]> Creatis software - gdcm.git/shortlog
2005-07-19 malaterreENH: gdcm now almost compile with GDCM_LEGACY_REMOVE on
2005-07-19 jprAdd (0018,1060) Trigger Time to the imageElem (of the...
2005-07-19 malaterreENH: Adding a deprecation mechanism to gdcm via two...
2005-07-19 jprUpdate News
2005-07-19 jprAdd SerieHelper::AddGdcmFile(File *header) method.
2005-07-18 jprIn order to prepare the future extension of SerieHelper...
2005-07-17 jprUpdate News
2005-07-17 jprFix misstypings
2005-07-17 jprAdd vtkgdcmSerieViewer to check new SetCoherentFileList...
2005-07-17 jprAdd SetCoherentFileList() method, to use the 'file...
2005-07-17 jprComments
2005-07-17 jprUse new style for Loading files
2005-07-17 jprDoxygenation
2005-07-17 jprCheck some more usages
2005-07-13 malaterreCOMP: Fix compile warning
2005-07-12 jprset FASTTAGKEY to 0 again, waiting for the complete...
2005-07-12 jprTo speed up DicomDir, instead of copying -and removing...
2005-07-12 jprComments
2005-07-12 jprTypo
2005-07-12 jprAnonymizeNoLoad has now one more option :
2005-07-12 jprBug fix
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: Remove stupid debug code...
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: Ok all tests are now passing even using FASTKEY
2005-07-11 malaterreBUG: Rahhhh std::right and std::ios::right are two...
2005-07-11 malaterreCOMP: Add support for gcc295
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: Ok PrintFile should be working with FASTKEY 1
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: On win32 std::binary is necessary
2005-07-11 jprDictEntry::TranslateToKey was used a wrong way in gdcm...
2005-07-11 malaterreBUG: grrrr not now
2005-07-11 malaterreBUG: Fix PrintFile + minor cleanup
2005-07-11 malaterreCOMP: Forgot to change string to TagKey...
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: NEW FEATURE: TagKey is now a union of two uint16_t...
2005-07-11 malaterreCOMP: ooops forgot about feature from VS6 (does not...
2005-07-11 malaterreCOMP: ooops forgot about feature from VS6 (does not...
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: A TagKey is a TagKey and not a string or TagName...
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: Minor cleanup
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: A TagKey is a TagKey and not a string or TagName...
2005-07-11 malaterreBUG: Trying to debug jasper...
2005-07-11 malaterreCOMP: looks like a patch from Luca...
2005-07-11 malaterreENH: Redo the SIEMENS dictionary
2005-07-11 jprFix mistyping
2005-07-11 jprDoxygenation
2005-07-11 jprimprove PrintDicomDir
2005-07-11 jprUse new gdcm2 style for Load
2005-07-11 jprDoxygenation
2005-07-11 jprReorder methods
2005-07-11 jprFix tagKey description
2005-07-11 malaterreBUG: Remove a jpeg2000, irreversible transform momentar...
2005-07-09 malaterreCOMP: Fix compilation on broken compiler (scope/for...
2005-07-08 jprAdd the VISIT object within DicomDir
2005-07-08 jprTo remain unimpared, gdcm::FileHelper class needs also its
2005-07-08 jprNew gdcm2 style syntax for Load()
2005-07-08 jprEnd of gdcm/Example kosherization (Load related stuff)
2005-07-08 jprUse new style for DicomDir loading
2005-07-08 jprNew features for DicomDir
2005-07-08 jprUpdate fo new features
2005-07-07 malaterreENH: Fix compilation on mingw32, also minor cleanup...
2005-07-07 jprBegin of kosherization of Example
2005-07-07 jprOn the way to gdcm2 ...
2005-07-07 jprComment out the time consuming, never used/useless
2005-07-07 jprMove code lines LTTG so save some CPU time.
2005-07-07 jprDue to something stupid in the gdcm::File constructor...
2005-07-06 malaterreCOMP: Finish patching gdcm for support for bcb6
2005-07-06 jprAccording to Mathieu's requirement, Load twice the...
2005-07-06 jprNow gdcmFile::Load() returns false if file is not gdcm...
2005-07-06 jprNow TestAllReadCompareDicom.cxx TestReadWriteReadCompar...
2005-07-06 jpr- Clean out the Entries if a Document is parsed more...
2005-07-06 jprComments
2005-07-06 jpr- Comment out a for the moment too much verbose warning...
2005-07-06 malaterreCOMP: Fix warning about uninitialized var
2005-07-05 malaterreCOMP: Fix compilation on BCB6. Thanks again to Luca...
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: Now any new compiler should be supported (not...
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: Propage cmake var
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: Adding a cmake script to find which compiler retur...
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: Adding a cmake script to find which compiler retur...
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: Put back testing on JPEG2000 since borland is...
2005-07-05 malaterreBUG: Provide a fix(=hack) for bcc32, since jasper does...
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: Adding debug
2005-07-05 malaterreBUG: Put back original value for jasper. This will...
2005-07-05 jprEnglish misstyping
2005-07-05 jprUpdate Doc
2005-07-05 jprCoding style
2005-07-05 jprComments
2005-07-05 jprUpdate Changelog
2005-07-05 malaterreENH: More patch from Luca to fix compilation on BCB6
2005-07-05 jprDeal with NOSHADOWSEQ
2005-07-05 jprDeal with NOSHADOWSEQ option
2005-07-03 jprEnh warning message
2005-07-03 jpr- Speed up DICOMDIR analyse
2005-07-03 jprShould avoid some troubles with 'no length' SQItems...
2005-07-02 malaterreENH: Adding test for benchmark
2005-07-02 malaterreCOMP: Need to check first if __BORLANDC__ is defined
2005-07-02 malaterreENH: Simplify the old mess
2005-07-02 malaterreENH: Oooops forgot to remove the tag for papyrus, now...
2005-07-02 malaterreENH: Applying some more patch from Luca Picello to...
2005-07-02 malaterreENH: Add function declaration for atoi and isdigit
2005-07-02 malaterreENH: Adding support for BCB6, big thanks to Luca Picell...
2005-07-01 malaterreENH: Remove mem leak
2005-07-01 malaterreBUG: Hopefully fixing the bug for Borland (optimization ON)
2005-07-01 jprInitialize RLEInfo and JPEGInfo to 0 a avoid further...