The following comments are intended for core gdcm developpers. * Compiling gdcm: - Checkout the sources to an arbitrary directory noted GDCM (e.g. ~/cvs/gdcm). - Checkout the test images to an arbitrary directory noted GDCMDATA (e.g. ~/cvs/gdcm/gdcmData). - Optionally create a temporary installation directory GDCMINSTALL e.g. mkdir /tmp/gdcminstall - Create a target directory GDCMBIN e.g. mkdir /tmp/gdcmbin - Configure cmake from GDCMBIN: cd GDCMBIN ccmake GDCM * Toggle and adjust the required options and parameters, mainly -- GDCM_DATA_ROOT should be set to GDCMDATA -- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (equivalent of --prefix of the autotools) should be set to GDCMINSTALL -- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Debug or Release -- GDCM_DOXYGEN -- GDCM_VTK When this option is on VTK_DIR might require manual configuration -- GDCM_WRAP_PYTHON * Configure cmake: hit c * Generate the makefiles (or dsw): hit g - Compile gdcm make - Run the tests manually (optional): Caveat: if you run the tests before installing, you NEED to positionate the environment variable GDCM_DICT_PATH to GDCM/Dicts e.g. export GDCM_DICT_PATH=~/cvs/gdcm/Dicts Assuming your cwd is GDCMBIN, three modes are then available: -- 1/ acces to a by number: ./Test/gdcmCxxTests -- 2/ acces to a test by it's name, by passing it as argument to gdcmCxxTests e.g. ./Test/gdcmCxxTests hashtest -- 3/ launch all the full test suite (again we assume cwd is GDCMBIN): ctest This is equivalent to "make test". Note: ctest supports the argument filtering with regexp and the verbose mode e.g. ctest -R print -V proposes the tests containing "print" in their name and makes a verbose output. For other options refer to the documentation at * Sending the result to kitware's dashboard (optional) ctest -D Experimental The results should appear in under the name of your machine (uname), but for ease of use you can change the SITE variable in your CMakeCache.txt to something more accurate such as: GDCM-my_machine_name. The entry will then be within the "Experimental Builds" entry. * Install gdcm (as specified by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) make install Note: the dictionaries used by gdcm are now located in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX + /share/ (i.e. GDCMINSTALL + /share/ if you followed the above instructions). * Python related section. Depending on the cmake flags you used in order to compile gdcm could be wrapped in two ways: - the first python wrappers of gdcm uses Swig ( These are the one generated when using --enable-python. The entry point here is the file gdcmPython/gdcm.i which uses the Swig syntax. As the last lines of this file (the ones starting with the %include directive) only some classes are wrapped for python. In theory only the library interface (basically the classes gdcmHeader and gdcmFile) should be wrapped, but the time being some additional classes are added (just to make sure those classes are Swig compatible: swig is here used as some link checker!?). Since gdcm is written in C++, Swig will produce two different outputs: -- some C based low level wrapper (see gdcmPython/gdcm_wrap.c) -- some Python based object oriented so called "shadow classes" (see file gdcmPython/ We also added the file gdcmPython/ which is the one that actually gets loaded when one uses the gdcmPython Python package. The file loads the Swig generated shadow classes ( but will only re-export the interface of gdcm which corresponds to the lines : gdcmHeader = gdcm.gdcmHeader gdcmDictSet = gdcm.gdcmDictSet gdcmFile = gdcm.gdcmFile [etc.] Hence this whole Swig wrapping process is quite odd since we shall wrap more classes (%include in swig.i) that eventually get exported to the final user by gdcmPython/ - the second python wrappers uses the vtk ( native wrappers i.e. the binary vtkWrapPython. But it should be noticed that the purpose is here a bit different than the one of the Swig generated Python wrappers. When using vtkWrapPython the goal is to wrap a single vtk class namely vtkGdcmReader as defined in files vtk/vtkGdcmReader.h and vtk/vtkGdcmReader.cxx (and of course those files are hand made vtk oriented wrappers of gdcm). Those wrappers are the one generated when using --enable-python --enable-vtk - In order to understand the difference between both wrappers you should compare both demo scripts gdcmPython/demo/ and gdcmPython/demo/ The first one only uses the Swig wrapped classes ("from gdcmPython import gdcmHeader') as opposed to which also uses vtkWrapPython wrapped classes ("from gdcmPython.vtkgdcmPython import *").