* For compiling the library and C++ test programs: ./configure make make install You can use the --prefix option of the configure script to force installation in some place (default is /usr/local/DCMlib): ./configure --prefix=/where/ever/you/want * For testing in C++: ./Test/test ../Data/CR-MONO1-10-chest.dcm (or any other file in there) * For testing in Python: cd python/gdcmPython make (requires SWIG Version 1.3.16u i.e. the contemporary devel version) python testSuite.py (test suite written in unittest, you should use python2) * For manual test in python: cd python/demo python test.py ../../Data/CR-MONO1-10-chest.dcm (or any other file) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation can be found in the Doc sub-directory. Please refer to README file within Doc.