]> Creatis software - clitk.git/commitdiff
add first version of LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter (dice computation)
authorDavid Sarrut <david.sarrut@gmail.com>
Fri, 4 Nov 2011 09:31:35 +0000 (10:31 +0100)
committerDavid Sarrut <david.sarrut@gmail.com>
Fri, 4 Nov 2011 09:31:35 +0000 (10:31 +0100)
itk/itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.h [new file with mode: 0644]
itk/itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.txx [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/itk/itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.h b/itk/itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..978fed3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
+  Module:    $RCSfile: itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.h,v $
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date: $
+  Version:   $Revision: $
+  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
+  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter_h
+#define __itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter_h
+#include "itkImageToImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkFastMutexLock.h"
+#include "itkNumericTraits.h"
+//#include "itk_hash_map.h"
+#include "itksys/hash_map.hxx"
+namespace itk {
+/** \class LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter
+ * \brief Computes overlap measures between the set same set of labels of
+ * pixels of two images.  Background is assumed to be 0.
+ *
+ * \sa LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter
+ *
+ * \ingroup MultiThreaded
+ */
+template<class TLabelImage>
+class ITK_EXPORT LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter :
+    public ImageToImageFilter<TLabelImage, TLabelImage>
+  /** Standard Self typedef */
+  typedef LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter                Self;
+  typedef ImageToImageFilter<TLabelImage,TLabelImage>    Superclass;
+  typedef SmartPointer<Self>                             Pointer;
+  typedef SmartPointer<const Self>                       ConstPointer;
+  /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
+  itkNewMacro( Self );
+  /** Runtime information support. */
+  itkTypeMacro( LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter, ImageToImageFilter );
+    virtual void VerifyInputInformation() { }
+  /** Image related typedefs. */
+  typedef TLabelImage                                   LabelImageType;
+  typedef typename TLabelImage::Pointer                 LabelImagePointer;
+  typedef typename TLabelImage::ConstPointer            LabelImageConstPointer;
+  typedef typename TLabelImage::RegionType              RegionType;
+  typedef typename TLabelImage::SizeType                SizeType;
+  typedef typename TLabelImage::IndexType               IndexType;
+  typedef typename TLabelImage::PixelType               LabelType;
+  /** Type to use form computations. */
+  typedef typename NumericTraits<LabelType>::RealType RealType;
+  /** \class LabelLabelOverlapMeasuress
+   * \brief Metrics stored per label */
+  class LabelSetMeasures
+    {
+    public:
+    // default constructor
+    LabelSetMeasures()
+      {
+      m_Source = 0;
+      m_Target = 0;
+      m_Union = 0;
+      m_Intersection = 0;
+      m_SourceComplement = 0;
+      m_TargetComplement = 0;
+      }
+  // added for completeness
+    LabelSetMeasures& operator=( const LabelSetMeasures& l )
+      {
+      m_Source = l.m_Source;
+      m_Target = l.m_Target;
+      m_Union = l.m_Union;
+      m_Intersection = l.m_Intersection;
+      m_SourceComplement = l.m_SourceComplement;
+      m_TargetComplement = l.m_TargetComplement;
+      }
+    unsigned long m_Source;
+    unsigned long m_Target;
+    unsigned long m_Union;
+    unsigned long m_Intersection;
+    unsigned long m_SourceComplement;
+    unsigned long m_TargetComplement;
+    };
+  /** Type of the map used to store data per label */
+  typedef itksys::hash_map<LabelType, LabelSetMeasures> MapType;
+  typedef typename MapType::iterator MapIterator;
+  typedef typename MapType::const_iterator MapConstIterator;
+  /** Image related typedefs. */
+  itkStaticConstMacro( ImageDimension, unsigned int,
+    TLabelImage::ImageDimension );
+  /** Set the source image. */
+  void SetSourceImage( const LabelImageType * image )
+    { this->SetNthInput( 0, const_cast<LabelImageType *>( image ) ); }
+  /** Set the target image. */
+  void SetTargetImage( const LabelImageType * image )
+    { this->SetNthInput( 1, const_cast<LabelImageType *>( image ) ); }
+  /** Get the source image. */
+  const LabelImageType * GetSourceImage( void )
+    { return this->GetInput( 0 ); }
+  /** Get the target image. */
+  const LabelImageType * GetTargetImage( void )
+    { return this->GetInput( 1 ); }
+  /** Get the label set measures */
+  MapType GetLabelSetMeasures()
+    { return this->m_LabelSetMeasures; }
+  /**
+   * tric overlap measures
+   */
+  /** measures over all labels */
+  RealType GetTotalOverlap();
+  RealType GetUnionOverlap();
+  RealType GetMeanOverlap();
+  RealType GetVolumeSimilarity();
