# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Santé) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---------------------------------- # - BBTKGEditor v 1.2 BBS BlackBox Script # - /Users/davila/Creatis/All5/creatools_source/creaRigidRegistration/PackRecalage/bbs/appli/ExampleReSlice3D.bbs # ---------------------------------- # BBTK GEditor Script # ---------------------- include std include itkvtk include creaMaracasVisu include wx include PackRecalage include std include vtk include creaImageIO include toolsbbtk author "info-dev@creatis.insa-lyon.fr" description "Recalage3D 1-point" category "example" new ViewerNV viewer2 set viewer2.nTypeView "5" new Slider sdrAngleX set sdrAngleX.In "0" set sdrAngleX.Max "180" set sdrAngleX.Min "-180" set sdrAngleX.ReactiveOnTrack "true" set sdrAngleX.Title "Rotation angle in X Axis" new Slider sdrAngleY set sdrAngleY.In "0" set sdrAngleY.Max "180" set sdrAngleY.Min "-180" set sdrAngleY.ReactiveOnTrack "true" set sdrAngleY.Title "Rotation angle in Y Axis" new Slider sdrAngleZ set sdrAngleZ.In "0" set sdrAngleZ.Max "180" set sdrAngleZ.Min "-180" set sdrAngleZ.ReactiveOnTrack "true" set sdrAngleZ.Title "Rotation angle in Z Axis" new Slider sdrScaleX set sdrScaleX.In "100" set sdrScaleX.Max "300" set sdrScaleX.Min "10" set sdrScaleX.ReactiveOnTrack "true" set sdrScaleX.Title "Scale in X Axis" new Slider sdrScaleY set sdrScaleY.In "100" set sdrScaleY.Max "300" set sdrScaleY.Min "10" set sdrScaleY.ReactiveOnTrack "true" set sdrScaleY.Title "Scale in Y Axis" new Slider sdrScaleZ set sdrScaleZ.In "100" set sdrScaleZ.Max "300" set sdrScaleZ.Min "10" set sdrScaleZ.ReactiveOnTrack "true" set sdrScaleZ.Title "Scale in Z Axis" new Transform3D1PointBox transform new ReSlicerBox reslicer set reslicer.Interpolate true new MultipleInputs mult new MultipleInputs mult2 new MultipleInputs mult3 new ViewerNV viewerResult set viewerResult.nTypeView "5" new LayoutLine toolsLayout set toolsLayout.Orientation "v" set toolsLayout.WinTitle "Rotation" new LayoutSplit resultLayout set resultLayout.Orientation "v" set resultLayout.Proportion "70" new LayoutSplit main set main.Orientation "h" set main.Proportion "50" new vtkImageDataPointerRelay Box22 new ImagesChooserDialogBox Box24 new ImageVtkProperties Box26 new VectorRescaleSlope Box27 set Box27.A 0.5 set Box27.B 0 set Box27.Type 0 new ConcatStrings Box28 new ConcatStrings Box29 new LayoutTab Box30 new SaveMHD-Button Box31 new LayoutLine Box32 set Box32.WinTitle "Scale" new LayoutLine Box33 set Box33.WinTitle "Save" new LayoutCenter Box34 connect viewer2.Point transform.CenterPoint connect sdrAngleX.Out transform.AngleX connect sdrAngleY.Out transform.AngleY connect sdrAngleZ.Out transform.AngleZ connect sdrScaleX.Out transform.ScaleX connect sdrScaleY.Out transform.ScaleY connect sdrScaleZ.Out transform.ScaleZ connect transform.Out reslicer.Transform connect viewer2.BoxChange mult.In2 connect sdrAngleX.BoxChange mult.In3 connect sdrAngleY.BoxChange mult.In4 connect sdrAngleZ.BoxChange mult.In5 connect sdrScaleX.BoxChange mult2.In1 connect sdrScaleY.BoxChange mult2.In2 connect sdrScaleZ.BoxChange mult2.In3 connect mult.BoxChange mult3.In1 connect mult2.BoxChange mult3.In2 connect mult3.BoxChange transform.BoxExecute connect mult3.BoxChange reslicer.BoxExecute connect reslicer.Out viewerResult.In connect mult3.BoxChange viewerResult.BoxExecute connect sdrAngleX.Widget toolsLayout.Widget1 connect sdrAngleY.Widget toolsLayout.Widget2 connect sdrAngleZ.Widget toolsLayout.Widget3 connect Box22.Out viewer2.In connect Box22.Out reslicer.In connect Box24.Out Box22.In connect Box22.Out Box26.In connect Box26.Size Box28.In1 connect Box28.Out Box27.In connect Box27.Out Box29.In1 connect Box29.Out reslicer.Origin connect viewer2.Widget main.Widget1 connect sdrScaleX.Widget Box32.Widget1 connect sdrScaleY.Widget Box32.Widget2 connect sdrScaleZ.Widget Box32.Widget3 connect Box32.Widget Box30.Widget2 connect Box33.Widget Box30.Widget3 connect toolsLayout.Widget Box30.Widget1 connect Box30.Widget resultLayout.Widget2 connect reslicer.Out Box31.In connect Box31.Widget Box34.Widget2 connect Box34.Widget Box33.Widget1 connect viewerResult.Widget main.Widget2 connect main.Widget resultLayout.Widget1 exec resultLayout