]> Creatis software - cpMesh.git/summary
descriptionitk-based mesh processing library with an interactive application to modify image segmentations
ownerMaciej Orkisz
last changeWed, 23 Sep 2015 07:28:43 +0000 (09:28 +0200)
2015-09-23 Leonardo Florez... ... master
2015-09-16 Leonardo Florez... ...
2015-01-27 Jose Luis Guzman... Almost compatible with new cpPlugins
2014-12-16 Leonardo Florez... Simple flood fill plugin added.
2014-12-15 Leonardo Florez... New plugin added
2014-12-10 Leonardo Florez... QuadEdgeMesh ported to cpPlugins/Extensions
2014-12-09 Leonardo Florez... Read/Write image plugin integration
2014-12-09 Leonardo Florez... Read/Write image plugin integration
2014-12-09 Leonardo Florez... First commit
9 years ago master