+  RealType GetFalseNegativeError();
+  RealType GetFalsePositiveError();
+  /** measures over individual labels */
+  RealType GetTargetOverlap( LabelType );
+  RealType GetUnionOverlap( LabelType );
+  RealType GetMeanOverlap( LabelType );
+  RealType GetVolumeSimilarity( LabelType );
+  RealType GetFalseNegativeError( LabelType );
+  RealType GetFalsePositiveError( LabelType );
+  /** alternative names */
+  RealType GetJaccardCoefficient()
+    { return this->GetUnionOverlap(); }
+  RealType GetJaccardCoefficient( LabelType label )
+    { return this->GetUnionOverlap( label ); }
+  RealType GetDiceCoefficient()
+    { return this->GetMeanOverlap(); }
+  RealType GetDiceCoefficient( LabelType label )
+    { return this->GetMeanOverlap( label ); }
+  /** Begin concept checking */
+  itkConceptMacro( Input1HasNumericTraitsCheck,
+    ( Concept::HasNumericTraits<LabelType> ) );
+  /** End concept checking */
+  LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter();
+  ~LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter(){};
+  void PrintSelf( std::ostream& os, Indent indent ) const;
+  /**
+   * Pass the input through unmodified. Do this by setting the output to the
+   * source this by setting the output to the source image in the
+   * AllocateOutputs() method.
+   */
+  void AllocateOutputs();
+  void BeforeThreadedGenerateData();
+  void AfterThreadedGenerateData();
+  /** Multi-thread version GenerateData. */
+  void ThreadedGenerateData( const RegionType&, int );
+  // Override since the filter needs all the data for the algorithm
+  void GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+  // Override since the filter produces all of its output
+  void EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion( DataObject *data );
+  LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter( const Self& ); //purposely not implemented
+  void operator=( const Self& ); //purposely not implemented
+  std::vector<MapType>                            m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread;
+  MapType                                         m_LabelSetMeasures;
+  SimpleFastMutexLock                             m_Mutex;
+}; // end of class
+} // end namespace itk
+#include "itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.txx"
diff --git a/itk/itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.txx b/itk/itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.txx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ced277b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
+  Module:    $RCSfile: itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.txx,v $
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date: $
+  Version:   $Revision: $
+  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
+  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef _itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter_txx
+#define _itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter_txx
+#include "itkLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h"
+#include "itkProgressReporter.h"
+namespace itk {
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ <= 2) //NOTE: This class needs a mutex for gnu 2.95
+/** Used for mutex locking */
+#define LOCK_HASHMAP this->m_Mutex.Lock()
+#define UNLOCK_HASHMAP this->m_Mutex.Unlock()
+template<class TLabelImage>
+  // this filter requires two input images
+  this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs( 2 );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+  Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
+  if( this->GetSourceImage() )
+    {
+    LabelImagePointer source = const_cast
+      <LabelImageType *>( this->GetSourceImage() );
+    source->SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion();
+    }
+  if( this->GetTargetImage() )
+    {
+    LabelImagePointer target = const_cast
+      <LabelImageType *>( this->GetTargetImage() );
+    target->SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion();
+    }
+template<class TLabelImage>
+::EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion( DataObject *data )
+  Superclass::EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion( data );
+  data->SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion();
+template<class TLabelImage>
+  // Pass the source through as the output
+  LabelImagePointer image =
+    const_cast<TLabelImage *>( this->GetSourceImage() );
+  this->SetNthOutput( 0, image );
+  // Nothing that needs to be allocated for the remaining outputs
+template<class TLabelImage>
+  int numberOfThreads = this->GetNumberOfThreads();
+  // Resize the thread temporaries
+  this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread.resize( numberOfThreads );
+  // Initialize the temporaries
+  for( int n = 0; n < numberOfThreads; n++ )
+    {
+    this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[n].clear();
+    }
+  // Initialize the final map
+  this->m_LabelSetMeasures.clear();
+template<class TLabelImage>
+  // Run through the map for each thread and accumulate the set measures.
