ParseDES and ::ParseSQ no longer bother
      to return an unused length.