From 4dbf0ef8a94769c463bccd7ea8ea7a4ac7c700fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dsarrut <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 09:24:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] remove untracked file

 segmentation/clitkTestFilter.cxx | 523 -------------------------------
 1 file changed, 523 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 segmentation/clitkTestFilter.cxx

diff --git a/segmentation/clitkTestFilter.cxx b/segmentation/clitkTestFilter.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 64716ed..0000000
--- a/segmentation/clitkTestFilter.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   vv           
-  Authors belong to: 
-  - University of LYON    
-  - Léon Bérard cancer center
-  - CREATIS CNRS laboratory
-  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-  PURPOSE.  See the copyright notices for more information.
-  It is distributed under dual licence
-  - BSD        See included LICENSE.txt file
-  - CeCILL-B
-  ======================================================================-====*/
-// clitk
-#include "clitkTestFilter_ggo.h"
-#include "clitkImageCommon.h"
-#include "clitkBooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter.h"
-#include "clitkAutoCropFilter.h"
-//#include "clitkRelativePositionConstraintLabelImageFilter.h"
-#include "clitkResampleImageWithOptionsFilter.h"
-#include "clitkAddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter.h"
-#include "clitkExtractLungFilter.h"
-#include "clitkExtractPatientFilter.h"
-#include "clitkExtractMediastinumFilter.h"
-//#include "clitkTestStation7.h"
-#include "clitkSegmentationUtils.h"
-#include "clitkMorphoMathFilter.h"
-#include "RelativePositionPropImageFilter.h"
-// VTK
-#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
-#include <vtkPolyData.h>
-#include <vtkCellArray.h>
-#include <vtkPolyDataWriter.h>
-#include <vtkImageData.h>
-#include <vtkMetaImageWriter.h>
-#include <vtkPolyDataToImageStencil.h>
-#include <vtkLinearExtrusionFilter.h>
-#include <vtkImageStencil.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-template<class PointType>
-class comparePointsX {
-  bool operator() (PointType i, PointType j) { return (i[0]<j[0]); }
-template<int Dim>
-void HypercubeCorners(std::vector<itk::Point<double, Dim> > & out) {
-  std::vector<itk::Point<double, Dim-1> > previous;
-  HypercubeCorners<Dim-1>(previous);
-  out.resize(previous.size()*2);
-  for(uint i=0; i<out.size(); i++) {
-    itk::Point<double, Dim> p;
-    if (i<previous.size()) p[0] = 0; 
-    else p[0] = 1;
-    for(int j=0; j<Dim; j++) p[j+1] = previous[i%previous.size()][j]; //NON i p
-    out[i] = p;
-  }
-void HypercubeCorners<1>(std::vector<itk::Point<double, 1> > & out) {
-  out.resize(2);
-  out[0][0] = 0;
-  out[1][0] = 1;
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-  // Init command line
-  GGO(clitkTestFilter, args_info);
-  // Image types
-  //typedef unsigned char PixelType;
-  typedef short PixelType;
-  static const int Dim=3;
-  typedef itk::Image<PixelType, Dim> InputImageType;
-  // Read inputs
-  InputImageType::Pointer input1;
-  InputImageType::Pointer input2;
-  InputImageType::Pointer input3;
-  if (args_info.input1_given) input1 = clitk::readImage<InputImageType>(args_info.input1_arg, true);
-  if (args_info.input2_given) input2 = clitk::readImage<InputImageType>(args_info.input2_arg, true);
-  if (args_info.input3_given) input3 = clitk::readImage<InputImageType>(args_info.input3_arg, true);
-  // Declare output
-  InputImageType::Pointer output;
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter
-  if (0) {
-    typedef clitk::BooleanOperatorLabelImageFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInput1(input1);
-    filter->SetInput2(input2);
-    output = clitk::NewImageLike<InputImageType>(input1);
-    filter->GraftOutput(output);  /// TO VERIFY !!!
