# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Santé) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # @LIBRARY_NAME@Config.cmake - CMake configuration file for external projects. # This file was automatically generated by the cmake macro # CREA_INSTALL_LIBRARY_FOR_CMAKE of the package CREA # # This file is configured by cmake and used by the # Use@LIBRARY_NAME@.cmake module to load the lib settings # for an external project. # Build tree config ? SET(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION @CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION@) IF(UNIX) SET(GOTO_INSTALL_PREFIX /../../..) ENDIF(UNIX) # The @LIBRARY_NAME@ include file *RELATIVE* directories. SET(CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS "@CILC_LIB_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS@") # Compute the prefix for include and library paths IF(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION) # In build tree # the include paths are relative to the source tree *AND* the binary tree # for generated files SET(CILC_INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX @PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@) # Build the *ABSOLUTE* directories FOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CILC_INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX}/${path} ) ENDFOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) SET(CILC_INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX @PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@) # Build the *ABSOLUTE* directories FOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CILC_INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX}/${path} ) ENDFOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) ELSE(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION) # In install tree # the include paths are relative to install prefix # On unix , GOTO_INSTALL_PREFIX allows to get back to the # installation prefix from @LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR SET(CILC_INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR}${GOTO_INSTALL_PREFIX}) # Build the *ABSOLUTE* directories FOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CILC_INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX}/${path} ) ENDFOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS}) ENDIF(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION) # Compute the prefix for library paths IF(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION) # In build tree # the library paths are relative to the binary tree SET(CILC_LIBRARY_PATH_PREFIX @PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@) ELSE(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION) # In install tree # the library paths are relative to install prefix SET(CILC_LIBRARY_PATH_PREFIX ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR}${GOTO_INSTALL_PREFIX}) ENDIF(CILC_BUILD_TREE_CONFIGURATION) # The @LIBRARY_NAME@ library file *RELATIVE* directories. SET(CILC_RELATIVE_LIBRARY_PATHS "@CILC_LIB_RELATIVE_LIBRARY_PATHS@") # Build the *ABSOLUTE* directories FOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_LIBRARY_PATHS}) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARY_DIRS ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${CILC_LIBRARY_PATH_PREFIX}/${path} ) ENDFOREACH(path ${CILC_RELATIVE_LIBRARY_PATHS}) # Set the "prefix path" SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CILC_LIBRARY_PATH_PREFIX}) # The C and C++ flags added by @LIBRARY_NAME@ to the cmake-configured flags. SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_REQUIRED_C_FLAGS "@CILC_LIB_REQUIRED_C_FLAGS@") SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_REQUIRED_CXX_FLAGS "@CILC_LIB_REQUIRED_CXX_FLAGS@") SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS "@CILC_LIB_REQUIRED_LINK_FLAGS@") # The @LIBRARY_NAME@ version SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_MAJOR_VERSION @CILC_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION@) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_MINOR_VERSION @CILC_LIB_MINOR_VERSION@) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_BUILD_VERSION @CILC_LIB_BUILD_VERSION@) SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_VERSION @CILC_LIB_VERSION@) # The location of the Use@LIBRARY_NAME@.cmake file. SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_USE_FILE "${@LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR}/Use@LIBRARY_NAME@.cmake") # The build settings file. SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_BUILD_SETTINGS_FILE "${@LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR}/@LIBRARY_NAME@BuildSettings.cmake") # A list of all libraries for @LIBRARY_NAME@. Those listed here should # automatically pull in their dependencies. SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARIES @CILC_LIB_LIBRARIES@) # Messages IF(CREA_VERBOSE_CMAKE) MESSAGE(STATUS "=======================================") MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for @LIBRARY_NAME@... found:") MESSAGE(STATUS "* @LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR = ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR}") MESSAGE(STATUS "* @LIBRARY_NAME@_VERSION = ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_VERSION}") MESSAGE(STATUS "* @LIBRARY_NAME@_USE_FILE = ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_USE_FILE}") MESSAGE(STATUS "* @LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_INCLUDE_DIRS}") MESSAGE(STATUS "* @LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARY_DIRS = ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARY_DIRS}") MESSAGE(STATUS "* @LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARIES = ${@LIBRARY_NAME@_LIBRARIES}") ENDIF(CREA_VERBOSE_CMAKE) # Does the library has an additional config file (user provided) ? SET(@LIBRARY_NAME@_HAS_ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_FILE @CILC_LIB_HAS_ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_FILE@) IF (@LIBRARY_NAME@_HAS_ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_FILE) IF(CREA_VERBOSE_CMAKE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Reading @LIBRARY_NAME@ additional configuration file") ENDIF(CREA_VERBOSE_CMAKE) # Include it INCLUDE(${@LIBRARY_NAME@_DIR}/Additional@LIBRARY_NAME@Config.cmake) ENDIF (@LIBRARY_NAME@_HAS_ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_FILE)