//===== // Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost) //===== #include "bbvtkPointsXYZtoVTKPoints.h" #include "bbvtkPackage.h" namespace bbvtk { BBTK_ADD_BLACK_BOX_TO_PACKAGE(vtk,PointsXYZtoVTKPoints) BBTK_BLACK_BOX_IMPLEMENTATION(PointsXYZtoVTKPoints,bbtk::AtomicBlackBox); //===== // Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost) //===== void PointsXYZtoVTKPoints::Process() { //std::cout << "RaC PointsXYZtoVTKPoints::Process START"<< std::endl; std::vector lstPointsX = bbGetInputLstPointsX(); std::vector lstPointsY = bbGetInputLstPointsY(); std::vector lstPointsZ = bbGetInputLstPointsZ(); if(_points==NULL) _points=vtkPoints::New(); else _points->Reset();//CLEAR for (int i =0; i < lstPointsX.size(); ++i) { double point[3]; point[0]=lstPointsX[i]; point[1]=lstPointsY[i]; point[2]=lstPointsZ[i]; _points->InsertPoint(i,point); } bbSetOutputPoints(_points); //std::cout << "RaC PointsXYZtoVTKPoints::Process END"<< std::endl; } //===== // Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost) //===== void PointsXYZtoVTKPoints::bbUserSetDefaultValues() { } //===== // Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost) //===== void PointsXYZtoVTKPoints::bbUserInitializeProcessing() { } //===== // Before editing this file, make sure it's a file of your own (i.e.: it wasn't generated from xml description; if so : your modifications will be lost) //===== void PointsXYZtoVTKPoints::bbUserFinalizeProcessing() { _points->Delete(); } } // EO namespace bbvtk