-    filter->Update();  
-    filter->SetInput2(input3);
-    filter->Update();    
-    output = filter->GetOutput();
-    clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test AutoCropLabelImageFilter
-  if (0) {
-    typedef clitk::AutoCropFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInput(input1);
-    filter->Update();    
-    output = filter->GetOutput();
-    clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test RelativePositionPropImageFilter
-  if (0) {
-    typedef itk::Image<float, Dim> OutputImageType;
-    OutputImageType::Pointer outputf;
-    typedef itk::RelativePositionPropImageFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInput(input1);
-    filter->SetAlpha1(clitk::deg2rad(args_info.angle1_arg)); // xy plane
-    filter->SetAlpha2(clitk::deg2rad(args_info.angle2_arg));
-    filter->SetK1(M_PI/2.0); // Opening parameter, default = pi/2
-    filter->SetFast(true);
-    filter->SetRadius(2);
-    filter->SetVerboseProgress(true);
-    /*         A1   A2
-               Left      0    0
-               Right   180    0
-               Ant      90    0
-               Post    -90    0
-               Inf       0   90
-               Sup       0  -90
-    */
-    filter->Update();    
-    clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(filter->GetOutput(), args_info.output_arg);
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test 
-  if (0) {
-    typedef itk::Image<short, Dim> OutputImageType;
-    typedef clitk::ResampleImageWithOptionsFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInput(input1); 
-    filter->SetOutputIsoSpacing(1);
-    //filter->SetNumberOfThreads(4); // auto
-    filter->SetGaussianFilteringEnabled(false);
-    filter->Update();    
-    clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(filter->GetOutput(), args_info.output_arg);
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter test 
-  if (0) {
-    /*
-    typedef clitk::AddRelativePositionConstraintToLabelImageFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInput(input1); 
-    filter->SetInputObject(input2); 
-    filter->SetOrientationType(FilterType::LeftTo);
-    filter->SetIntermediateSpacing(5);
-    filter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.5);
-    filter->VerboseStepOn();
-    filter->WriteStepOff();
-    filter->Update();
-    filter->SetInput(filter->GetOutput()); 
-    filter->SetInputObject(input2); 
-    filter->SetOrientationType(FilterType::RightTo);
-    filter->SetIntermediateSpacing(5);
-    filter->SetFuzzyThreshold(0.5);
-    filter->Update();   
-    clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(filter->GetOutput(), args_info.output_arg);
-    */
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test ExtractPatientFilter
-  if (0) {
-    /*
-    typedef itk::Image<char, Dim> OutputImageType;
-    typedef clitk::ExtractPatientFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInput(input1);
-    filter->VerboseStepOn();
-    filter->WriteStepOn();    
-    // options (default)
-    filter->SetUpperThreshold(-300);
-    filter->FinalOpenCloseOff(); // default=on (not rezally needed ?)
-    filter->Update();    
-    OutputImageType::Pointer output = filter->GetOutput();
-    clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
-    */
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test ExtractLungsFilter
-  if (0) {
-    /*
-    typedef itk::Image<PixelType, Dim> OutputImageType; // to change into char
-    typedef clitk::ExtractLungFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    // DD(filter->GetNumberOfSteps());
-    filter->SetInput(input1); // CT
-    filter->SetInputPatientMask(input2, 0); // Patient mask and BG value
-    filter->VerboseStepOn();
-    filter->WriteStepOn();    
-    // options (default)
-    //filter->SetBackgroundValue(0);
-    filter->SetUpperThreshold(-300);
-    // filter->SetMinimumComponentSize(100);
-    filter->Update();    
-    OutputImageType::Pointer output = filter->GetOutput();
-    clitk::writeImage<OutputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
-    */
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Filter test ExtractMediastinumFilter
-  if (0) {
-    /*
-    typedef clitk::ExtractMediastinumFilter<InputImageType> FilterType;
-    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-    filter->SetInputPatientLabelImage(input1);
-    filter->SetInputLungLabelImage(input2, 0, 1, 2); // BG, FG Left Lung, FG Right Lung
-    filter->SetInputBonesLabelImage(input3);
-    filter->VerboseStepOn();
-    filter->WriteStepOn();    
-    filter->Update();    
-    output = filter->GetOutput();
-    clitk::writeImage<InputImageType>(output, args_info.output_arg);
-    */
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Test for auto register sub-task in a segmentation process
-  if (0) {
-    // ExtractLymphStation_7 * s7 = new ExtractLymphStation_7;
-    //    s7->SetArgsInfo<args_info_clitkTestFilter>(args_info);
-    // GetParent->SetArgsInfo<>
-    //s7->StartSegmentation();
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Test for biinary image from a contour set
-  if (0) {
-    DD("here");
-    // Type of a slice
-    typedef itk::Image<InputImageType::PixelType, InputImageType::ImageDimension-1> SliceType;
-    // Build the list of slices
-    std::vector<SliceType::Pointer> slices;
-    clitk::ExtractSlices<InputImageType>(input1, 2, slices);
-    DD(slices.size());
-    // HOW TO DO SEVERAL BY SLICE !!! not a map ?
