# Created by Octave 3.6.2, Sun Jul 22 21:28:07 2012 UTC # name: cache # type: cell # rows: 3 # columns: 16 # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 7 dlgtest # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 124 Install the java package. Test the dlg... functions of the java package. Author: Martin Hepperle Version August 2010 # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 27 Install the java package. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 8 errordlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 273 -- Function file: P = errordlg (MESSAGE [,TITLE]) Displays the MESSAGE using an error dialog box. The TITLE can be used optionally to decorate the dialog caption. The return value is always 1. See also: helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, questdlg, warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 47 Displays the MESSAGE using an error dialog box. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 7 helpdlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 353 -- Function file: P = helpdlg (MESSAGE [,TITLE]) Displays a MESSAGE in a help dialog box. The help message can have multiple lines, separated by a newline character '\n'. The TITLE can be used optionally to decorate the dialog caption. The return value is always 1. See also: errordlg, inputdlg, listdlg, questdlg, warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 40 Displays a MESSAGE in a help dialog box. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 8 inputdlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 1168 -- Function file: P = inputdlg (PROMPT [,TITLE [,ROWSCOLS, DEFAULTS]]) Returns the user's inputs from a multi-textfield dialog box in form of a cell array of strings. If the dialog is closed by the Cancel button, an empty cell array is returned. `PROMPT' The first argument PROMPT is mandatory. It is a cell array with strings labeling each textfield. `TITLE' The optional string TITLE can be used as the caption of the dialog. `ROWSCOLS' The size of the text fields can be defined by the argument ROWSCOLS, which can have three forms: - a scalar value which defines the number of rows used for each text field. - a vector which defines the individual number of rows used for each text field. - a matrix which defines the individual number of rows and columns used for each text field. `DEFAULTS' It is possible to place default values into the text fields by supplying the a cell array of strings or number for the argument DEFAULTS. See also: errordlg, helpdlg, listdlg, questdlg, warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 80 Returns the user's inputs from a multi-textfield dialog box in form of a cell ar # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 4 java # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 75 Please enter `doc java' to view the documentation for the package `java'. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 73 Please enter `doc java' to view the documentation for the package `java'. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 9 javaArray # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 551 -- Function file: A = javaArray (CLASS,[M,N,...]) -- Function file: A = javaArray (CLASS,M,N,...) Creates a Java array of size [M,N,...] with elements of class CLASS. CLASS can be a Java object representing a class or a string containing the fully qualified class name. The generated array is uninitialized, all elements are set to null if CLASS is a reference type, or to a default value (usually 0) if CLASS is a primitive type. a = javaArray ("java.lang.String", 2, 2); a(1,1) = "Hello"; # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 35 Creates a Java array of size [M,N,. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 11 javaaddpath # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 253 -- Function file: javaaddpath (PATH) Adds PATH to the dynamic class path of the Java virtual machine. PATH can be either a directory where .class files can be found, or a .jar file containing Java classes. See also: javaclasspath # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 64 Adds PATH to the dynamic class path of the Java virtual machine. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 13 javaclasspath # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 1049 -- Function file: javaclasspath -- Function file: STATIC = javaclasspath -- Function file: [STATIC, DYNAMIC] = javaclasspath -- Function file: PATH = javaclasspath (WHAT) Returns the class path of the Java virtual machine in the form of a cell array of strings. If called without input parameter: * If no output variable is given, the result is simply printed on the standard output. * If one output variable STATIC is given, the result is the static classpath. * If two output variables STATIC and DYNAMIC are given, the first variable will contain the static classpath, the second will be filled with the dynamic claspath. If called with a single input parameter WHAT: * If WHAT is '-static' the static classpath is returned. * If WHAT is '-dynamic' the dynamic classpath is returned. * If WHAT is '-all' the static and the dynamic classpath are returned in a single cell array See also: javaaddpath, javarmpath # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 80 Returns the class path of the Java virtual machine in the form of a cell array o # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 10 javafields # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 246 -- Function file: P = javafields (CLASS) Returns the fields of a Java object in the form of a cell array of strings. If no output variable is given, the result is simply printed on the standard output. See also: javamethods # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 75 Returns the fields of a Java object in the form of a cell array of strings. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 7 javamem # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 1589 -- Function File: javamem -- Function File: [ JMEM] = javamem Show current memory status of the Java virtual machine (JVM) & run garbage collector. When no return argument is given the info is echoed to the screen. Otherwise, output cell array JMEM contains Maximum, Total, and Free memory (in bytes). All Java-based routines are run in the JVM's shared memory pool, a dedicated and separate part of memory claimed by the JVM from your computer's total memory (which comprises physical RAM and virtual memory / swap space on hard disk). The maximum available memory can be set using the file java.opts (in the same subdirectory where javaaddpath.m lives, see "which javaaddpath". Usually that is: [/usr]/share/octave/packages/java-. java.opts is a plain text file, one option per line. The default initial memory size and default maximum memory size (which are both system dependent) can be overridden like so: -Xms64m -Xmx512m (in megabytes in this example.) You can adapt these values to your own requirements if your system has limited available physical memory or when you get Java memory errors. "Total memory" is what the operating system has currently assigned to the JVM and depends on actual and active memory usage. "Free memory" is self-explanatory. During operation of Java-based octave functions the amounts of Total and Free memory will vary, due to Java's own cleaning up and your operating system's memory management. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 80 Show current memory status of the Java virtual machine (JVM) & run garbage colle # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 11 javamethods # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 244 -- Function file: P = javamethods (CLASS) Returns the methods of a Java object in the form of a cell array of strings. If no output variable is given, the result is simply printed on the standard output. See also: methods # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 76 Returns the methods of a Java object in the form of a cell array of strings. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 10 javarmpath # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 270 -- Function file: javarmpath (PATH) Removes PATH from the dynamic class path of the Java virtual machine. PATH can be either a directory where .class files can be found, or a .jar file containing Java classes. See also: javaaddpath, javaclasspath # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 69 Removes PATH from the dynamic class path of the Java virtual machine. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 7 listdlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 1661 -- Function file: [SEL,OK] = listdlg (KEY ,VALUE [, KEY ,VALUE, ...]]) Returns the user's inputs from a list dialog box in form of a vector of selection indices SEL and a flag OK indicating how the user closed the dialog box. The returned flag OK is 1 if the user closed the box with the OK button, otherwise it is 0 and SEL is empty. The indices in SEL are 1 based, i.e. the first list item carries the index 1. The arguments are specified in form of KEY, VALUE pairs. At least the 'ListString' argument pair must be specified. KEYs and VALUEs pairs can be selected from the following list: `ListString' a cell array of strings comprising the content of the list. `SelectionMode' can be either `Single' or `Multiple'. `ListSize' a vector with two elements [width, height] defining the size of the list field in pixels. `InitialValue' a vector containing 1-based indices of preselected elements. `Name' a string to be used as the dialog caption. `PromptString' a cell array of strings to be displayed above the list field. `OKString' a string used to label the OK button. `CancelString' a string used to label the Cancel button. Example: [sel, ok] = listdlg ( 'ListString',{'An item', 'another', 'yet another'}, 'SelectionMode','Multiple' ); if ok == 1 imax = length(sel); for i=1:1:imax disp(sel(i)); end end See also: errordlg, helpdlg, inputdlg, questdlg, warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 80 Returns the user's inputs from a list dialog box in form of a vector of selectio # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 6 msgbox # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 393 -- Function file: P = msgbox (MESSAGE [,TITLE [,ICON]]) Displays the MESSAGE using a message dialog. The TITLE is an optional string, which can be used to decorate the dialog caption. The ICON can be used optionally to select a dialog icon. It can be one of `'error'', `'help'' or `'warn''. The return value is always 1. See also: helpdlg, questdlg, warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 44 Displays the MESSAGE using a message dialog. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 8 questdlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 991 -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE) -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE, DEFAULT) -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE, BTN1, BTN2, DEFAULT) -- Function file: P = questdlg (MESSAGE, TITLE, BTN1, BTN2, BTN3, DEFAULT) Displays the MESSAGE using a question dialog box. The dialog contains two or three buttons which all close the dialog. It returns the caption of the activated button. The TITLE can be used optionally to decorate the dialog caption. The string DEFAULT identifies the default button, which is activated by pressing the ENTER key. It must match one of the strings given in BTN1, BTN2 or BTN3. If only MESSAGE and TITLE are specified, three buttons with the default captions "Yes", "No", "Cancel" are used. If only two button captions BTN1 and BTN2 are specified, the dialog will have only these two buttons. See also: errordlg, helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 49 Displays the MESSAGE using a question dialog box. # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 7 warndlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 231 -- Function file: P = warndlg (MESSAGE [,TITLE]) Displays the MESSAGE using a warning dialog box. The TITLE can be used optionally to decorate the dialog caption. See also: helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, questiondlg # name: # type: sq_string # elements: 1 # length: 48 Displays the MESSAGE using a warning dialog box.