+  for( int n = 0; n < this->GetNumberOfThreads(); n++ )
+    {
+    // iterate over the map for this thread
+    for( MapConstIterator threadIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[n].begin();
+      threadIt != this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[n].end();
+      ++threadIt )
+      {
+      // does this label exist in the cumulative stucture yet?
+      MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.find( ( *threadIt ).first );
+      if( mapIt == this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end() )
+        {
+        // create a new entry
+        typedef typename MapType::value_type MapValueType;
+        mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.insert( MapValueType(
+          (*threadIt).first, LabelSetMeasures() ) ).first;
+        }
+      // accumulate the information from this thread
+      (*mapIt).second.m_Source += (*threadIt).second.m_Source;
+      (*mapIt).second.m_Target += (*threadIt).second.m_Target;
+      (*mapIt).second.m_Union += (*threadIt).second.m_Union;
+      (*mapIt).second.m_Intersection +=
+        (*threadIt).second.m_Intersection;
+      (*mapIt).second.m_SourceComplement +=
+        (*threadIt).second.m_SourceComplement;
+      (*mapIt).second.m_TargetComplement +=
+        (*threadIt).second.m_TargetComplement;
+      } // end of thread map iterator loop
+    } // end of thread loop
+template<class TLabelImage>
+::ThreadedGenerateData( const RegionType& outputRegionForThread,
+  int threadId )
+  ImageRegionConstIterator<LabelImageType> ItS( this->GetSourceImage(),
+    outputRegionForThread );
+  ImageRegionConstIterator<LabelImageType> ItT( this->GetTargetImage(),
+    outputRegionForThread );
+  // support progress methods/callbacks
+  ProgressReporter progress( this, threadId,
+    2*outputRegionForThread.GetNumberOfPixels() );
+  for( ItS.GoToBegin(), ItT.GoToBegin(); !ItS.IsAtEnd(); ++ItS, ++ItT )
+    {
+    LabelType sourceLabel = ItS.Get();
+    LabelType targetLabel = ItT.Get();
+    // is the label already in this thread?
+    MapIterator mapItS =
+      this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[threadId].find( sourceLabel );
+    MapIterator mapItT =
+      this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[threadId].find( targetLabel );
+    if( mapItS == this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[threadId].end() )
+      {
+      // create a new label set measures object
+      typedef typename MapType::value_type MapValueType;
+      mapItS = this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[threadId].insert(
+        MapValueType( sourceLabel, LabelSetMeasures() ) ).first;
+      }
+    if( mapItT == this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[threadId].end() )
+      {
+      // create a new label set measures object
+      typedef typename MapType::value_type MapValueType;
+      mapItT = this->m_LabelSetMeasuresPerThread[threadId].insert(
+        MapValueType( targetLabel, LabelSetMeasures() ) ).first;
+      }
+    (*mapItS).second.m_Source++;
+    (*mapItT).second.m_Target++;
+    if( sourceLabel == targetLabel )
+      {
+      (*mapItS).second.m_Intersection++;
+      (*mapItS).second.m_Union++;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      (*mapItS).second.m_Union++;
+      (*mapItT).second.m_Union++;
+      (*mapItS).second.m_SourceComplement++;
+      (*mapItT).second.m_TargetComplement++;
+      }
+    progress.CompletedPixel();
+    }
+ *  measures
+ */
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+  RealType numerator = 0.0;
+  RealType denominator = 0.0;
+  for( MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.begin();
+    mapIt != this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end(); ++mapIt )
+    {
+    // Do not include the background in the final value.
