]> Creatis software - gdcm.git/shortlog
2005-12-15 jprAvoid warnings
2005-12-15 jprAdd RawToDicom
2005-12-15 jprAdd RawToDicom;
2005-12-15 jprMinor Doxygen
2005-12-15 jprMake sure Pixel Spacing is always written
2005-12-14 jprForget to Black list : MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenc...
2005-12-14 jpr*Default* Pixel Spacing with 1.0\1.0, don't *force...
2005-12-14 jprLet's take into account (again) LoadMode !
2005-12-14 jprMinor typo
2005-12-14 jprISO C++ forbids variable-size array ...
2005-12-13 jprThe first letter of each file name was missing.
2005-12-13 jprFix Sequence Terminator length
2005-12-13 regrain * Improve the error message
2005-12-13 jprFix length of Item Terminators 0 instead of 0xFFFFFFFF...
2005-12-12 malaterreENH: Adding a batch convert for Jim (dicom newsgroup)
2005-12-12 regrain*** empty log message ***
2005-12-12 regrain * Fix bug for the installed files
2005-12-12 jprFix bug (Thx, Manu)
2005-12-10 malaterreENH:add toshiba
2005-12-10 malaterreENH: Save some ELSCINT tags...very hard to find
2005-12-10 malaterreENH: New Siemens/Philips tag: 0029,xx03 Edge Enhancement
2005-12-09 jprSince vtkImageViewer and vtkImageViewer2 don't behave...
2005-12-09 jprMinor typo fixes
2005-12-09 jprFile::GetImageOrientationPatient now acts as follow :
2005-12-09 jprFirst check to extract overlays.
2005-12-06 jprUpdate Black List
2005-12-05 malaterreENH: Quickly saving toshiba stuff from dicom newgroup
2005-12-05 regrain * Update the version to 1.3.0 Version1.3
2005-12-01 jprBug fix : Sequence Delimitor Items were written with...
2005-11-30 jprFileHelper has CallProgressMethod and others
2005-11-30 jprUpdate progress bar counter
2005-11-30 jprDon't call fileList.size() inside a loop (time consuming)
2005-11-30 jprcosmetics
2005-11-30 jprAvoid troubles with progress bar.
2005-11-30 jprInline some methods
2005-11-30 regrain * Fix compilation warnings
2005-11-29 jprTo prepare use of progression bar in all types of Document
2005-11-29 jprremove comments
2005-11-29 jprAvoid Doxygen Warnings
2005-11-29 jpravoid Doxygen warnings
2005-11-29 jprmake output more readable
2005-11-29 regrain * Improvement of the TestInline
2005-11-29 regrain * Add the Copy method in all datas
2005-11-29 regrain * Fix compilation errors
2005-11-28 jprComment out 'assert' (a library *never* have to decide...
2005-11-28 regrain * Add the CommandPy and CommandManager to the python...
2005-11-28 jprtestinfo instead of testinfo.h should avoid compile...
2005-11-28 regrain * Fix compilation warnings on linux
2005-11-28 jprRestore previous state (double/float)
2005-11-28 regrain * Fix compilation error due to the introduction...
2005-11-28 regrain * Remove all gdcmStaticXxxMacro with Xxx : Debug...
2005-11-28 regrain * Improvement #2 : the CommandManager is now a stati...
2005-11-28 jprTrack troubles on Big endian processors
2005-11-28 regrain * Fix bug -- sorry
2005-11-28 regrain * Add Command and CommandManager to have possible...
2005-11-28 jprTrack Big Endian pb
2005-11-28 jprOrienation : iop is float.
2005-11-28 regrain * Remove commented lines refering to gdcmXxxMacro
2005-11-28 jprCheck transfer syntax more efficient (hope so)
2005-11-25 malaterreENH: Make sure to test all possible failures
2005-11-25 jprForget to commit this one
2005-11-25 jprUpdate.
2005-11-25 jprUpport itk modif (taken from gdcm1.0) around Jolinda...
2005-11-25 jprMore explanations, for Doxygen (and developpers)
2005-11-25 malaterreBUG: 0,0,0,0,0,0 was a really bad default value
2005-11-23 malaterreENH: Interesting a real cvs client should not download...
2005-11-23 malaterreENH: Some do not have stdint
2005-11-23 malaterreENH: Need newline to avoid warning
2005-11-23 jprdelete() --> Delete()
2005-11-22 malaterreCOMP: Fix comp
2005-11-22 malaterreCOMP: Fix comp on weird os
2005-11-22 malaterreENH: I cannot remember what was the bug but since noone...
2005-11-22 malaterreENH: Minor style
2005-11-22 malaterreBUG: Yet another shoot yourself in the foot
2005-11-22 malaterreBUG: Yet another shoot yourself in the foot
2005-11-22 jprLast modif on IsVROfStringRepresentable().
2005-11-22 jprNew version Documentation
2005-11-21 jprcomment out deprecated method Load(filename), everywhere.
2005-11-21 jprmisstyping
2005-11-21 jprI'll try to understand later why LECAGY causes troubles...
2005-11-21 jprOF
2005-11-21 jprUncomment LEGACY.
2005-11-21 jprDeal with OF
2005-11-21 jprDeal with VR 'OF' (Other Float String)
2005-11-21 jprmisstyping
2005-11-21 jprAdd missing VR :
2005-11-21 jprTrack bug on Darwin
2005-11-21 jprTrack bug on bcc
2005-11-21 jprRemove useless bug track displays
2005-11-21 jprDoxygenation
2005-11-21 jprAdd verbosity when something wrong occurs.
2005-11-21 jprTo avoid futher confusion in Validator, when the VR...
2005-11-18 jprJPEGFragmentsInfo declares PixelReadConvert as friend.
2005-11-18 jprUpdate gdcm.h
2005-11-18 jprRLEFrame RLEFramesInfo declare File as friend.
2005-11-18 jprIn order to avois user confusion, *all* members class...
2005-11-18 jprremove temp modif
2005-11-18 jprgdcm::Orientation uses RefCounter
2005-11-18 jprRefCounter
2005-11-18 jprValidator uses RefCounter.