Feature: Now detecting packages by their cmakelists file. The bbtk_package_name variable searched.
Fix: code file checking when filenames dont have type is crashing.
Feature: Now when compiling the build folder is checked and the context is kept after compilation is done. The default build command line can now be changed in the settings menu.
Daniel Gonzalez [Wed, 29 May 2013 13:47:29 +0000 (15:47 +0200)]
By Leonardo Florez
Bonjour à tous,
Aujourd'hui je me suis plongé dans la compilation des creaTools avec ITK 4.3 et VTK 5.10. La chose marque plutôt pas mal, mais il m'a fallu introduire des changements dans le code. J'ai fait ces ajouts avec du code "différentiel" (en utilisant le preprocesseur de C++ pour détecter la version d'ITK et donc laisser le code utilisable depuis itk 3 ou itk 4). Je vous joins un "patch" avec les changements (je n'ai pas accès git pour faire un "commit" depuis ici...). Pour appliquer le patch, il faut aller au repertoire avec les sources de creatools (là où il y a un repertoire par projet), copier ici le patch ci-joint et executer la commande: "patch -p1 < patch_creatools". L'explication des changements est:
- Il faut compiler ITK 4 avec l'option "ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING" en "OFF". La cause c'est le système de "demangling" des pointeurs vers des objets "itk::Image" utilisé dans bbitk, qui est peu trop générique. J'ai une idée pour le faire marcher d'une façon plus propre, mais il me faudrait quelques jours de plus.
- bbtk, bbfy: j'ai rajouté un "tag" xml: verbosePreprocessor. Cela pour permettre au programmeur de jouer avec le preprocesseur (#if et cie.) de C++ et avoir du code "différentiel" (par exemple, pour utiliser des filtres itk 3 qui n'existent plus dans itk 4).
- bbtk, BBTKConfigurePackage_src.cmake: la variable d'environnement LD_LIBRARY_PATH était effacée au moment d'invoquer bbfy, donc bbfy ne marchait plus.
- bbtk, bbitkDICOMSeriesFileNames.xml: le nouveau "tag" xml est utilisé ici (itkDICOMSeriesFileNames n'existe plus dans itk 3, dans itk 4 s'appelle itkGDCMSeriesFileNames).
- crea: CDMUtilities.*: un template n'était pas bien utilisé (une instantiation explicite était nécessaire).
- crea: modelCDMProjectsTreeNode.h: une méthode manquait.
- creaBruker/testBruker2Dicom: les librairies de BOOST doivent être enchaînées en dernier... Magique!
- creaImageIO/TestWxGimmickReaderDialog/CMakeLists.txt: il y manquait l'enchaînement vers les librairies ITK.
- creaImageIO/src/creaImageIOWxAnySimpleDlg.cpp: des classes itk 3 qui n'existent plus dans itk 4.
Fix: When a 3rd pary inclusion in package cmakelist is OFF the inclusion should change the instruction to ON instead of creating another because the create a conflict and the library inclusion becomes undetermined.
Fix: Help in inclusions for Appli, Lib, Package Manager, Applications, Libraries, Packages. Now showing the code behind.
Feature: Now the build path can be opened.
Fix: Tree panel minimum size fixed to 250 px.
Feature: Now including and excluding libraries in CMakeLists files for: Applications, Libraries.
Feature: Read included libraries in CMakeLists files for Packages. (Not writing, just reading)
Feature: Now reading CMakeLists in CDMUtilities as a data structure.
Fix: Dialog Format on Included Libraries section in Applications, Libraries, Packages.
Feature: Show included libraries (3rd Party) and checkboxes to include them in: Libraries, Applications, Packages. Now shows found libraries but doesn't include/exclude them.
Fix: Scrollbars included for all description panels
Feature: Show included libraries (3rd Party and custom) and checkboxes to include them in: Packages. Just shows a test library that doesn't really exist.
Fix: Auto include in corresponding CMakeLists files when creating: Libraries, Applications, Packages. It was creating additional line break characters.
Feature: Show included libraries (3rd Party and custom) and checkboxes to include them in: Applications and Libraries. Just shows a test library that doesn't really exist.
Feature: Auto include in corresponding CMakeLists files when creating: Libraries, Applications, Packages.
Feature: Checkboxes to include in CMakeLists files for: Libraries, Application, Packages.
Daniel Gonzalez [Mon, 11 Mar 2013 11:23:33 +0000 (12:23 +0100)]
-Project help dialog: what is description panel
-Lib help dialog: "libraries' functions"
"Edit Lib's CMakeList File" button below
-Description Panel: past/folders'/links/and "/ actual folder"
-Library help dialog: If you use other libraries or create additional folders in your library you must include them in the library's "CMakeLists.txt" file.
-Package Manager help dialog: You should also include in this file those libraries used in the black boxes allocated in this package.
-All help dialog: Indicate where the libraries should be included in the package CMakeLists file.
Error Fixed: when a box is created, the description returnsto the description of the project.
- Redesigned: Plug Package folder selection dialog.
- Added: Note to remember reopen BBEditor after plugging packages
- Changed: The process of plugging packages is now shown in the console (Linux)
- Added: Nice to have features document in appli folder of creaDevManager
- Added: Icons for BBS and BBG files
- Deleted: Not used icons
- Fixed: Help Enabled in Settings
- Fixed new package validators and adaptors
- Fixed new black box validators and adaptors. VTK ImageAlgorithm and VTK PolyDataAlgorithm box creation doesn't work in windows bbCreateBlackBox command.
- Changes for windows compatibility Tree hangs because of ids impossibility of recognition.
- Fix warnings because of < operator.
- Change to use of stable functions.
- Changes for windows compatibility Tree hangs because of ids impossibility of recognition.
- Fix warnings because of < operator.
- Change to use of stable functions.
- Changes for windows compatibility Tree hangs because of ids impossibility of recognition.
- Fix warnings because of < operator.
- Change to use of stable functions.
-Tree Highlight is now darker
-Template libraries and applications are not shown as such (because they are templates)
-Buttons are ordered in they way they are supposed to be used
-Create class implemented in folder and library
-Properties distribution fixed in black box view