-    // Compute centroids 3D centroids by slices
-    int BG = 0;
-    std::map<int, std::vector<InputImageType::PointType> > centroids3D;    
-    for(uint i=0; i<slices.size(); i++) {
-      // Labelize
-      slices[i] = clitk::Labelize<SliceType>(slices[i], BG, true, 1);
-      // ComputeCentroids
-      std::vector<SliceType::PointType> temp;
-      clitk::ComputeCentroids<SliceType>(slices[i], BG, temp);
-      for(uint j=1; j<temp.size(); j++) {
-        InputImageType::PointType a;
-        clitk::PointsUtils<InputImageType>::Convert2DTo3D(temp[j], input1, i, a);
-        centroids3D[i].push_back(a);
-      }
-    }
-    // Take a given slice i=29
-    int index=29;
-    SliceType::Pointer slice = slices[index];
-    std::vector<InputImageType::PointType> points = centroids3D[index];
-    // Sort points from R to L
-    std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), 
-              comparePointsX<InputImageType::PointType>());
-    // Slice corners (quel sens ?)
-    // Compute min and max coordinates
-    const uint dim=3;
-    typedef InputImageType::PointType PointType;
-    typedef InputImageType::IndexType IndexType;
-    PointType min_c, max_c;
-    IndexType min_i, max_i;
-    min_i = input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex();
-    for(uint i=0; i<dim; i++) max_i[i] = input1->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[i] + min_i[i];
-    input1->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(min_i, min_c);
-    input1->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(max_i, max_c);
-    // Compute the corners coordinates
-    std::vector<itk::Point<double, dim> > l;
-    HypercubeCorners<dim>(l);
-    for(uint i=0; i<l.size(); i++) {
-      for(uint j=0; j<dim; j++) {
-        if (l[i][j] == 0) l[i][j] = min_c[j];
-        if (l[i][j] == 1) l[i][j] = max_c[j];
-      }
-    }
-    DDV(l, 8);
-    // Add first/last point, horizontally to the image boundaries
-    double sz = points[0][2]; // slice Z
-    double margin = 2; // needed (if not forget to remove the first line)
-    // Corners 1
-    InputImageType::PointType p = min_c;
-    p[0] -= margin; // margins
-    p[1] -= margin; // margins
-    p[2] = sz;
-    points.insert(points.begin(), p);
-    // vertical p
-    p = points[0];
-    p[0] = min_c[0] - margin; //margin
-    points.insert(points.begin(), p);
-    // last H point
-    p = points.back();
-    p[0] = max_c[0];
-    points.push_back(p);
-    // last corners
-    p[0] = max_c[0];
-    p[1] = min_c[1]-margin;
-    p[2] = sz;
-    points.push_back(p);
-    // Same first point
-    p = points[0];
-    points.push_back(p);
-    DDV(points, points.size());
-    // create a contour, polydata. 
-    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> mesh = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
-    mesh->Allocate(); //for cell structures
-    mesh->SetPoints(vtkPoints::New());
-    vtkIdType ids[2];
-    int point_number = points.size();
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
-      mesh->GetPoints()->InsertNextPoint(points[i][0],points[i][1],points[i][2]);
-      ids[0]=i;
-      ids[1]=(ids[0]+1)%point_number; //0-1,1-2,...,n-1-0
-      mesh->GetLines()->InsertNextCell(2,ids);
-    }
-    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataWriter> w = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataWriter>::New();
-    w->SetInput(mesh);
-    w->SetFileName("bidon.vtk");
-    w->Write();    
-    // binarize
-    DD("binarize");
-    double *bounds=mesh->GetBounds();
-    DDV(bounds, 6);
-    DD("create image");
-    vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> binary_image=vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData>::New();
-    binary_image->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();
-    ///Use the smallest mask in which the mesh fits
-    // Add two voxels on each side to make sure the mesh fits
-    //    double * samp_origin=
-    InputImageType::PointType samp_origin = input1->GetOrigin();
-    //    double * 
-    InputImageType::SpacingType spacing=input1->GetSpacing();
-    double * spacing2 = new double[3];
-    spacing2[0] = spacing[0];
-    spacing2[1] = spacing[1];
-    spacing2[2] = spacing[2];
-    DD(spacing2[0]);
-    binary_image->SetSpacing(spacing2);
-    /// Put the origin on a voxel to avoid small skips
-    DD(floor((bounds[0]-samp_origin[0])/spacing[0]-2)*spacing[0]);
-    DD(bounds[0]);
-    DD(samp_origin[0]);
-    DD(spacing[0]);
-    binary_image->SetOrigin(//samp_origin[0], samp_origin[1], samp_origin[2]);
-                            floor((bounds[0]-samp_origin[0])/spacing[0]-2)*spacing[0]+samp_origin[0],
-                            floor((bounds[2]-samp_origin[1])/spacing[1]-2)*spacing[1]+samp_origin[1],
-                            floor((bounds[4]-samp_origin[2])/spacing[2]-2)*spacing[2]+samp_origin[2]);
-    double * origin=binary_image->GetOrigin();
-    binary_image->SetExtent(0,ceil((bounds[1]-origin[0])/spacing[0]+4), // Joel used +4 here (?)
