]> Creatis software - clitk.git/shortlog
2017-03-10 David Sarrutprevent the use of the superbuild (to remove ?)
2017-03-10 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2017-03-01 tbaudierBe sure to have memory consuption in kB, MB, GB instead...
2017-03-01 tbaudierWrite B instead of b for Bytes
2017-02-28 tbaudierUndo commit 10a10f801f12d2cea51dd564a67003971ad66269
2017-02-28 tbaudierUncomment libstatgrab dependency
2017-02-21 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2017-02-20 tbaudierMerge branch 'histogramme'
2017-02-20 tbaudierAdd interactions with window/level bars in the histogra...
2017-02-17 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2017-02-16 tbaudier Copy transform matrix for NVector Image in vv
2017-02-16 tbaudierCopy transform matrix in clitk4DImageToNVectorImage...
2017-02-16 tbaudierCopy transform matrix in clitkNVectorImageTo4DImage...
2017-02-15 tbaudierAdd window/level lines in histogram tool
2017-02-13 tbaudierchange Qt5 travis path
2017-02-10 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/open-vv/vv
2017-02-10 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2017-02-10 tbaudierAdd histogram tool
2017-02-09 Simon RitClean up of David's commits
2017-02-09 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2017-02-09 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/open-vv/vv
2017-02-09 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2017-02-09 David Sarrutreplace remote rsync with local
2017-02-09 David Sarrutallow to merge hdr also
2017-02-09 David Sarrutchange path to usr/local + sps option
2017-01-26 tbaudierTravis: Change Qt5 version
2017-01-25 tbaudierSave correct landmarks coordinates with transformation
2017-01-24 tbaudierUpdate Landmark coordinates with transformation matrix
2017-01-24 tbaudierbuild vv with travis
2017-01-23 tbaudierIncrease cache timeout for travis
2017-01-23 tbaudiercompile vv with travis
2017-01-23 tbaudierBuild itk in travis
2017-01-20 tbaudiertravis build vtk
2017-01-20 tbaudierChange cmake flags vot VTK5.10 in travis file
2017-01-20 tbaudierjust build vv with travis
2017-01-19 tbaudierbuild vv for travis
2017-01-19 tbaudierForce gdcm to find spacing
2017-01-19 tbaudierAdd itk in travis
2017-01-18 tbaudierchange vtk version 6.0 to 5.10
2017-01-17 tbaudierChange vv compilation settings for travis
2017-01-17 tbaudierAdd travis files
2017-01-17 tbaudierRemove experimental condition for .gif
2017-01-09 tbaudierMerge branch 'landmark'
2017-01-09 tbaudierMerge branch 'pointeur'
2017-01-09 tbaudierDebug landmarks with transformation matrix
2017-01-09 tbaudierMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pointeur' into...
2016-12-19 tbaudierDebug mouse pointer for VTK5
2016-12-06 tbaudierChange mouse pointeur values
2016-12-06 tbaudierModify Nearest Neighbor interpolation
2016-12-02 tbaudierInitialize a variable in Binarize tool
2016-12-02 tbaudierRemove signal/slot connection bug with Profile tool
2016-12-02 tbaudierInitialize a variable
2016-12-02 tbaudierDebug Rigid Registration tool cancel
2016-12-02 tbaudierDebug Profile tool cancel
2016-12-02 tbaudierDebug Crop tool cancel
2016-11-30 tbaudiercosmetic
2016-11-30 tbaudierDebug world/voxel cross cursor informations
2016-11-30 Brent HuismanMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2016-11-30 Brent HuismanFIX: cant pipe cout to cerr.
2016-11-29 tbaudierChange cursor & mouse value
2016-11-25 tbaudierRemove libstatgrab dependency by default
2016-11-10 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-11-10 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-11-10 tbaudierDebug 4D playing with Overlay or Fusion:
2016-10-31 Brent HuismanBugfix: Handle treatment plans that contain number...
2016-10-18 tbaudierAdd flag to compile PacsConnection with external GDCM v1.4.0
2016-10-17 tbaudierEnsure compilation when CLITK_USE_PACS_CONNECTION is OFF
2016-10-17 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' into vectorImage
2016-10-17 tbaudierMerge branch 'vectorImage' of git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2016-10-17 tbaudierMerge branch 'vectorImage'
2016-10-17 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' into PacsConnection
2016-10-17 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' into vectorImage
2016-10-14 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-10-14 tbaudierDebug clitkImageConvert tool
2016-09-27 tbaudierAdd new tool: conversion from 4D Image to Vector Image
2016-09-16 tbaudierDebug Number of Component in Pixel Type
2016-09-16 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' into vectorImage
2016-09-16 tbaudierOpen NVector Pixel Image as 4D Image
2016-09-15 tbaudierDebug cross hair with 1D image
2016-09-15 tbaudierWith Qt4, debug the screenshot
2016-09-14 tbaudierDebut the creatio of the output in clitkNVectorImageTo4...
2016-09-14 tbaudierFinalize the creation of clitkNVectorImageTo4DImage...
2016-09-13 tbaudierAdd tool: clitkNVectorImageTo4DImage
2016-09-06 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-08-22 tbaudierDebug nrrd and hdr IO with static compilation
2016-08-22 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-08-22 tbaudierDebug nii files IO
2016-07-26 tbaudierIn PacsConnection GUI: debug save button into Configura...
2016-07-22 tbaudierAdd exit button for the PACS Connection GUI
2016-07-22 tbaudierEnsure compilation with VTK6/Qt5 and newer version...
2016-07-19 tbaudierModifications for Windows compilation
2016-07-12 tbaudierDebug VF display
2016-07-11 tbaudierEnsure compatibility with VTK5
2016-07-08 tbaudierAdd --mha tag in clitkDicomRTStruct2Image to allow...
2016-07-05 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-07-05 tbaudierRemove a render
2016-07-05 tbaudierRemove Render for ROI and Contours
2016-07-05 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2016-07-05 tbaudierRemove Update for ROI and Contours Actors
2016-07-05 tbaudierdisconnect a signal/slot for ROI