+    if( (*mapIt).first == NumericTraits<LabelType>::Zero )
+      {
+      continue;
+      }
+    numerator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Intersection );
+    denominator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target );
+    }
+  return ( numerator / denominator );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+::GetTargetOverlap( LabelType label )
+  MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.find( label );
+  if( mapIt == this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end() )
+    {
+    itkWarningMacro( "Label " << label << " not found." );
+    return 0.0;
+    }
+  RealType value =
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Intersection ) /
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target );
+  return value;
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+  RealType numerator = 0.0;
+  RealType denominator = 0.0;
+  for( MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.begin();
+    mapIt != this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end(); ++mapIt )
+    {
+    // Do not include the background in the final value.
+    if( (*mapIt).first == NumericTraits<LabelType>::Zero )
+      {
+      continue;
+      }
+    numerator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Intersection );
+    denominator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Union );
+    }
+  return ( numerator / denominator );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+::GetUnionOverlap( LabelType label )
+  MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.find( label );
+  if( mapIt == this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end() )
+    {
+    itkWarningMacro( "Label " << label << " not found." );
+    return 0.0;
+    }
+  RealType value =
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Intersection ) /
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Union );
+  return value;
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+  RealType uo = this->GetUnionOverlap();
+  return ( 2.0 * uo / ( 1.0 + uo ) );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+::GetMeanOverlap( LabelType label )
+  RealType uo = this->GetUnionOverlap( label );
+  return ( 2.0 * uo / ( 1.0 + uo ) );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+  RealType numerator = 0.0;
+  RealType denominator = 0.0;
+  for( MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.begin();
+    mapIt != this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end(); ++mapIt )
+    {
+    // Do not include the background in the final value.
+    if( (*mapIt).first == NumericTraits<LabelType>::Zero )
+      {
+      continue;
+      }
+    numerator += ( ( static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Source ) -
+      static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target ) ) );
+    denominator += ( ( static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Source ) +
+      static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target ) ) );
+    }
+  return ( 2.0 * numerator / denominator );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+::GetVolumeSimilarity( LabelType label )
+  MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.find( label );
+  if( mapIt == this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end() )
+    {
+    itkWarningMacro( "Label " << label << " not found." );
+    return 0.0;
+    }
+  RealType value = 2.0 *
+    ( static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Source ) -
+      static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target ) ) /
+    ( static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Source ) +
+      static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target ) );
+  return value;
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+  RealType numerator = 0.0;
+  RealType denominator = 0.0;
+  for( MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.begin();
+    mapIt != this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end(); ++mapIt )
+    {
+    // Do not include the background in the final value.
+    if( (*mapIt).first == NumericTraits<LabelType>::Zero )
+      {
+      continue;
+      }
+    numerator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_TargetComplement );
+    denominator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target );
+    }
+  return ( numerator / denominator );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+::GetFalseNegativeError( LabelType label )
+  MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.find( label );
+  if( mapIt == this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end() )
+    {
+    itkWarningMacro( "Label " << label << " not found." );
+    return 0.0;
+    }
+  RealType value =
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_TargetComplement ) /
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Target );
+  return value;
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+  RealType numerator = 0.0;
+  RealType denominator = 0.0;
+  for( MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.begin();
+    mapIt != this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end(); ++mapIt )
+    {
+    // Do not include the background in the final value.
+    if( (*mapIt).first == NumericTraits<LabelType>::Zero )
+      {
+      continue;
+      }
+    numerator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_SourceComplement );
+    denominator += static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Source );
+    }
+  return ( numerator / denominator );
+template<class TLabelImage>
+typename LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter<TLabelImage>::RealType
+::GetFalsePositiveError( LabelType label )
+  MapIterator mapIt = this->m_LabelSetMeasures.find( label );
+  if( mapIt == this->m_LabelSetMeasures.end() )
+    {
+    itkWarningMacro( "Label " << label << " not found." );
+    return 0.0;
+    }
+  RealType value =
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_SourceComplement ) /
+    static_cast<RealType>( (*mapIt).second.m_Source );
+  return value;
+template<class TLabelImage>
+::PrintSelf( std::ostream& os, Indent indent ) const
+  Superclass::PrintSelf( os, indent );
+}// end namespace itk