@echo off set creatoolsGeneration=%1 set docgeneration=%2 set cvsUser=%3 set installPrefix=%4 set buildtype=%5 set forcex86=%6 set scriptsFolder=%cd% set logFolder=%creatoolsGeneration%\installLog rmdir %logFolder% /s /q mkdir %logFolder% echo call configure variables call %scriptsFolder%\base\configureVariables.bat echo call Download Sources start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\base\downloadSources.bat echo call compile crea start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\crea\creaInstall.bat echo call compile bbtk start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\bbtk\bbtkInstall.bat echo call compile creaMaracasVisu start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaMaracasVisu\creaMaracasVisuInstall.bat echo call compile creaEnvironment start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaEnvironment\creaEnvironmentInstall.bat echo call compile creaBruker start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaBruker\creaBrukerInstall.bat echo call compile creaImageIO start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaImageIO\creaImageIOInstall.bat echo call compile creaContours start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaContours\creaContoursInstall.bat echo call compile creaRigidRegistration start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaRigidRegistration\creaRigidRInstall.bat echo call compile bbtkGEditor start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\bbtkGEditor\bbtkGEditorInstall.bat echo call compile creaMinitools start /B /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaTools\creaMinitoolsInstall.bat echo THIS HAS TO BE THE LAST STEP... echo call compile creaTools start /B /I /wait %scriptsFolder%\creaTools\creaToolsInstall.bat echo To see the log files of this install please go to %LogFolder% exit /B