Summary of important user-visible changes for general 1.3.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** general 1.3.1 is a bug fix release ** The `addSwitch' method from inputParser class has been fixed ** For Matlab compatibility, optional arguments of the inputParser class will be skipped and followed by ParamValue and Switch arguments if they are a string that does not validate. Note that unlike Matlab, if no validator is given, anything is valid, so giving no validator to an Optional argument will not turn any string on the list of arguments to be considered a ParamValue key. Summary of important user-visible changes for general 1.3.0: ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: majle ** The class `inputParser' class has been implemented with many methods. It attempts to be as compatible with Matlab as possible. However, since classdef is not yet implemented the syntax differs slightly. Unlike the Matlab implementation, this functions return the object. For example: obj.method (arguments) # matlab implementation obj = obj.method (arguments) # octave implementation The octave implementatino expands on the Matlab one as it has one more type of API, see `help @inputParser/addSwitch'. ** The function `unvech' accepts a new argument scale to calculate the upper triangular part of the matrix thus returning non-symmetric matrix. ** The function `parcellfun' had the random number generator modifed, a new option to set the verbosity level, and other bugs corrected. ** Package is no longer automatically loaded.