MANIFEST: * gdcmlib is a library dedicated to reading and writing dicom files. * LGPL for the license * lightweigth as opposed to CTN or DCMTK which come bundled which try to implement the full DICOM standard (networking...). gdcmlib concentrates on reading and writing files (if you want DICOMNET, forget it). * Formats: this lib should be able to read ACR-NEMA v1 and v2, Dicom v3 (as stated in part10). [cf dcmtk/dcmdata/docs/datadict.txt] * Targeted plateforms: Un*xes and Win32/VC++6.0 REQUIREMENTS: * a C++ compiler with the and STL containers. * the python wrappers require Swig version >= 1.3.17 for handling member overloading, shadow classes and static methods.