/* # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image # pour la Santé) # Authors : Eduardo Davila, Frederic Cervenansky, Claire Mouton # Previous Authors : Laurent Guigues, Jean-Pierre Roux # CreaTools website : www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site/fr/creatools_accueil # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # or in the file LICENSE.txt. # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "Transparency.h" /* * Constructor */ //------------------------------------------------------------ Transparency::Transparency() { _image1=NULL; _image2=NULL; _percent=0; _newImage = NULL; _processed=false; } /* * Destructor */ //------------------------------------------------------------ Transparency::~Transparency() { if (_newImage != NULL ) { _newImage->Delete(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ void Transparency::calculateImage() { if(_image1!=NULL && _image2!=NULL) { // IMAGE 1 // Information from image1 _image1->GetSpacing(spcImg1); _image1->GetExtent(extImg1); _type = _image1->GetScalarType(); // The Z dimension is 1 for a 2D image dimImg1[0] = extImg1[1] - extImg1[0]+1; dimImg1[1] = extImg1[3] - extImg1[2]+1; dimImg1[2] = 1; //IMAGE 2 // Information from image2 _image2->GetSpacing(spcImg2); _image2->GetExtent(extImg2); // The Z dimension is 1 for a 2D image dimImg2[0] = extImg2[1] - extImg2[0]+1; dimImg2[1] = extImg2[3] - extImg2[2]+1; dimImg2[2] = 1; long numPixelsImg1 = dimImg1[0]*dimImg1[1]; long numPixelsImg2 = dimImg2[0]*dimImg2[1]; double factorX = 1; double factorY = 1; vtkImageResample *resample = vtkImageResample::New(); vtkImageData *result; if(numPixelsImg1SetInput(_image1); #else resample->SetInputData(_image1); #endif factorX = (double)extImg2[1]/extImg1[1]; factorY = (double)extImg2[3]/extImg1[3]; resample->SetAxisMagnificationFactor(0,factorX); resample->SetAxisMagnificationFactor(1,factorY); resample->SetInformationInput(_image2); initialize(dimImg2, spcImg2); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 //.. #else resample->Update(); #endif result = resample->GetOutput(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 result->Update(); #else //... #endif createImage(result,_image2,dimImg2[0],dimImg2[1]); } //if else if (numPixelsImg1>numPixelsImg2) { //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 resample->SetInput(_image2); #else resample->SetInputData(_image2); #endif factorX = (double)extImg1[1]/extImg2[1]; factorY = (double)extImg1[3]/extImg2[3]; resample->SetAxisMagnificationFactor(0,factorX); resample->SetAxisMagnificationFactor(1,factorY); resample->SetInformationInput(_image1); initialize(dimImg1, spcImg1); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 // ... #else resample->Update(); #endif result = resample->GetOutput(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 result->Update(); #else result->Modified(); #endif createImage(_image1,result,dimImg1[0],dimImg1[1]); } // else if else { //If both images have the same number of pixels, the resultant image will have the //properties of the first image. //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 resample->SetInput(_image2); #else resample->SetInputData(_image2); #endif factorX = (double)extImg1[1]/extImg2[1]; factorY = (double)extImg1[3]/extImg2[3]; resample->SetAxisMagnificationFactor(0,factorX); resample->SetAxisMagnificationFactor(1,factorY); resample->SetInformationInput(_image1); initialize(dimImg1, spcImg1); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 // ... #else resample->Update(); #endif result = resample->GetOutput(); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 result->Update(); #else result->Modified(); #endif createImage(_image1,result,dimImg1[0],dimImg1[1]); } //else resample->Delete(); _processed=true; } } void Transparency::initialize(int dimensions[], double spacing[]) { // Setting the new image _newImage = vtkImageData::New(); _newImage->SetSpacing(spacing); _newImage->SetDimensions(dimensions); //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _newImage->SetScalarType(_type); _newImage->AllocateScalars(); _newImage->Update(); #else _newImage->AllocateScalars(_type,1); #endif } void Transparency::createImage(vtkImageData *img1, vtkImageData *img2, int sizeX, int sizeY) { // int i, j; EED ??? if(_type == VTK_CHAR) { //POINTERS: char* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; char* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; char* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_SIGNED_CHAR) { //POINTERS: signed char* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; signed char* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; signed char* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) { //POINTERS: unsigned char* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; unsigned char* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; unsigned char* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_SHORT) { //POINTERS: short* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; short* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; short* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { //POINTERS: unsigned short* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; unsigned short* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; unsigned short* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_INT) { //POINTERS: int* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; int* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; int* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_UNSIGNED_INT) { //POINTERS: unsigned int* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; unsigned int* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; unsigned int* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_LONG) { //POINTERS: long* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; long* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; long* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG) { //POINTERS: unsigned long* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; unsigned long* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; unsigned long* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_FLOAT) { //POINTERS: float* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; float* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; float* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } else if(_type == VTK_DOUBLE) { //POINTERS: double* dataImagePointer1 = NULL; double* dataImagePointer2 = NULL; double* dataImageResultPointer = NULL; createImageByType(dataImagePointer1, dataImagePointer2, dataImageResultPointer, img1, img2, sizeX, sizeY); } //EED 2017-01-01 Migration VTK7 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _newImage->Update(); #else _newImage->Modified(); #endif } template void Transparency::createImageByType(T* dataImagePointer1, T* dataImagePointer2, T* dataImageResultPointer, vtkImageData *img1, vtkImageData *img2, int sizeX, int sizeY) { int i, j; dataImagePointer1 = (T*) img1->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); dataImagePointer2 = (T*) img2->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); dataImageResultPointer = (T*) _newImage->GetScalarPointer(0,0,0); for(i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { for(j = 0; j < sizeY; j++) { dataImagePointer1 = (T*)img1->GetScalarPointer(i,j,0); dataImagePointer2 = (T*)img2->GetScalarPointer(i,j,0); dataImageResultPointer = (T*)_newImage->GetScalarPointer(i,j,0); *dataImageResultPointer = (T)*dataImagePointer1*_percent + (T)*dataImagePointer2*(1-_percent); } } } /* * Get new image */ //------------------------------------------------------------ vtkImageData* Transparency::getImage() { if(_processed){ return _newImage; } else{ return NULL; } } //------------------------------------------------------------ void Transparency::setImage1(vtkImageData *image) { _image1=image; } //------------------------------------------------------------ void Transparency::setImage2(vtkImageData *image) { _image2=image; } //------------------------------------------------------------ void Transparency::setPercent(int percent) { _percent=(double)percent/100.0; }