# Created by Octave 3.6.1, Wed Apr 18 13:13:19 2012 UTC # name: cache # type: cell # rows: 3 # columns: 9 # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 18 crossoverscattered # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 135 simplified example (nvars == 4) p1 = [varA varB varC varD] p2 = [var1 var2 var3 var4] b = [1 1 0 1] child = [varA varB var3 varD] # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 80 simplified example (nvars == 4) p1 = [varA varB varC varD] p2 = [var1 var2 va # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 14 fitscalingrank # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 71 TODO ranks ([7,2,2]) == [3.0,1.5,1.5] is [3,1,2] (or [3,2,1]) useful? # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 27 TODO ranks ([7,2,2]) == [3. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 2 ga # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 1866 -- Function File: X = ga (FITNESSFCN, NVARS) -- Function File: X = ga (FITNESSFCN, NVARS, A, B) -- Function File: X = ga (FITNESSFCN, NVARS, A, B, AEQ, BEQ) -- Function File: X = ga (FITNESSFCN, NVARS, A, B, AEQ, BEQ, LB, UB) -- Function File: X = ga (FITNESSFCN, NVARS, A, B, AEQ, BEQ, LB, UB, NONLCON) -- Function File: X = ga (FITNESSFCN, NVARS, A, B, AEQ, BEQ, LB, UB, NONLCON, OPTIONS) -- Function File: X = ga (PROBLEM) -- Function File: [X, FVAL] = ga (...) -- Function File: [X, FVAL, EXITFLAG] = ga (...) -- Function File: [X, FVAL, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT] = ga (...) -- Function File: [X, FVAL, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, POPULATION] = ga (...) -- Function File: [X, FVAL, EXITFLAG, OUTPUT, POPULATION, SCORES] = ga (...) Find minimum of function using genetic algorithm. *Inputs* FITNESSFCN The objective function to minimize. It accepts a vector X of size 1-by-NVARS, and returns a scalar evaluated at X. NVARS The dimension (number of design variables) of FITNESSFCN. OPTIONS The structure of the optimization parameters; can be created using the `gaoptimset' function. If not specified, `ga' minimizes with the default optimization parameters. PROBLEM A structure containing the following fields: * `fitnessfcn' * `nvars' * `Aineq' * `Bineq' * `Aeq' * `Beq' * `lb' * `ub' * `nonlcon' * `randstate' * `randnstate' * `solver' * `options' *Outputs* X The local unconstrained found minimum to the objective function, FITNESSFCN. FVAL The value of the fitness function at X. See also: gaoptimset # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 49 Find minimum of function using genetic algorithm. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 17 gacreationuniform # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 487 -- Function File: POPULATION = gacreationuniform (GENOMELENGTH, FITNESSFCN, OPTIONS) Create a random initial population with a uniform distribution. *Inputs* GENOMELENGTH The number of indipendent variables for the fitness function. FITNESSFCN The fitness function. OPTIONS The options structure. *Outputs* POPULATION The initial population for the genetic algorithm. See also: ga, gaoptimset # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 63 Create a random initial population with a uniform distribution. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 10 gaoptimset # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 1242 -- Function File: OPTIONS = gaoptimset -- Function File: OPTIONS = gaoptimset ('PARAM1', VALUE1, 'PARAM2', VALUE2, ...) Create genetic algorithm options structure. *Inputs* PARAM Parameter to set. Unspecified parameters are set to their default values; specifying no parameters is allowed. VALUE Value of PARAM. *Outputs* OPTIONS Structure containing the options, or parameters, for the genetic algorithm. *Options* `CreationFcn' `CrossoverFcn' `CrossoverFraction' `EliteCount' `FitnessLimit' `FitnessScalingFcn' `Generations' `InitialPopulation' Can be partial. `InitialScores' column vector | [] (default) . Can be partial. `MutationFcn' `PopInitRange' `PopulationSize' `SelectionFcn' `TimeLimit' `UseParallel' "always" | "never" (default) . Parallel evaluation of objective function. TODO: parallel evaluation of nonlinear constraints `Vectorized' "on" | "off" (default) . Vectorized evaluation of objective function. TODO: vectorized evaluation of nonlinear constraints See also: ga # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 43 Create genetic algorithm options structure. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 16 mutationgaussian # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 30 start mutationgaussian logic # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 30 start mutationgaussian logic # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 13 rastriginsfcn # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 69 -- Function File: Y = rastriginsfcn (X) Rastrigin's function. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 21 Rastrigin's function. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 18 selectionstochunif # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 104 fix an entry of the steps (or parents) vector assert (steps(1, index_steps) < max_step_size); ## DEBUG # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 80 fix an entry of the steps (or parents) vector assert (steps(1, index_steps) < m # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 7 test_ga # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 69 -- Script File: test_ga Execute all available tests at once. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 36 Execute all available tests at once.