(LOw COmplexity LOssless COmpression for Images)
developed at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories]
- <LI> gdcm doesn't read yet all <TT>JPEG2000</TT> encoded files.
- <UL>
- But we are working on it (a lot of troubles with Jasper).
- Update: as of Oct 10 2005, we are currently investigating another library:
- openjpeg. The problem still exist for this library but one of the author
- is currently working on it:
- http://www.openjpeg.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18
- </UL>
<LI> gdcm doesn't read yet <TT>MPEG2</TT> encoded files.
<TT>SeqEntry</TT> (if any)
<LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he doesn't want to write down
<TT>Shadow groups</TT> (if any)
- <LI> Allow user to tell the Writer which compression mode he wants<br>
- (Right now, no one is available)
<LI> Allow user to tell the Writer he wants to split a
<TT>Multiframe</TT> image into a serie of
<TT>Single frame</TT> images.
of the private <TT>Dicom Dictionary</TT>
to be used to parse <TT>Shadow groups</TT> against.
<LI> User friendly way of anonymizing image when Patient's name is
- carved in the Pixels :-(
+ burnt-in within the Pixels :-(
<LI> <a href= "DocCVS/html.developper/index.html">Developper
<LI> New Features
+ <LI> To be able to use gdcm1.3.x and ITK, developer is now allowed to
+ choose his own namespace for gdcm at CMake time : see GDCM_NAME_SPACE
+ option.
+ <LI> JPEG and JPEG2000 compression writting are now available.
+ see Examples/WriteDicomAsJPEG.cxx and Examples/WriteDicomAsJPEG2000.cxx
<LI> To <i>try to</i> make gdcm images PACS usable, user is now allowed to
gdcm what kind of image he wants to write, using : <br>
<TT>void FileHelper::SetContentType (ImageContentType c);</TT> <br>