/*========================================================================= Program: gdcm Module: $RCSfile: TestAllReadCompareDicom.cxx,v $ Language: C++ Date: $Date: 2008/09/15 15:49:21 $ Version: $Revision: 1.62 $ Copyright (c) CREATIS (Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image). All rights reserved. See Doc/License.txt or http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/Public/Gdcm/License.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "gdcmDirList.h" #include "gdcmFile.h" #include "gdcmFileHelper.h" #include "gdcmGlobal.h" #include "gdcmTS.h" #include "gdcmDebug.h" #include "gdcmUtil.h" #include //Generated file: #include "gdcmDataImages.h" //--> //--> WARNING : //--> The .tst files *must* be generated on a Little Endian based computer. //--> /** * /brief File Read/Writer specific for the TestAllReadCompareDicom test * /remarks The Test file format is (only in little endian) : * - 4 bytes : 'gdcm' * - 4 bytes : size X * - 4 bytes : size Y * - 4 bytes : size Z * - 2 bytes : scalar size (8,16,32) --> ?!? 1 or 2 only in DICOM V3 ! * - 2 bytes : number of components per pixel (1,2,3) ---> 1 or 3 only in DICOMV3 ! * - n bytes : data */ class TestFile { public: TestFile(); ~TestFile(); bool IsReadable() {return readable;} int GetXSize() {return SizeX;} int GetYSize() {return SizeY;} int GetZSize() {return SizeZ;} void SetXSize(int size) {SizeX = size;} void SetYSize(int size) {SizeY = size;} void SetZSize(int size) {SizeZ = size;} int GetScalarSize() {return ScalarSize;} void SetScalarSize(int size) {ScalarSize = size;} int GetNumberOfComponents() {return Components;} void SetNumberOfComponents(int size) {Components = size;} int GetSwapCode() {return SwapCode;} unsigned long GetDataSize() {return GetLineSize()*SizeY*SizeZ;} uint8_t *GetData() {return Data;} void SetData(const uint8_t *newData); void Load(const std::string &filename); void Write(const std::string &filename); private: unsigned long GetLineSize() {return SizeX*ScalarSize*Components;} int ComputeSwapCode(uint32_t tag); void NewData(); void DeleteData(); void ReadFile(); bool ReadFileHeader(std::ifstream *fp); bool ReadFileData(std::ifstream *fp); void WriteFile(); bool WriteFileHeader(std::ofstream *fp); bool WriteFileData(std::ofstream *fp); uint8_t ReadInt8 (std::ifstream *fp) #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) throw( std::ios::failure ); #else ; #endif uint16_t ReadInt16(std::ifstream *fp) #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) throw( std::ios::failure ); #else ; #endif uint32_t ReadInt32(std::ifstream *fp) #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) throw( std::ios::failure ); #else ; #endif void WriteInt8 (std::ofstream *fp,uint8_t value); void WriteInt16(std::ofstream *fp,uint16_t value); void WriteInt32(std::ofstream *fp,uint32_t value); std::string fileName; bool readable; int SizeX; int SizeY; int SizeZ; uint16_t ScalarSize; uint16_t Components; uint8_t *Data; int SwapCode; static const unsigned int HEADER_SIZE; }; const unsigned int MAX_NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENCE = 10; const unsigned int TestFile::HEADER_SIZE = 20; TestFile::TestFile() { fileName = ""; readable=false; SizeX = 0; SizeY = 0; SizeZ = 0; ScalarSize = 0; Components = 0; Data = NULL; //SwapCode = 1234; } TestFile::~TestFile() { DeleteData(); } void TestFile::SetData(const uint8_t *newData) { DeleteData(); NewData(); if( Data ) memcpy(Data,newData,GetDataSize()); } void TestFile::Load(const std::string &filename) { fileName = filename; ReadFile(); } void TestFile::Write(const std::string &filename) { fileName = filename; WriteFile(); } int TestFile::ComputeSwapCode(uint32_t tag) { // FIXME : 100 % useless method ! // "gdcm" was written on disc byte per byte. // when you fread it, you'll get *always* "gdcm" // whatever the processor indianess is ! int swap = 0; //std::cout << std::hex << "0x(" << tag << ")" << std::dec << std::endl; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { switch(tag&0x000000FF) { case 'g': swap += (i+1)*1000; break; case 'd': swap += (i+1)*100; break; case 'c': swap += (i+1)*10; break; case 'm': swap += (i+1); break; default: return 0; } tag >>= 8; } //std::cout << std::hex << "0x(" << tag << ")" << std::dec << tag << std::endl; return swap; } void TestFile::NewData() { DeleteData(); if( GetDataSize() == 0 ) return; Data = new uint8_t[GetDataSize()]; } void TestFile::DeleteData() { if( Data ) delete[] Data; Data = NULL; } void TestFile::ReadFile() { readable=true; std::ifstream fp(fileName.c_str(),std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(!fp) { readable=false; return; } try { readable=ReadFileHeader(&fp); if(!readable) { std::cout << "Problems when reading Header part" << std::endl; fp.close(); return; } readable=ReadFileData(&fp); if(!readable) { std::cout << "Problems when reading data" << std::endl; fp.close(); return; } } catch(...) { readable=false; fp.close(); return; } fp.close(); } bool TestFile::ReadFileHeader(std::ifstream *fp) { uint32_t tag = ReadInt32(fp); SwapCode = ComputeSwapCode(tag); if( SwapCode == 0 ) { // We shall *never* come here! std::cout << "TestFile: Bad tag - Must be 'gdcm'" << std::endl; return(false); } SizeX = ReadInt32(fp); // Size X SizeY = ReadInt32(fp); // Size Y SizeZ = ReadInt32(fp); // Size Z ScalarSize = ReadInt16(fp)/8; // bytes per scalar Components = ReadInt16(fp); // Number of components return(true); } bool TestFile::ReadFileData(std::ifstream *fp) { DeleteData(); // Allocate data NewData(); if( !Data ) return(false); // Read data Note : .tst images are *always* created // on little endian processor ! fp->read((char *)Data,GetDataSize()); // Track BigEndian troubles std::cout << " ScalarSize : " << GetScalarSize() << " IsCurrentProcessorBigEndian:" << GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::IsCurrentProcessorBigEndian() << std::endl; //if (GetScalarSize() == 1 || GetSwapCode() == 1234) if (GetScalarSize() == 1 || !GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Util::IsCurrentProcessorBigEndian() ) { return true; } // We *know* the .tst files are written in 'Little Endian' format. // We *know* DataSize may be 1 or 2 ! uint16_t g; std::cout << " Let's swap Pixels" <> 8 ); ((uint16_t *)Data)[i] = g; } return(true); } void TestFile::WriteFile() { std::ofstream fp(fileName.c_str(),std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); if(!fp) { readable=false; return; } WriteFileHeader(&fp); WriteFileData(&fp); fp.close(); } bool TestFile::WriteFileHeader(std::ofstream *fp) { WriteInt8(fp,'g'); // Bitmap tag - must be 'g' WriteInt8(fp,'d'); // Bitmap tag - must be 'd' WriteInt8(fp,'c'); // Bitmap tag - must be 'c' WriteInt8(fp,'m'); // Bitmap tag - must be 'm' // FIXME : Think of writting an int32, better ! // (('g' << 8 + 'd') << 8 + 'c') + 'm' // if you want to use it to check the endianess. // (and upload again *all* the .tst files ...) WriteInt32(fp,SizeX); // Size X WriteInt32(fp,SizeY); // Size Y WriteInt32(fp,SizeZ); // Size Z WriteInt16(fp,ScalarSize*8); // bits per scalar WriteInt16(fp,Components); // number of components return(true); } bool TestFile::WriteFileData(std::ofstream *fp) { fp->write((char *)Data,GetDataSize()); return(true); } uint8_t TestFile::ReadInt8 (std::ifstream *fp) #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) throw( std::ios::failure ) #endif { uint8_t g; fp->read ((char*)&g, (size_t)1); #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) if ( fp->fail() ) throw std::ios::failure( "TestFile::ReadInt8() - file error." ); if( fp->eof() ) throw std::ios::failure( "TestFile::ReadInt8() - EOF." ); #endif return g; } uint16_t TestFile::ReadInt16(std::ifstream *fp) #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) throw( std::ios::failure ) #endif { uint16_t g; fp->read ((char*)&g, (size_t)2); #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) if ( fp->fail() ) throw std::ios::failure( "TestFile::ReadInt16() - file error." ); if( fp->eof() ) throw std::ios::failure( "TestFile::ReadInt16() - EOF." ); #endif #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) g = ( g << 8 | g >> 8 ); #endif return g; } uint32_t TestFile::ReadInt32(std::ifstream *fp) #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) throw( std::ios::failure ) #endif { uint32_t g; fp->read ((char*)&g, (size_t)4); #if !