]> Creatis software - cpPlugins.git/shortlog
2015-10-09 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 5/6): Interactive plugins...
2015-10-09 jose guzmanupdate: undo/redo for image to image filters
2015-10-09 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 5/6): Just one step leftgit...
2015-10-08 Leonardo Florez... Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2015-10-08 Leonardo Florez... Intermediary commit
2015-10-08 jose guzmanundo redo for images in viewer
2015-10-08 jose guzmanMerge ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/cpPlugins
2015-10-08 jose guzmanbinary erode filter update
2015-10-08 jose guzmanMSVC c++11 update
2015-10-08 Leonardo Florez... half way work...
2015-10-08 jose guzmanMerge ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/cpPlugins
2015-10-08 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 5/6): generic widget controlle...
2015-10-07 jose guzmanBinary Erode Image Filter Added
2015-10-07 Leonardo Florez... Double-click dominated... It does not compile yet though
2015-10-06 Leonardo Florez... WARNING: It does not compile yet git status!
2015-10-06 jose guzmancontour example updated
2015-10-05 Leonardo Florez... Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2015-10-05 Leonardo Florez... Widgets 4/6: it compiles on windows.
2015-10-05 Leonardo Florez... Little typo updated.
2015-10-05 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 4/6)... Testing on windows.
2015-10-04 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 3/6).
2015-10-03 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 3/6). WARNING: IT DOES NOT...
2015-10-02 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 2/6). WARNING: IT DOES NOT...
2015-10-02 Leonardo Florez... Widget integration (step 1/6)
2015-10-02 Leonardo Florez... Windows updated.
2015-10-02 jose guzmanMerge ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/cpPlugins
2015-10-02 jose guzmandouble click example updates
2015-10-01 Leonardo Florez... Installation system updated.
2015-10-01 Leonardo Florez... Plugin system is now instalable. Dependency to boost...
2015-09-30 Leonardo Florez... Coding style improved.
2015-09-30 Leonardo Florez... Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2015-09-30 Leonardo Florez... Segmentation and WindowLevel interaction updated
2015-09-30 jose guzmandouble click example test
2015-09-29 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-29 jose guzmancontour widget example done
2015-09-28 jose guzmancontour widget example update
2015-09-27 jose guzmanMerge ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/cpPlugins
2015-09-27 jose guzmancontour widget file added, still in development
2015-09-26 Leonardo Florez... MPR almost working with multiple images
2015-09-26 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-26 jose guzmanMerge ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/cpPlugins
2015-09-26 Leonardo Florez... MPR objects now support multiple images.
2015-09-25 Leonardo Florez... It does not compile, Mr Pepe
2015-09-25 jose guzmanMerge ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/cpPlugins
2015-09-25 jose guzmanmedian filter added
2015-09-24 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-24 jose guzmanbinary threshold image filter added
2015-09-24 jose guzmanDetails for VTK compilation
2015-09-23 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-22 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-22 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-21 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-21 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-21 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-21 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-20 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-18 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-17 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-17 Leonardo Florez... ... refactoring
2015-09-17 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-16 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-16 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-15 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-15 Leonardo Florez... Major refactoring: API-HCI bug corrected.
2015-09-13 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-11 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-11 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-11 Leonardo Florez... Now ported to macosx and easier to configure on win32...
2015-09-10 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-09 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-07 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-09-03 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-08-25 Leonardo Florez... Kalman completely ported
2015-08-21 Leonardo Florez... Kalman filter added
2015-08-21 Leonardo Florez... 3D MPR updated
2015-07-10 Leonardo Florez... New pixel converter
2015-07-03 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-06-24 Leonardo Florez... Iso slicer added
2015-06-10 Leonardo Florez... New filter
2015-06-05 Leonardo Florez... Cmake updated
2015-06-03 Leonardo Florez... ITK-VTK-Qt4-CMake coordination/factory problem finally...
2015-04-29 Leonardo Florez... Minor modif
2015-04-28 Leonardo Florez... Bezier function added.
2015-04-27 Leonardo Florez... New filter added
2015-04-20 Leonardo Florez... Light compensation algorithm added
2015-04-17 Leonardo Florez... CMakeLists.txt updated
2015-04-14 Leonardo Florez... Image visualization objects updated
2015-04-07 Leonardo Florez... Filters improved
2015-03-30 Leonardo Florez... YPbPr color model added
2015-03-27 Leonardo Florez... Accessors added to gaussian model estimator
2015-03-27 Leonardo Florez... Minor changes to CMakeLists.txt
2015-03-27 Leonardo Florez... Generic gaussian model estimator added
2015-03-04 Leonardo Florez... Parameters given as lists were corrected to avoid confl...
2015-03-02 Leonardo Florez... Examples updated
2015-03-02 Leonardo Florez... vtkPolyData support added
2015-02-04 Leonardo Florez... Updated to work on Windows
2015-02-04 Leonardo Florez... Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2015-02-04 Leonardo Florez... MPR updated
2015-02-01 Leonardo Florez... Updated for win$ux
2015-01-28 Leonardo Florez... Some project updates