Now even if the Overlay/Fusion isn't display, the time for 4D playing always start at 0
int vvSlicer::GetMaxCurrentTSlice()
int t = mCurrentTSlice;
- if(mOverlay)
+ if(mOverlay && mOverlayActor->GetVisibility())
t = std::max(t, mCurrentOverlayTSlice);
- if(mFusion&& (mFusionSequenceCode<0)) //ignore fusionSequence data: for these, the times are not to be related (this way)
+ if(mFusion&& (mFusionSequenceCode<0) && mFusionActor->GetVisibility()) //ignore fusionSequence data: for these, the times are not to be related (this way)
t = std::max(t, mCurrentFusionTSlice);
return t;