(__GNUC__==2 && __GNUC_MINOR__<=96) if ( fp->fail() ) throw std::ios::failure( "TestFile::ReadInt32() - file error." ); if( fp->eof() ) throw std::ios::failure( "TestFile::ReadInt32() - EOF." ); #endif #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) g = ( (g<<24) | ((g<<8) & 0x00ff0000) | ( (g>>8) & 0x0000ff00) | (g>>24) ); #endif return g; } void TestFile::WriteInt8 (std::ofstream *fp,uint8_t value) { fp->write((char*)&value, (size_t)1); } void TestFile::WriteInt16(std::ofstream *fp,uint16_t value) { #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) value = ( value << 8 | value >> 8 ); #endif fp->write((char*)&value, (size_t)2); } void TestFile::WriteInt32(std::ofstream *fp,uint32_t value) { #if defined(GDCM_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) value = ( (value<<24) | ((value<<8) & 0x00ff0000) | ( (value>>8) & 0x0000ff00) | (value>>24) ); #endif fp->write((char*)&value, (size_t)4); } int InternalTest(std::string const &filename, std::string const &referenceFileName ) { std::cout << " Testing: " << filename << std::endl; std::cout << " "; ////// Step 1: std::cout << "1..."; // new style GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File *f = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::File::New(); f->SetLoadMode ( GDCM_NAME_SPACE::LD_ALL ); // Load everything f->SetFileName( filename ); f->Load(); if( !f->IsReadable() ) { std::cout << " Failed" << std::endl << " Image not gdcm compatible:" << filename << std::endl; f->Delete(); return 1; } GDCM_NAME_SPACE::FileHelper *tested = GDCM_NAME_SPACE::FileHelper::New( f ); ////// Step 2: ////// Check for existence of reference baseline dicom file: std::cout << "2..."; TestFile *reference = new TestFile(); std::ifstream refFile(referenceFileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary|std::ios::in); if(!refFile) { std::cout << " Failed" << std::endl << " Image not found:" << referenceFileName << std::endl; reference->SetXSize(tested->GetFile()->GetXSize()); reference->SetYSize(tested->GetFile()->GetYSize()); reference->SetZSize(tested->GetFile()->GetZSize()); reference->SetScalarSize(tested->GetFile()->GetPixelSize()); reference->SetNumberOfComponents(tested->GetFile()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()); reference->SetData(tested->GetImageData()); reference->Write(referenceFileName); } else refFile.close(); reference->Load(referenceFileName); if(!reference->IsReadable()) { std::cout << " Failed" << std::endl << " Image not Testing compatible:" << filename << std::endl; delete reference; tested->Delete(); f->Delete(); return 1; } ////// Step 3: std::string PixelType = tested->GetFile()->GetPixelType(); std::cout << "3..."; int testedDataSize = tested->GetImageDataSize(); uint8_t *testedImageData = tested->GetImageData(); int referenceDataSize = reference->GetDataSize(); uint8_t *referenceImageData = reference->GetData(); // Test the image size if (tested->GetFile()->GetXSize() != reference->GetXSize() || tested->GetFile()->GetYSize() != reference->GetYSize() || tested->GetFile()->GetZSize() != reference->GetZSize()) { std::cout << "Failed" << std::endl << " Size differs: " << "X: " << tested->GetFile()->GetXSize() << " # " << reference->GetXSize() << " | " << "Y: " << tested->GetFile()->GetYSize() << " # " << reference->GetYSize() << " | " << "Z: " << tested->GetFile()->GetZSize() << " # " << reference->GetZSize() << std::endl; delete reference; tested->Delete(); f->Delete(); return 1; } // Test the pixel size if (tested->GetFile()->GetPixelSize() != reference->GetScalarSize() || tested->GetFile()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() != reference->GetNumberOfComponents()) { std::cout << "Failed" << std::endl << " Pixel size differs: " << std::endl << " Scalar size: " << tested->GetFile()->GetPixelSize() << " # " << reference->GetScalarSize() << std::endl << " Number of scalar: " << tested->GetFile()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() << " # " << reference->GetNumberOfComponents() << std::endl << " Pixel type: " << tested->GetFile()->GetPixelType() << std::endl; delete reference; tested->Delete(); f->Delete(); return 1; } // Test the data size // *actual* image length may differ to 1 with Pixel Data Element length! if ((testedDataSize+testedDataSize%2) != (referenceDataSize+referenceDataSize%2) ) { std::cout << " Failed" << std::endl << " pixel (" << PixelType <<") areas lengths differ: " << testedDataSize << " # " << referenceDataSize << std::endl << " Image size: (" << tested->GetFile()->GetXSize() << "," << tested->GetFile()->GetYSize() << "," << tested->GetFile()->GetZSize() << ") nb of scalar components " << tested->GetFile()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() << std::endl; tested->Delete(); delete reference; f->Delete(); return 1; } // Test the data content int length = tested->GetFile()->GetXSize()*tested->GetFile()->GetYSize()*tested->GetFile()->GetZSize() *reference->GetScalarSize()*tested->GetFile()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); // *actual* image length may differ to 1 with Pixel Data Element length! if (length != testedDataSize) std::cout <<"--------------------length " << length << " != testedDataSize " << testedDataSize << std::endl; if ( memcmp(testedImageData, referenceImageData, length/*testedDataSize*/) != 0 ) { std::string ts = tested->GetFile()->GetTransferSyntax(); std::cout << " Failed" << std::endl << " pixel (" << PixelType << ") differ (as expanded in memory)." << std::endl << " compression : " << GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Global::GetTS()->GetValue(ts) << std::endl; std::cout << " list of the first " << MAX_NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENCE << " pixels differing (pos : test - ref) :" << std::endl; int i; unsigned int j; for(i=0, j=0;iDelete(); delete reference; f->Delete(); return 1; } //////////////// Clean up: tested->Delete(); delete reference; f->Delete(); std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; return 0; } int TestAllReadCompareDicom(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Temporarily added, to track BigEndian troubles GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Debug::WarningOn(); if (argc == 4) GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Debug::DebugOn(); if ( argc >= 3 ) { // The test is specified a specific filename, use it instead of looping // over all images const std::string input = argv[1]; const std::string reference = argv[2]; return InternalTest( input, reference ); } else if ( argc > 4 || argc == 2 ) { std::cerr << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " (no arguments needed)." << std::endl; std::cerr << "or Usage: " << argv[0] << " filename.dcm reference.dcm" << std::endl; return 1; } // else other cases: std::cout << " Description (Test::TestAllReadCompareDicom): " << std::endl; std::cout << " For all images in gdcmData (and not blacklisted in " "Test/CMakeLists.txt)" << std::endl; std::cout << " apply the following to each filename.xxx: " << std::endl; std::cout << " step 1: parse the image (as gdcmFile) and call" << " IsReadable(). " << std::endl; std::cout << " step 2: find in GDCM_DATA_ROOT/BaselineDicom/filename.tst" << std::endl << " special internal file format containing the" << std::endl << " caracteristic of the image and the pixel data " << "(uncompressed). This file is written if it's not found." << std::endl; std::cout << " step 3: compare the DICOM image with the reference image" << std::endl << " (.tst file). The test is made on the caracteristics" << std::endl << " of the image and the pixel data" << std::endl << std::endl; int i = 0; int result = 0; while( gdcmDataImages[i] != 0 ) { ////// Check for existence of reference baseline directory std::string baseLineDir = GDCM_DATA_ROOT; baseLineDir += "/BaselineDicom"; if( !GDCM_NAME_SPACE::DirList::IsDirectory(baseLineDir) ) { std::cerr << " The reference baseline directory " << std::endl << " " << baseLineDir << std::endl << " couldn't be opened." << std::endl; return 1; } //if (gdcmDataImages[i] == "D_CLUNIE_CT2_RLE.dcm") // GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Debug::DebugOn(); // track pb on BigEndian Proc //else GDCM_NAME_SPACE::Debug::DebugOff(); ////// Step 1 (see above description): std::string filename = GDCM_DATA_ROOT; filename += "/"; filename += gdcmDataImages[i]; baseLineDir += '/'; std::string referenceFileName = baseLineDir + gdcmDataImages[i++]; std::string::size_type slash_pos = referenceFileName.rfind( "." ); if( slash_pos != std::string::npos ) { referenceFileName.replace( slash_pos + 1, 3, "tst" ); } if( InternalTest( filename, referenceFileName ) != 0 ) { result++; } } return result; }