----------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download BOOST <1.40.0> Extract in directory boost_1_40_0 Create a CMAKE project in boost_1_40_0BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/Boost- Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download VTK <5.4.2> Extract in directory VTK-5.4.2 Create a CMAKE project in VTK-5.4.2BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on BUILD_TESTING off CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/VTK- Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download ITK <3.16.0> Extract in directory InsightToolkit-3.16.0 Create a CMAKE project in InsightToolkit-3.16.0BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on BUILD_EXAMPLES off BUILD_TESTING off CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ITK- Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download GDCM <13> Extract in directory gdcm Create a CMAKE project in gdcm13BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE BUILD_TESTING off GDCM_NAME_SPACE gdcm13 GDCM_VTK on CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/gdcm Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download wxWidgents <2.8.10> Extract in directory wxWidgets-2.8.10 run wxWidgets-2.8.10\build\msw/wx_dlls.dsw Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download xerces site Web : http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/ file: xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0.zip Extract this file ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) create directory C:/temp2_CM28VC9/dlls install boost, then move dlls in dlls directory install vtk, then move dlls in dlls directory install itk, then move dlls in dlls directory install GDCM, then move dlls AND exe in dlls directory copy wxWidgets in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory, then move dlls in dlls directory copy Qt4.5.2 in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory, then move dlls in dlls directory xerces copy C:\Creatis\sofa\xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0\xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0\include in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/xerces-c-3.1.0/include copy C:\Creatis\sofa\xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0\xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0\lib in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/xerces-c-3.1.0/lib copy C:\Creatis\sofa\xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0\xerces-c-3.1.0-x86-windows-vc-9.0\bin/*.dll in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/dlls ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3) -Create crea_ThirdParty_dlls installer with C:/temp2_CM28VC9/dlls 4) -copy tth in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory -copy MikTex-2.7 in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory 5) -Create crea_ThirdParty_Libraries installer with C:/temp2_CM28VC9/boost C:/temp2_CM28VC9/gdcm C:/temp2_CM28VC9/itk C:/temp2_CM28VC9/QT C:/temp2_CM28VC9/vtk C:/temp2_CM28VC9/wxWidgets copy directorries lib/vc_dll (*.lib) include (*.h) src/png (*.h) src/zlib (*.h) src/jpeg (*.h) src/tiff (*.h) C:/temp2_CM28VC9/tth C:/temp2_CM28VC9/MikTex-2.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Compile creaInstall = creaTools with : crea, bbtk, creaMaracasVisu, creaImageIO, creaBruker,creaContours, creaEnvironment, CreaRecalage