-                            0,ceil((bounds[3]-origin[1])/spacing[1]+4),
-                            0,ceil((bounds[5]-origin[2])/spacing[2]+4));
-    binary_image->AllocateScalars();
-    memset(binary_image->GetScalarPointer(),0,
-           binary_image->GetDimensions()[0]*binary_image->GetDimensions()[1]*binary_image->GetDimensions()[2]*sizeof(unsigned char));
-    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataToImageStencil> sts=vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataToImageStencil>::New();
-    //The following line is extremely important
-    //
-    sts->SetTolerance(0);
-    sts->SetInformationInput(binary_image);
-    bool extrude=true;
-    if (extrude) {
-      vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter> extrude=vtkSmartPointer<vtkLinearExtrusionFilter>::New();
-      extrude->SetInput(mesh);
-      /// NO ????We extrude in the -slice_spacing direction to respect the FOCAL convention ???
-      extrude->SetVector(0, 0, input1->GetSpacing()[2]);//slice_spacing); // 2* ? yes use a single one
-      sts->SetInput(extrude->GetOutput());
-    } else
-      sts->SetInput(mesh);
-    DD("stencil");
-    vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageStencil> stencil=vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageStencil>::New();
-    stencil->SetStencil(sts->GetOutput());
-    stencil->SetInput(binary_image);
-    stencil->Update();    
-    DD("write");
-    vtkSmartPointer<vtkMetaImageWriter> ww = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMetaImageWriter>::New();
-    ww->SetInput(stencil->GetOutput());
-    ww->SetFileName("binary.mhd");
-    ww->Write();
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Test for vessels ReconstructionByDilatation
-  if (1) {
-    // Read input CT (already croped)
-    // treshold 3D
-    // erode n times (or in 2D ?)
-    // slices extract
-    // SBS
-    //    - CCL (keep mask)
-    //    - for all CCL, ReconstructionByDilatation in initial mask
-    // joint for output
-    // input1
-    DD("binarize")
-    int BG = 0;
-    int FG = 1;
-    typedef itk::Image<unsigned char, InputImageType::ImageDimension> MaskImageType;
-    typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter<InputImageType, MaskImageType> BinarizeFilterType; 
-    BinarizeFilterType::Pointer binarizeFilter = BinarizeFilterType::New();
-    binarizeFilter->SetInput(input1);
-    binarizeFilter->SetLowerThreshold(150);
-    binarizeFilter->SetInsideValue(FG);
-    binarizeFilter->SetOutsideValue(BG);
-    binarizeFilter->Update();
-    MaskImageType::Pointer mask = binarizeFilter->GetOutput();
-    clitk::writeImage<MaskImageType>(mask, "m.mhd");
-    // Extract slices
-    typedef itk::Image<MaskImageType::PixelType, MaskImageType::ImageDimension-1> SliceType;
-    std::vector<SliceType> slices_mask;
-    clitk::ExtractSlices<MaskImageType>(mask, 2, slices_mask);
-    DD(slices_mask.size());
-    std::vector<SliceType> debug_eroded;
-    std::vector<SliceType> debug_labeled;
-    // Loop
-    for(uint i=0; i<slices_mask.size(); i++) {
-      DD(i);
-      // erode
-      DD("erosion");
-      clitk::MorphoMathFilter<SliceType>::Pointer f = clitk::MorphoMathFilter<SliceType>::New();
-      f->SetInput(slices_mask[i]);
-      f->SetBackgroundValue(BG);
-      f->SetForegroundValue(FG);
-      f->SetRadius(1);
-      f->SetOperationType(0); // Erode
-      f->Update();
-      SliceType::Pointer eroded = f->GetOutput();
-      debug_eroded.push_back(eroded);
-      // CCL
-      DD("CCL");
-      SliceType::Pointer labeled = Labelize<MaskSliceType>(slices_mask[i], 0, false, 10);
-      debug_labeled.push_back(labeled);
-      // ReconstructionByDilatation 
-    } // end loop
-    MaskImageType::Pointer eroded = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(debug_eroded, mask, 2);
-    clitk::writeImage<MaskImageType>(eroded, "eroded.mhd");
-    MaskImageType::Pointer labeled = clitk::JoinSlices<MaskImageType>(debug_labeled, mask, 2);
-    clitk::writeImage<MaskImageType>(labeled, "labeled.mhd");
-  }
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // This is the end my friend
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-}// end main