----------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download BOOST <1.40.0> Extract in directory boost_1_40_0 Create a CMAKE project in boost_1_40_0BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/Boost- Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download VTK <5.4.2> Extract in directory VTK-5.4.2 Create a CMAKE project in VTK-5.4.2BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on BUILD_TESTING off CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/VTK- Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download ITK <3.16.0> Extract in directory InsightToolkit-3.16.0 Create a CMAKE project in InsightToolkit-3.16.0BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on BUILD_EXAMPLES off BUILD_TESTING off CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ITK- Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download GDCM <13> Extract in directory gdcm Create a CMAKE project in gdcm13BinCM28VC9 Options in CMAKE BUILD_TESTING off GDCM_NAME_SPACE gdcm13 GDCM_VTK on CMAKE_INSTALL_REFIX C:/temp2_CM28VC9/gdcm Compile in Debug Compile in Release Download wxWidgents <2.8.10> Extract in directory wxWidgets-2.8.10 run wxWidgets-2.8.10\build\msw/wx_dlls.dsw Compile in Debug Compile in Release ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) create directory C:/temp2_CM28VC9/dlls install boost, then move dlls in dlls directory install vtk, then move dlls in dlls directory install itk, then move dlls in dlls directory copy wxWidgets in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory, then move dlls in dlls directory copy Qt4.5.2 in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory, then move dlls in dlls directory ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3) -Create crea_ThirdParty_dlls installer with C:/temp2_CM28VC9/dlls 4) -copy tth in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory -copy MikTex-2.7 in C:/temp2_CM28VC9/ directory 5) -Create crea_ThirdParty_Libraries installer with C:/temp2_CM28VC9/boost C:/temp2_CM28VC9/gdcm C:/temp2_CM28VC9/itk C:/temp2_CM28VC9/QT C:/temp2_CM28VC9/vtk C:/temp2_CM28VC9/wxWidgets copy directorries lib/vc_dll (*.lib) include (*.h) src/png (*.h) src/zlib (*.h) src/jpeg (*.h) src/tiff (*.h) C:/temp2_CM28VC9/tth C:/temp2_CM28VC9/MikTex-2.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Compile creaInstall = creaTools with : crea, bbtk, creaMaracasVisu, creaImageIO, creaBruker,creaContours, creaEnvironment, CreaRecalage