]> Creatis software - gdcm.git/shortlog
2005-09-05 jprCoding style
2005-09-05 jprAddsome comments about Patient Position :
2005-09-04 malaterreCOMP: Fix some more problem with cstring vs char*
2005-09-04 malaterreBUG: Remove any bcc32 compile warnings from jasper
2005-09-04 malaterreCOMP: People really don't know what is the difference...
2005-09-04 malaterreCOMP: Remove stupid warning on Win32/cl. I don't unerst...
2005-09-04 malaterreCOMP: Ugly fix to remove warning
2005-09-04 malaterreCOMP: Fix warning with gcc3.3
2005-09-03 malaterreCOMP: Add include file
2005-09-02 jpr New Features
2005-09-02 jprCoding style : remove useless trailing ';' from inline...
2005-09-02 jprAdd the command line argument manager option
2005-09-02 jprAdd the methods Dict:AddDict(fullPathPrivateDictionaryF...
2005-08-31 malaterreSTYLE: typo
2005-08-31 malaterreSTYLE: typo
2005-08-31 malaterreENH: Some cleanup, and support cmake206
2005-08-31 jprReplace
2005-08-31 jprComments: It shouldn't be too difficult to 'manualy...
2005-08-31 jprSolve other minor Doxygen pb
2005-08-31 jprMinor Doxygen problems
2005-08-31 malaterreENH: Adding todo for automatic recognition of DICOM...
2005-08-31 jprUpdate News.html
2005-08-31 jprReplace stupid method names :
2005-08-31 regrain * Fix JPR compilation errors on MSVC.Net 2003
2005-08-31 jprTypo
2005-08-31 jprAdd examples of use of
2005-08-31 jprFix Benoit's bug :
2005-08-30 jprUse the result of GetVersion better than hard coded...
2005-08-30 jprClosing the file even when something wrong happens...
2005-08-30 malaterreENH: As per Benoit's request, increase gdcm version...
2005-08-30 jprint vs unsigned int to avoid warning
2005-08-30 regrain * Remove #define and replace then by the call to...
2005-08-30 regrain * Rename the NO_SEQ, NO_SHADOW, NO_SHADOWSEQ to
2005-08-30 jprReverse order sorting now works, even with user supplie...
2005-08-30 malaterreENH: Add new task, and add comment on kwsys
2005-08-30 jprSome updates to the gdcm/TODO file
2005-08-30 jprAdd some verbosity while running tests
2005-08-30 jprUpdate 'New Features', 'Known Buggs', 'Fixed buggs...
2005-08-30 jprAccording to some requierements, if user knows more...
2005-08-30 jprEnglish typo
2005-08-29 malaterreBUG: I hate cmake...
2005-08-29 malaterreBUG: Need to declate gdcm_wrap.cxx as a generated target
2005-08-29 malaterreENH: Cleanup the cmakelist, cmake 1.8 was barely suppor...
2005-08-29 malaterreENH: Adding check of dict
2005-08-29 malaterreBUG: A SQ is always VM=1, corrected typo from document...
2005-08-29 jprFix typo in VM of a SQ
2005-08-29 jprFinish (?) a cleaning out session, while time consuming...
2005-08-29 jprAdd
2005-08-29 regrain * Fix bug while wrapping python. The DicomDir SetSta...
2005-08-29 jprAdd forceload= command line argument, to allow user...
2005-08-29 regrain * Bug fix for python use
2005-08-28 malaterreENH: Another attempt to get rid of jasper warning
2005-08-28 jprFix English typo
2005-08-28 jprdeclare once the variables
2005-08-28 jprUpdate web pages
2005-08-28 jprAdd PatchHeader
2005-08-28 jpr// -----------------------------------------------...
2005-08-28 jprPrintFile can now print *all* the file within a given...
2005-08-28 jprmodif in DocEntry::Print() method (for 'long' values)
2005-08-28 jprBug fix in command line argument manager
2005-08-25 malaterreENH: Remove some complain from bcc32
2005-08-25 jprUpdate ChangeLog
2005-08-25 jprNow Print displays the BinEntry Content (if it's printa...
2005-08-25 jprAdd methods to check the 'printability' of a bin area
2005-08-25 jprAccording to Mathieu's suggestion, Print now display...
2005-08-25 jprAccording to Mathieu's suggestion, *all* the elements...
2005-08-24 malaterreENH: Adding Group Length
2005-08-24 malaterreENH: Adding group length and the e0* dicom tags
2005-08-24 jprRemove printf
2005-08-24 jprRemoval of QD patch for Private Sequence + Immplicit VR.
2005-08-24 malaterreCOMP: Fix compilation for VS6
2005-08-23 malaterreENH: Ok if there is one more time a Warning(504): Funct...
2005-08-23 malaterreENH: Adding proper dependencies so that gdcm rebuild...
2005-08-23 malaterreENH: Adding some more tag from Philips Intera Achieva...
2005-08-23 malaterreENH: Update dict to make Peter's image more readable
2005-08-23 jprTo avoid spuroius warning messages when debug is ON
2005-08-23 jprImprove 'Print' methods
2005-08-23 jpr Brutal patch, waiting till we find a clever way to...
2005-08-22 malaterreCOMP: Fix compilation with SWIG, GDCM_LEGACY* options...
2005-08-22 jprSave a *few* microseconds at run time : inline method...
2005-08-22 malaterreCOMP: Remove problem with static being define in a...
2005-08-22 jprTemporarlily ask not to swig for Python SetUserFunction...
2005-08-22 jprReplace
2005-08-22 jprReplace
2005-08-22 jprComments
2005-08-22 jprupdate usage
2005-08-22 jprgdcm::File::File() and gdcm::DicomDir::DicomDir() are...
2005-08-22 jprUpdate CMakeLists.txt
2005-08-22 jprRemove exBuildUpDicomDir.cxx (TestBuildUpDicomDir.cxx...
2005-08-22 jprComment
2005-08-22 jprRemove useless exAnonymize.cxx (use Anonymize.cxx)
2005-08-22 jprRemove useless exAnonymizeNoLoad (use AnonymizeNoload)
2005-08-22 jprUpdate usage
2005-08-22 jprUse new style for File constructor
2005-08-22 jprUse new style for DicomDir constructor
2005-08-22 jprUpdate web pages
2005-08-20 malaterreCOMP: Ok quickly fix comp problem on golgot with -pain...
2005-08-20 jprUse new style FileHelper contructor
2005-08-20 jprFileHelper::Initialize() doesn't call GrabInformationFr...
2005-08-19 malaterreENH: Provide a GetVersion function, apparently need...