]> Creatis software - clitk.git/shortlog
2019-10-10 tbaudierFrom Benoit P, use clitkDicomRTStruct2Image with image... rtStruct
2019-10-10 tbaudierWith ITKv5, change VectorResample and VectorCast Image...
2019-10-09 tbaudierWith ITK 5, add itkReadRawBytesAfterSwappingMacro and...
2019-09-30 tbaudierSet Directions to CropImage Like
2019-04-18 tbaudierIncrease number of decimal for fusion and overlay
2019-04-18 tbaudierDebug clitkNormalizeImage
2019-03-28 tbaudiercosmetic for .ggo
2019-03-28 tbaudierThe lower and upper options can be tuned for all type...
2019-03-20 tbaudierAdd 2 options to clitkImage2Dicom
2019-03-12 tbaudierAdd preserve studyUID in clitkImage2Dicom
2019-03-08 tbaudierAdd output dicom filename to clitkImage2Dicom
2019-03-08 tbaudierAdd pixel coordinate instead of mm coordinates into...
2019-03-08 tbaudierRevert previsous commit with Roi name
2019-03-07 tbaudierChangment of cursor color value to keep the same color...
2019-03-05 tbaudierAdd scalar into clitkImageArithm operation
2019-03-05 tbaudierChange comment to be correct
2019-03-05 tbaudierInto ImageArithm GUI in vv, add other operations
2019-03-04 tbaudierBetter control to avoid segfault
2019-03-04 tbaudierChange name of the button in Image Arithm tool
2019-03-04 tbaudierQVTKOpenGLNativeWidget is available from VTK8.2
2019-02-28 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/open-vv/vv
2019-02-28 tbaudierAdd clitkImage2Dicom tool
2019-02-28 tbaudierAdd reverse flag in clitkDicom2Image
2019-02-28 tbaudierAdd instanceNumber sorting for clitkDicom2Image
2019-02-28 tbaudierChange header includion from .h to .cxx file
2019-02-15 tbaudierRemove vnl_math dependency into registration codes
2019-02-15 tbaudierRemove itkMultiThreader dependency because it does...
2019-02-15 tbaudierChange itkSimpleFastMutexLock to std::mutex
2019-02-15 tbaudierChange vnl_math_abs to std::
2019-02-15 tbaudierWith ITK 5.0, itk::ProcessObject::VerifyInputInformatio...
2019-02-15 tbaudierChange itk version for travis from v5.0b01 to v5.0rc01
2019-02-15 tbaudierRemove vcl_math calls
2019-02-13 tbaudierUpdate ggo for clitkMergeSequence
2019-02-13 tbaudierAdd pixel type options for clitkMergeSequence (double...
2019-02-13 tbaudierChange tab to spaces
2019-02-13 tbaudierChange description for clitkMergeSequence
2019-01-17 tbaudierCorrect roi name into DicomRTStruct
2019-01-14 tbaudierAdd a watcher to file
2019-01-11 tbaudierCosmetic
2019-01-11 tbaudierComment snoutID
2019-01-11 tbaudierChange paradigm to find files
2019-01-11 tbaudierDo not use Series Details
2019-01-11 tbaudierRemove extract_series option
2018-12-20 tbaudierAdd condition into clitkDicom2Image
2018-12-20 tbaudierChange dicom file sorting procedure in clitkDicom2Image
2018-12-20 tbaudierChange serie number to serie UID
2018-12-19 tbaudierOpen image, overlay, fusion taking into account the...
2018-12-19 tbaudierSet vv settings if they are not present when the user...
2018-12-19 tbaudierAdd the use of user parameters in vv_settings
2018-12-19 tbaudierDebug opening dicom with rotation matrix
2018-12-11 tbaudierPrefer to use link instead of copy for ccIn2p3 data
2018-12-04 David Sarrutadd JOB_ID as alias
2018-12-04 David SarrutMerge branch 'master' of git.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:clitk
2018-11-29 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/open-vv/vv
2018-11-29 tbaudierAdd clitkScintivolStats
2018-11-27 tbaudierChange N formula
2018-11-27 tbaudierAdd comment to precise the functionality of the inputs
2018-11-26 tbaudierAdd double image managment for clitkAffineTransform
2018-11-22 tbaudierDebug: correct wrong flag in condition
2018-11-15 tbaudierCosmetic
2018-11-15 tbaudierAdd option to define the volume of the filter in clitkS...
2018-11-15 tbaudierCheck if mask and input have the same spacing to comput...
2018-11-15 tbaudierCosmetic
2018-11-15 tbaudierPrecise the unite of the bounding box for clitkCropImag...
2018-11-15 tbaudierChange behavior of clitkCropImage with like option
2018-11-14 tbaudierMerge dose by region uncertainties using Gate uncertain...
2018-11-13 tbaudierPrecise information about RTStruct statistics in commen...
2018-11-13 tbaudierPrecise information about SUV peak in comments and...
2018-11-13 tbaudierRemove trailing spaces and tab
2018-11-13 tbaudierAllow compilation with ITK4.13.0
2018-11-13 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of git://git.creatis.insa-lyon...
2018-11-09 tbaudierModify mergeDoseByRegion
2018-10-29 tbaudierChange addition from bash bc to python
2018-10-16 tbaudierReindentation of the ggo file
2018-10-16 tbaudierAdd like option in clitkExtrude tool
2018-10-15 tbaudierAdd clitkExtrude tool
2018-10-04 tbaudierConvert Drag/Drop opening file function to c++ < c++11
2018-10-04 tbaudierMerge branch 'm-pilia-drop_files'
2018-10-04 tbaudierMerge branch 'drop_files' of https://github.com/m-pilia...
2018-09-21 tbaudierRemove verbose for travis
2018-09-21 tbaudierUpdate QVTKWidget to QVTKOpenGLNativeWidget for VTK...
2018-09-19 tbaudierMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/open-vv/vv
2018-09-18 tbaudierEnsure compatibility with ITK < 4.12 for throw exception
2018-09-18 tbaudierUpgrade cmake version to >3.10 for ITK 5
2018-09-18 tbaudierAdd VTK 8.1.1 and ITK 5 beta
2018-09-18 tbaudierAdd VTK 8.1.1 and ITK 5 beta
2018-09-17 tbaudierAdd VTK 8.1.1 and ITK 5 beta
2018-09-17 tbaudierAdd VTK 8.1.1 and ITK 5 beta
2018-09-11 Martino PiliaOpen files by dropping them inside the window
2018-09-07 tbaudierRemove clitkAffineRegistrationLib compilation when...
2018-09-07 tbaudierEnsure compatibility with newer version of VTK9
2018-09-07 tbaudierVTK remove ImmediateModeRendering due to
2018-09-07 tbaudierAdd AffineRegistration library to avoid compilation...
2018-09-07 tbaudierRemove throw to avoid warning with c++11
2018-09-07 tbaudierRemove throw to avoid warnings with c++11
2018-08-07 tbaudierUpdate to enable GDCMv3
2018-08-07 tbaudierEnsure compatibility with ITK5
2018-08-06 tbaudiercosmetic
2018-08-03 tbaudierDebug fusion display value for very small value