]> Creatis software - bbtk.git/shortlog
2013-08-19 Eduardo DAVILA2113 BBTK Feature New Normal SurfaceTexture bbtk Box
2013-08-19 Eduardo DAVILA2112 Feature TransformWidget bbtk Box
2013-08-19 Eduardo DAVILA2111 Bug Colors Law in SphereListBox
2013-08-19 Eduardo DAVILAMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
2013-08-19 Eduardo DAVILA2110 Bug Probleme reading the las line of the file...
2013-08-19 Eduardo DAVILA2110 Bug Probleme reading the las line of the file...
2013-07-26 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-07-25 Eduardo DAVILA2077 Feature IsoSurfaceWidget Box internal distribution
2013-07-25 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-07-18 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-07-17 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-07-15 Eduardo DAVILAMerge branch 'refs/heads/bbpCreator'
2013-07-15 Eduardo DAVILA2077 Feature IsoSurfaceWidget Box internal distribution bbpCreator
2013-07-15 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-07-09 Eduardo DAVILAMerge branch 'refs/heads/bbpCreator'
2013-07-04 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature Normal bbpConfigurator
2013-07-04 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-06-28 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature In Progress bbpConfigurator
2013-06-27 Daniel GonzalezPackage Browser on Drag change:
2013-06-26 Eduardo DAVILA2042 Feature bbpConfigurator
2013-06-26 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2042 bbpConfigurator
2013-06-25 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2042 bbpConfigurator
2013-06-24 Eduardo DAVILA2024 Feature ( FLIP X Y Z ) and the original option...
2013-06-20 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2042 bbpConfigurator
2013-06-19 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2042 bbpConfigurator
2013-06-19 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2042 bbpConfigurator
2013-06-05 Eduardo DAVILA2024 Feature FLIP X Y Z
2013-06-05 Eduardo DAVILA2023 Bug FilesFromDirectory order files
2013-05-02 Daniel GonzalezCout Line Commented for std:ExecSystemCommand blackbox
2013-05-02 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2006 Black Box for BitmapButtons
2013-05-02 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2006 Black Box for BitmapButtons
2013-04-26 Daniel GonzalezMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2013-04-26 Daniel GonzalezFeature #2002 Static Box Widget Black Box
2013-04-16 Esteban CorreaMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2013-04-16 Esteban CorreaIssue #1967 fixed
2013-04-15 Esteban CorreaSpacing type changed to double
2013-03-28 Ricardo A CorredorMerge branch 'master' of ssh://gitolite@git.creatis...
2013-03-27 Ricardo A CorredorIssue #1959 - New black box to calculate the minimum...
2013-03-18 Claire MoutonFeature #1947 Fixed the box allowing to convert a doubl...
2013-03-18 Claire MoutonFeature #1947 Added a box allowing to convert a double...
2013-02-15 Ricardo A CorredorChanges to define the background color of the Viewer3D
2013-01-23 Claire MoutonbbstdReadColumnsDouble adds an extra line at the end...
2013-01-23 cervenanskyMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2013-01-23 cervenanskyFeature #1889
2013-01-21 Ricardo A CorredorFeature #1894 Black box to clip a polydata with a plane.
2013-01-18 cervenanskyFeature #1889
2013-01-16 Claire MoutonMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2013-01-16 Claire MoutonEnabled dynamic modification of opacity in vtkShereList
2013-01-16 Ricardo A CorredorFeature #1886 Black boxes to measure lengths on images...
2013-01-04 Ricardo A CorredorFix input ComputeScalarsOn in recent modification
2013-01-04 Ricardo A CorredorAdds parameters to vtkMarchingCubes bbox
2013-01-04 Ricardo A CorredorChange in box description. Easier to search in the...
2013-01-02 Daniel GonzalezBug #1877
2012-12-14 Claire MoutonMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2012-12-14 Claire MoutonBug #1871 Compilation issue due to Boost and Qt compati...
2012-11-30 corredorMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2012-11-30 corredorRaCNov2012 Correct resize of internal panels according...
2012-11-29 Claire MoutonFixing the previous commit
2012-11-29 Claire MoutonBug #1838
2012-11-21 MoutonBug #1804 An extra file appeared after CVS to Git conve...
2012-11-16 Eduardo DavilaFeature #1783 origin
2012-11-16 Eduardo DavilaFeature #1774
2012-11-16 Eduardo DavilaFeature #1774
2012-11-16 Eduardo DavilaFeature #1774
2012-11-14 Esteban CorreaBug #1761
2012-11-14 Eduardo DavilaBug #1754
2012-11-12 Claire MoutonFixed a bug in a documentation path.
2012-11-12 Claire MoutonRemoved LRMN from the wxWindow titles.
2012-11-07 Claire MoutonFeature #1742 Modified the output type from double...
2012-11-07 Claire MoutonFeature #1743 Add a box building a vector ot arithmetic...
2012-11-07 Claire MoutonFeature #1742 Add a box providing the size of a vector...
2012-10-24 Eduardo DavilaBug #1716
2012-10-16 Eduardo DavilaBug #1498
2012-10-15 Daniel GonzalezBug #1658
2012-10-11 Daniel GonzalezGUIPlugPackage Script Fix
2012-10-11 Daniel GonzalezFeature #1676
2012-10-11 Daniel GonzalezFeature #1676
2012-10-11 Daniel GonzalezBug #1675
2012-10-09 Daniel GonzalezBug #1658
2012-10-08 Claire MoutonFeature #1654 Added a box refreshing a renderer.
2012-10-03 Claire MoutonFeature #1648 Add an example for the box finding a...
2012-10-03 Claire MoutonFeature #1648 Add a box finding a value in a list of...
2012-10-01 Claire MoutonFeature #1629 Added a box to multiply two double inputs.
2012-10-01 Esteban CorreaFeature #1628 increase the number of columns on ReadCol...
2012-09-21 Claire MoutonFeature #1609 In vtkText3D, fixed a bug at the first...
2012-09-21 Claire MoutonFeature #1609 g packages/wxvtk/doc/bbdoc
2012-08-06 Eduardo DavilaBUG 1576 Flip Box
2012-07-26 Eduardo DavilaBUG 1546 Temporary Picker Sync
2012-07-10 Eduardo Davila1503 BUG
2012-07-09 Eduardo Davila1501 Feature
2012-07-09 Eduardo Davila1500 Feature
2012-07-09 Eduardo Davila1494 Feature
2012-07-09 Eduardo DavilaClean comments
2012-07-09 Eduardo Davila1493 Bug
2012-07-09 Eduardo Davila1492 Bug
2012-07-04 Eduardo DavilaFuture 1454
2012-06-07 Eduardo Davilav0.9.6 BUG 1410
2012-06-06 Eduardo Davilav1.03 BUG 1410
2012-05-30 Eduardo Davilano message
2012-05-24 Ricardo CorredorChanges in bbtkWxGUIPackageBrowser2 to define a new...