fixed >> Fixed Point Type Fixed Point Operators + - = Addition/subtraction in a fixed point algebra. * / \ = Multiplication/division in fixed point (Division for scalars only). .* ./ .\ = Element by element multiplication/division of fixed point arrays. ** ^ = Matrix exponentiation of fixed point arrays. .** .^ = Element by element matrix exponentiation of fixed point arrays. ' .' = Matrix transpose of fixed point arrays. == ~= != > >= < <= = Logical operators on fixed point arrays. Fixed Point Variables fixed_point_warn_overflow fixed_point_debug fixed_point_count_operations fixed_point_version fixed_point_library_version Fixed Point Utility Functions concat create_lookup_table display_fixed_operations fdiag fixed fixedpoint float freshape fsort isfixed length lookup_table reset_fixed_operations size all any Fixed Point Functions fabs fangle farg fatan2 fceil fconj fcosh fcos fcumprod fcumsum fexp ffloor fimag flog10 flog fprod freal fround fsinh fsin fsqrt fsum fsumsq ftanh ftan Examples ffft fifft fixed_inc